
Married to the Devil's Son

【Volume 1 - Married to the Devil's Son】 A prince, rumored to be the son of the Devil. He is the definition of Danger. He is the Darkness itself. A princess. Imprisoned in her own home, only to come out once she gets married. But married to whom? *** Once upon a time, the Devil fell in love with one of the King's many wives. One night he went to her room disguised as her husband and made love to her. She got pregnant with his child. Knowing this The King ordered her execution believing his wife cheated on him, but then the Devil appeared to the king making him a deal. In exchange for great power for his Kingdom, the King will let his wife Sire The Devil's Child. The King who was greedy for power agrees to the deal and his Kingdom becomes one of the most powerful Kingdoms and the Devil's Child, the seventh Prince of the Kingdom. Being a princess probably sounds nice. A life full of luxury, beautiful dresses and nice shoes, but for Hazel, there is nothing nice about being a princess. She can never go outside the palace, she can never have friends, she can never eat or say or wear whatever she wants and she can never choose the person she is going to marry. Soon she's getting married to a man she has never met, a prince rumored to be Son of the Devil. 【Volume 2 - Return of the Devil's Son】 **Sequel to Married to the Devil's son** He is back! This time fiercer, faster and stronger, with only one thing in mind. Revenge! Prince of Darkness, Son of the Devil, Lucian is back, and he has only one thing on his mind. Revenge! That's until he meets her. A woman who entices him beyond reason, but who also claims to be his wife. Surrounded by dark secrets and powerful enemies, Lucian must decide who to trust and who to destroy. After getting her heart broken once, Klara vowed never to fall in love again. But when her brother tries to force her into a marriage and the annoying but wickedly handsome Roshan rescues her, things get difficult. Can she protect her heart from the man whose touch sets her body aflame? Or will she surrender to her desire and risk her heart once again? —————————————————————————————————— 【Volume 3 - The Devil In Her Dreams】 THE BEAST AMONGST US Imagine living in a world full of fiery, feral beings, hiding in the shadows, roving in our dreams, creeping under our skin. Eavesdropping, manipulating our minds and exploring our bodies. They are savages, beasts but some of them are companions and childhood friends.  Some are dangerous, others even more dangerous. They live amongst us. Some of us call them Demons, others call them Djinn. But some of them should never be called.  THE BEAUTY  LOOKING FOR LOVE  Heaven, the devil’s granddaughter and princess of Decresh has everything in life. Loving parents, beauty, wealth, and status. But one thing is missing. And that is love. Heaven dreams of the kind of love her parents have and now that she has come of age to get married she has to find her dream man and the future king of Decresh. And she has to find him soon.  There is one man. A mysterious silver-eyed stranger who keeps appearing in her dreams. Who is he and what does he want? As the line of suitors grows, Heaven’s dreams become more vivid forcing her to go on a journey to find the man in her dreams. Could he also be the man of her dreams? Or would he turn out to be a nightmare?

JasmineJosef · 奇幻言情
314 Chs

Chapter 14

Lucian gazed down at Hazel as she blushed, and he couldn't help but bring his hand up and caress her pink cheek with his thumb. Heavens knew how much he wanted to lean down and kiss her. She was tempting him with this red dress and her bare neck and shoulders. He had been surprised and relieved that he hadn't forced himself on her last night when his demon was in control. Seems that his demon craves Hazel as much as he does the only difference is that his demon doesn't care about Hazel's feelings while Lucian does.

"Are you alright? I heard that the king is unwell" she asked worried. He had almost forgotten the big problem he had to deal with when he saw her.

"Hazel, I want you to pack some clothes, we will leave the castle". He didn't want for Hazel to stay another minute here. The king could die anytime and he knew that he would be the one to be attacked first, since his brothers hated him. Hazel looked confused at him "I will explain everything on the way" he said "now hurry!".

Once Hazel left Lincoln approached him "Your highness the horses are ready".

"Did oliver get information on what by brother's plan to do?" Lucian asked.

"Yes, your highness. The crown prince is planning on attacking you first once the king dies and he has already pinned your brothers against each other, so that they kill each other and his job becomes easier,". That sounded just like Pierre. Lucian had already expected that from his brother.

"What did he tell them?"

"That I don't know your highness. But your brothers have already begun to travel to gather their allies to help them get the crown. You should do that as well." That would be the difficult part since not many would want to be his allies and help him because of the rumors about him.

As if Lincoln read his thoughts he said "We should start with Maebeth kingdom." His wife's kingdom was a small kingdom that didn't have much power. Even if they agreed to help him, it wouldn't be that much of a help.

Lydia packed a few clothes for me while Ylva helped me get dressed into more comfortable clothes. Both were worried when I told them about the situation. Just to calm them down "everything is going to be alright" I said even though I myself wasn't sure about that.

I walked out to the garden where Lucian seemed to be busy speaking to some soldiers. I just stood there staring at him. I have never seen him speak much before. He was a man of few words. Until now we never had a conversation that lasted long, and I really wanted our marriage to work.

"My lady" looking to my side, I found a smiling Oliver approaching me. Something about him was different. He didn't look like the usually tough and silent soldier, he looked rather innocent and playful even though he was tall and looked strong.

"Do you prefer a white or a black horse?" he asked. Did he expect me to ride myself? I knew that most princesses know how to ride, it was something a royalty should know but my father never even let me out let alone learn something. I was more a prisoner than a princess back home.

"She will ride with me" Lucian said suddenly, standing next to me and taking my hand in his. Oliver smiled, a smile that reached his eyes. What was he so happy about?

"Fine" he said shrugging his shoulders.

I placed my arms around Lucians waist as we rode off. "Hold on tight, we will ride fast" he had told me, but I didn't expect it would be this fast. Even though I thought this was too fast, many soldiers were riding faster than us, slowing down now and then for Lucian to catch up. That's when I realized he was actually riding slow compared to how fast he usually rides.

"You don't have to slow down because of me," I said, "I am fine."

He chuckled, "are you sure?"

"Yes" I replied.

"Fine, then" he said in a challenging way and suddenly it felt as if I was flying away. The air whipping my face and hair and I got really scared, holding onto Lucian even more. My grip was so hard around his waist I wondered if he could breathe, but he wasn't complaining. Trees, houses, cliffs and lakes were passing by quickly before my eyes and I felt dizzy and sick. I tried to close my eyes and ignore the dizziness and the urge to vomit, but I couldn't fight it for long.

"Please stop" I whispered clutching onto Lucian wondering if he even heard what I said.

Abruptly he stopped, " are you alright?" he asked. I climbed down from the horse fast without any help and ran to the nearest tree, throwing up everything in my stomach. Lucian was already beside me and held my hair away. "Don't.." I began before throwing up again. I didn't want him to see me like this.

"It's alright" he said, massaging my back with one hand as he still held my hair with the other. I was so embarrassed when I turned around and found that all the soldiers stood there looking at me.

Lucian gave me a handkerchief as one of the guards handed him a bottle of water, which he gave to me as well. "Drink" he said as I wiped my mouth still embarrassed "you should have told me to slow down."

I took sips of the water while Lucian watched me intently, as if I would collapse anytime.

"I'm fine, let's continue " I smiled. I didn't want the journey to take longer than usual because of me.