
Married to the Demon Prince

Who knew that a tiny cut to the finger would hook her to the dark lord? * Hell broke loose when the bloodthirsty demon prince and conquerer of the underworld was bonded to a brainless underling by a ring. For generations his ancestors ruled the world with the powerful ring. One day, it vanished from the surface of earth and their power slowly diminished. After searching for it for so long to reclaim what was rightfully theirs, it finally appeared... bonded to a human girl.... and being the direct decendant of the great king and the righful owner of the ring, it enslaved him. ******* Frustrated, Que felt like screaming and punching him, but sadly she couldn't do either. Wiggling her butt, she slid down from his midriff when his hand left her butt briefly only to land back sharply with a smack. Silence. Silence More silence. "Did...did you just spank me?" "Stay still." "That gave you no right to hit me!" "I'll do it again." "Get your paws off me!" "You are the one straddling me." "It was an accident! What were you trying to do?" "That's what they all say." "You... unbelievable!" With a swift motion, he shifted until she was underneath him, his weight crushing her. "Silence I said..." He growled into her ears a large paw covering her mouth. With his free hand he switched off the light. ******* As a famous doom bringer, Que was avoided by everyone. If her childhood sweetheart could abandon her, who wouldn't? Something definitely smells fishy when she got a marriage proposal out of the blue right after her engagement was called off. What's more, its to be signed in three days! . ***** Hi... Yours Truly here, Cover not mine,credit goes to the owner.

Blooming_Safflower · 奇幻言情
155 Chs

12. Mafia Meeting.

If, only if people have super powers, even if it's a tiny bit of super powers, life would have been easier.

I'm not talking about saving the world superpowers, leave that to Marvel. Take for example, Cinderella, if Cinderella had super powers, she would have got back at her wicked and oppressive step mother and evil sister duo. That's exactly what I'm talking about, to get back at those that bullied us, the weaklings.

Inside the black SUV, Que glared daggers at the man reclining comfortably beside her with closed eyes. She had gone through all the possible scenarios of what she could have done to him had she had super powers. Her useless, bully-the-weak-and-spare-the-strong curse didn't count.

"𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘥𝘶𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘢𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘺."

Really!? After all she've been through? She was back in time! She hadn't managed to get any point and now even her salary is reduced?

What a bitter life.

Up close, she finally figured out what was odd about him. Sitting beside him, she felt like an 8 year old sitting beside her daddy. Although she has a petite figure, he is bigger than the average man. Taller and wider, not hulky, just bigger.

Did that even make sense?

And unlike everyone else in the building, he was cladded in a black tailored suit which fitted him perfectly, emphasizing his taut muscles. Everything on him is black. Is that to signify he is the boss?

The longer she stared at him the sorer her mood becomes but she couldn't bring herself to look away. He had a very unique features.

Bewitching, even.

Now that she was close enough she could see his face clearly not concealed in the shadows back at the office. He has a very feminine like face when his eyes are closed. Although he has a very sharp jawline which is not very feminine like, his long eyelashes, red full lips and a perfect nose was beautiful in a girly way. Heck even his eyebrows are perfect. What got her the most is his skin. It was a healthy light tan, silky smooth to the point that it glowed under the sun.

How does a guy have such perfection? Ah, what a waste of beauty.

Her eyes moved down to his neck, to his prominent Adam apple and for some reason she felt tasty. Thinking about it, she haven't had a drink since breakfast and she've up and about since morning.

Her gaze wandered back to his face and she inhaled sharply looking away. His slanted hazel and slightly purplish eyes were staring straight back at her.

Right, he 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 looked feminine when his eyes are closed. Right now he looked like a beast ready to devour you alive. She've never seen such a scary eye.

"No one ever told you it's rude to stare?" His voice was hoarse from sleep.

Hummmph, there's nothing to stare at his fear inducing face. They lapsed into a brooding (on her part) silence for the rest of the long ride. She turned her back completely to him and stared outside at the racing vehicles. The sky has gotten darker, the four o clock sun no where to be found.

As she stared at the gloomy sky, her mind wandered back to the last visit to Sheryl when she was drenched down to her underwear.

𝘙𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘦.

Was there a light inside her? How can she free it?

The tormenting bastard beside her said he would help cure her curse but all he did was torment her. Oh well, this is just their first day after marriage, she should at least be reasonable.

That goes for him as well.

When the car stopped in front a hotel, she got out carrying the plant like a trophy, only god knows what he'll do to her if anything happens to it here. She was tempted to killing it again just to spite him, but thinking about her paycheck she crush the thought.

