
Married to Mayhem

" Are you crazy ? " She asked " No am not " he replied. " But am indeed crazy about you . No am really really crazy for you " he replied with a warm look in his eyes. I can't marry you, never !!! She screamed at him. Listen young lady, you have little or no choice. Not even your money can save you and you are very well aware of that , so stop acting up . He explained gently. " What in the name of God is going on here " . She thought. " Despite all my yelling, he is still talking warmly. He must be crazy, I mean more crazy than I am " she concluded. Revenge? Yes ! Workaholic? Yes !! Marriage? Relationship? No !!!. Elena Shawn has lived her life without the thought of getting married or even being in a relationship until a document arrived from YR corporations for a contract married. Bringing out the anger and pain she had perfectly hidden and with her decreasing health, she's left with no other choice then to marry Edward Jones a man of mysterious background. How would she navigate her new life?. How would she accept the truth about her husband?.

Miss_Light_3601 · 奇幻言情
37 Chs


" Excuse me Mr Klaus " Elena called.

" Yes Miss, how may I help you ? " He asked.

" Where's Edward? I mean haven't seen him since I woke up " she asked.

" Oh I apologize Miss, but the master has an urgent matter to attend to so he left for Portland this morning " the butler explained.

" What Portland ? " She asked. " He should have at least informed me, I wanted to see my grandparents " she murmured.

" Miss please don't worry the master would arrive today " the butler said.

" Am not worried.... Am just.... I don't really know, he should have at least said something to me ... Not living silently " she said.

That day she was totally annoyed and sad, it was the first time he wasn't around. She couldn't pinpoint what was wrong with her but she couldn't get the awful feeling off her chest .

" How could he do something like this ? " She asked sadly.

" She's unhappy " a lady said

" What do you expect? She doesn't even realize it but she has already fallen deeply in love with the master " Mr Klaus replied.

" Anyway Klaus, why did you lie to her ? Telling her the master went to Portland " the lady asked.

" What should I have said? Tell her that I don't know where the master is ? " He asked.

" That's not what am saying? ".

" Get back to your work Amanda!! " Mr Klaus yelled.

" So arrogant " the lady murmured.

It was already nightfall and Edward wasn't back, Elena could not help but cry behind close door.

" Excuse me Miss but you should come down for dinner " Amanda called from behind but no response came.

" What's going on Amanda " another lady asked.

" I don't know Rebecca but the Miss isn't responding " Amanda complained.

" Maybe she's bathing, trying opening the door " Rebecca suggested.

" You think i haven't tried doing that ? " Amanda asked angrily.

" Klaus!!! " Rebecca yelled, she wasn't happy with the Miss's behavior and wasn't kin to stuffs that this.

" Are you insane Rebecca? Don't you know how to speak gently " Klaus asked on getting to Elena's door.

" She's not opening the door nor responding " Amanda complained.

" Miss Elena please open up " Klaus called. He fully understood what Elena was going through but she mustn't fall sick on his watch.

" She taking it too far " Rebecca breathed out angrily.

" Just shut the fuck up " Amanda and Klaus yelled.

" !!!... Suit yourself " she said storming out of the place.

" Miss .... " Suddenly the door flew up and Elena appeared before them in an unkept state.

" Are you alright miss ? " Mr Klaus quickly asked.

" Is Edward back ? " She asked ignoring his questions.

" No miss he isn't but you must come down for dinner " Klaus replied.

" Am not hungry, inform me when he returns " she replied slamming the door at him.

" Oops, she's furious " Amanda commented.

" Very " Klaus replied.

* Inside the room *

" How can he be so foolish, huh .... Just traveling without informing me ? Ack !!! This is so annoying, where am I even angry " she lamented.

" Because you are in love with him " a voice that belonged to her replied.

" Love ? You don't know what you are saying " she yelled

" Just accept the fact Elena... You love him, why else are you so angry at him. c'mon he traveled, jeez it isn't up to a day and you're this furious " the voice said sarcastically.

" Are you mocking me ? How dare you and who the hell are you? " She yelled. She couldn't accept what the voice was saying nor could she believe it.

" Am you silly little girl " the voice said vanishing off.

" That's not true " Elena murmured inaudibly as she fell at sleep.

It was already a week and Edward wasn't back sparking doubt in Elena's mind if Edward was ever real and if she wasn't in a dream.

" She has locked herself out totally " Amanda complained.

" Do you really not know where the master went ? " Rebecca asked as they looked at Elena from a distant.

" I would have told her if I knew " Mr Klaus replied.

" She's really down emotionally " Rebecca said.

" What do we do to cheer her up " Amanda asked.

" Just let her be and get back to your chores " Mr Klaus ordered.

" Such an ass " they both exclaimed.

* At Night *

" Klaus " came Edwards deep voice startling the butler

" Oh my goodness, master you gave a fright " Mr Klaus breathed.

" Where's she ? " Edward asked.

" Oh heavens master, the Miss... She's very furious " he replied.

" I expected nothing less " Edward murmured.

" She has been skipping meals " Mr Klaus said leaving him alone.

" Elle " Edward whispered like a holy chant.

Silently he walk to their room, standing before the door he opened it slowly not wanting to disturb her sleep.

" Edward!!! " She yelled starling him.

" My .... My wife " Edward stammered. He couldn't calm his beating heart at the fright she have given him, he actually thought she would be at sleep already.

" How dare you ? " She barked.

" Easy wife , you don't want to wake the house helps. Do you ? He asked. Mr Klaus already informed him on how furious she was but this was nothing compared to what he had expected.

" Do i care ? You.... You vanished into thin air, no call not even a text message. Am I your maid ? " She question.

" I ..... "

" Don't you dare cook up some excuses " she latched at him. " Am quite sure you have some woman with whom you spent an entire week with " she said feeling a pang of pain in her chest.

" What the hell are you saying ? " He asked trying to get close to her.

" Don't..... Don't come close to me " she yelled crying. " You spent a week with another lady and left me here..... Am your wife for goodness sake , Edward " she cried.

" I seriously don't understand what you are saying " Edward said feeling confused.

" I called Liam amd he knew nothing about your whereabouts, now tell me am lying " she said.

" Listen wife.... I never told any of my men where I went to too " he tried calming her down.

" You lying machine " she screamed slapping him across his cheeks.  " You have the guts to spend a week with another woman and you can't admit it " she yelled.

" God damnit Elena, what the heck are you saying ? Who filled you mind with such nonsense " he asked moving closer to her and trapping her between him and the wall.

" No one .... I just know " she replied.

" How dare you accuse me? What gave you the right to accuse me ?." He asked looking at her with an intended gaze.

" Accuse ? You think am laying Accusations on you ? " She asked avoiding his gaze.

" Yes you are " he replied.