Two equally blacks cars parked behind theirs and five men came down joining them. Like him, they were equally dressed in black leaving with her being the only odd one in white. Why did she feel like they resembled a mafia gang.

Que felt as if all eyes where looking at them, looking particularly at her the moment they stepped into the building. It's just a meeting over a plant, did they need this extravagant bodyguards? It's not like anyone would attack.

Wherever they passed, people hurriedly looked away or sped along avoiding them. She would also do that if she were them, they were a scary group of people minus her, she is just like a lost puppy. It wouldn't be a suprise if they suddenly pull out guns from their pockets.

They rode the elevator to an empty floor and a bulky man probably a guard judging by his uniform, joined them. He bowed before her husband and directed them to a hidden elevator in the wall. Instead of ascending upwards, they rode downward. Why did they have to go up in the first place?

Existing the elevator they appeared in a passage with a single door at the end. It was a dark office room with glass walls. The guard walked forward and touched a surface of the mirrored wall and it parted open.

Danger alert went off in her head. Only illegal activities needed high tech securities like this. What sort of client are they meeting in a place like this?

Another passage appeared, she tugged at the sleeves of her 𝘩𝘶𝘴𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥 beside her when they arrived at a dead end. He simply gave her a side glance when the guard repeated the gesture and another door open followed by a loud banging music.

They appeared to be on a balcony over looking what looked like a club. Well it is a club. An underground club. The loud banging music had her cringing and wishing she could cover her ears. She silently followed every turn they made weaving their way through the sweaty, drunk and half naked bodies untill they arrived in a soundproof glass room.


"Mr. Menalik, you arrived just in time." A tall handsome man with a perfectly straight teeth grinned at the boss extending his hand for a shake. He had a thick accent that his english is hardly understood.

"As always, Mr Gavianno."

So he is Italian. He as well as every person in the room was dressed in black suits, his inky black hair was gelled back and dark stubble lined the his jaw. His eyes glanced at her briefly as if he heard her thoughts.

Do they have a thing for black color?

They walked towards a semi circular seat and sat down, Mr Givianno and his crew occupied the other seats facing them, the dancing mass of people on the other side of the glass. The room was dim and had a strong smell of smoke, alcohol and expensive cologne.

The vase she was still clutching tightly was removed from her hand and she panicked, when she realized it was one of their men and she relaxed. She didn't want to lose even more money over a .... plant. After exchanging greetings, they began conversing in a cripted language. Since she have no clue about what they where talking, it must be cripted. She soon zoned out of their boring coded conversation and entertain herself with the drunk people on the other side of the glass.

The guy that took the vase from her passed her a glass of red liquid. Ah, he isn't that bad afterall, she smiled and thanked him taking a sip. She was thirsty!

The liquid which was a very strong alcohol she couldn't name burned her tongue and throat, she brought the glass from her lips coughing hard, and spilled some over her white shirt. Her actions brought their attention to her and she could only smile in embarrassment and excused herself to go to the bathroom.

Luckily no one seemed to mind.

She asked the guard at the door for the direction of the bathroom. She is not going to return anytime soon. She wasted no time in gaggling her mouth to remove the traces of the alcohol left as soon as she found the bathroom.

Que had never taken alcohol. Among number of things she never did. Her world was really small, but she liked it that way.

There were times she was tempted but had never brought herself to try. Her reaction was expected not to mention this was a very strong and expensive one. She washed the red stains on her shirt and by the time she was done, it was completely damp.

She removed the blazer leaving behind the shirt which was slightly damp and a little bit see through, thank god its dark in here no one would notice. At least it doesn't have traces of red. She left the bathroom and decided to head back, her head has cleared up and she've gotten the break she needed.

She came across two hallways on her way back, she tried to recall which one she had came through but wasn't sure so decided to take the shorter route, little did she know that led deeper into the underground maze. The farther she went the quieter it becomes. Que felt something was off but carried on. She'll ask for directions in case she got lost.

The passage was empty and quiet untill she arrived at a red passage with lots of locked doors. She halted in her steps, strange sounds came from within the rooms and the distinctive female moans echoed from within. When she listened closer she could hear sounds of whips and male groans.

Que covered her ears in horror and turned back preparing to leave when she knocked into a hot body. An arm snaked around her waist and she was pushed into the wall. Strong alcoholic smell combine with sweat made her stomach turn almost making her puke.

"Look what we have here." He slurred.

"Get off me." She struggled to get out of his grip but he was stronger than he looked. She tried kneeing him in his groin but the tight skirt restricted her legs.

"Please, don't touch me," She cried her hands restricted behind her back, her eyes burning. This can't be happening.

"Tut... playing hard to get only entice me, fierce one. Gavianno sure have an eye for good toys, are you from the recent collection?"

"I..i have no idea what you are talking about. Let go of me before I call the police." The man laughed loudly and burying his head into her shoulders and yanking her hair painfully.

"And tell them you were abducted?" he laughed even harder. "The drug didn't affect your brain did it? You'll never see the sun again, love. Just you, this place and all the men you'll have to please. Don't worry I'll be gentle, if you please me I might even buy you out of this place."

Buy her! This isn't what she think it is. She took in the atmosphere and her heart thumped. Human traffickers. They are selling girls into prostitution?

"Let me go!" Que bit his ear struggling even harder when his hand wandered all over her stomach.

He groaned and detached himself from her slamming her back to the wall.

"Bitch! I was going easy on you." He raised his hand to smack her. Que closed her eyes waiting for the impact which never came. The weight pressing her to the wall was removed and soon a crashing sound came not far away followed by groans and curses.

Que blinked her eyes at the person laying still not far from her. Looking up, the boss was standing right in front of her. He was alone in the hallway and her attacker was laying on the ground, unmoving. At that moment of fear and shock, he appeared to be a handsome knight in shining armor that came to rescue her. She had to stop herself from flying into his arms crying my hero. Giving her a once over, he slowly unbutton his coat and drape it over her shoulders taking her into a side hug.

"Dress more decent next time." He whispered into her ears.

Que was brought back to her senses and looked down at her shirt, the first two buttons were missing exposing a considerable amount of her cleaverage.

Who's fault was it exactly that she is dressed like this!? He have the gut to tell her to dress decently? His shining armor suddenly disappeared and instead donned a black cloak looking all the part of the devil. Reminding her of a certain someone.

She sulked as he directed her out of the building. Connecting bits of what she heard and what just happened, she came to a bad premonition.

She had married a drug dealer. Why else would he conduct a business with a human trafficker. Just what had she gotten herself into?

Que pursed her lips and remind silent through out the ride, they stopped at the office and dropped a message before heading straight home. He didn't say anything to her nor did she. When the car stopped they both went their separate ways and she trudged like a zombie back to her room.

She was frightened.

She ate her dinner silently in her room after a long shower and decided to retire to bed early. She was feeling down, she had almost gotten into bed when she remembered that perverted nightly visitor. Returning back to the table, she picked up a knife and went to bed, he would not get to her today. Clutching the knife under her blanket, she closed her eyes and drifted into sleep.

She had hardly closed her eyes for 10 minutes when she was shaken awake by Hanna, the first maid she met.

"Master has requested your present." She said with a flushed face.

"What!? Can't you see I'm trying to sleep? Why can't you go back and tell him I'm sleeping? Don't he know it's rude to wake up a sleeping person?" She fumed. What does he want now?

"Please come, ma'am. Don't upset the master.

She got up and followed behind the maid through a maze of stairs upwards. They soon arrive infront of a master bedroom on the top floor. It is the only bedroom on the floor and the place was even darker and colder than the rest of the building.

Knocking on the door, he hummed a reply.

"Go ahead, he is waiting for you." Like hell he is. She pushed the door open and stepped inside a massive black room. The door closed behind her but she didn't even notice that.

From the furnitures to the wallpaper, bedsheets and curtains, everything is black. There was a massive black swimming pool in the middle of the room surrounding the bed. The water rippled and he appeared from the pool. She quickly averted her eyes when she and turned around.

"Wha...what do you want."

"Do I need to remind you of your job? What did I say about slackers?"

Is this guy insane? It's 10 pm in the effing night, what job did she need to do? Que felt the searing of an impending headache.

"We are at home, do I still need to be your personal assistant even at home." She bit out as calmly as she could.

"You are my personal assistant in the office, and personal maid at home."

She must've heard wrongly, she whirled around thankfully he had a towel around his waist.

"You've got to be kidding me."

Picking another towel he threw it into her face.

"Clean me."

"I'm your wife not your personal maid! Are you out of your mind? I'm your equal and not below you." She raged.

"Oh, in that case forgive me. I never knew you were this eager to carry out your wifely duties. You can start by cleaning me up."

Hi...Hope y'all are good?

Blooming_Safflowercreators' thoughts