
Mao Ga-Kuin No Ningen ( Human in demon academy)

My brother enrolled me in a demon academy! God, I have 5 demon brothers fallen in love with me! How is my life gonna be here?

Aoicutefox · 奇幻言情
5 Chs

Enrolled into a demon academy

The sun shone brightly.

The sound of birds chirping.

The sweet scent of the flowers.

Many years had passed after that incident.

A cute little girl and her big brother were going to school.

"Run faster big brother or we'll be late for class!"

The little girl and her brother were getting late for class as they woke up 5 minutes late.

"Kumi, slow down or you'll fall!" said the brother.

Kumi (The little girl) kept on running without listening to her brother.

She was running so fast that she did not observe a banana peel lying on her way.

"We're almost there big brother. I can see our school from here!" she said with excitement.

Kumi suddenly stepped on the banana peel and slipped, causing her to fall.

The brother quickly ran towards Kumi.

He kneeled and asked, "are you alright Kumi?" he was really worried.

"Big Brother I got a boo-boo!" she said sobbing.

He quickly took out some ointment from his bag and applied it for Kumi.

He then took out a bandage and placed it on Kumi's injury.

"Don't worry you'll be fine now," he said.

Kumi wiped her tears and said, "Big Brother could you carry me to school." she asked with a cute face.

He smiled and took her in his arms.

Both of them then walked and reached their school.

He dropped Kumi at her class.

"Alright, then see you later Kumi. Remember I won't be able to pick you up today," he said.

"Yes, I do silly. I'll be fine," she said smiling.

Saying this she ran inside her class and sat in her seat.

The big brother sighed and went to his class.

"Good morning Kumi chan." Kumi's friend Maggie saw her and greeted her.

"Good morning to you too Maggie chan!" she replied happily.

Maggie observed Kumi's wound and asked her about it.

She said, "How did you get a boo-boo Kumi chan?"

Kumi smiled and said, "oh this, well I fell on the way."

"Are you alright?" Maggie asked in a worried manner.

Kumi smiled and said, "yup I'm fine."

Maggie and Kumi started talking after that.

A few minutes later their teacher, Miss. Honda entered the class.

"Good morning my sun shines!" she said smiling.

"Good morning Miss. Honda" replied the students.

Suddenly a little boy with blonde hair entered the class.

Everyone was confused.

They had never seen that boy before.

"Kids meet your new friend Zack," said Miss. Honda, smiling.

"And Zack meet your new crew." She continued.

Zack bowed to everyone.

He said, "N-nice t-to m-meet you, everyone."

He was not able to speak properly.

Most kids in the class started laughing.

Zack's face went down as he heard the laughter.

"Poor guy," Kumi said.

Maggie nodded her head.

"Ok, which one of you kids would like to let Zack sit next to you?" asked Miss. Honda.

Kumi stood up and said, "Mam Zack can sit next to me."

Kumi became the centre of attention of all students when she said that. They all started talking to each other about Kumi.

Kumi did not care about this, she wanted to help the poor boy.

Zack's face lit up a little when he heard this.

He even blushed at this. This was the first time someone has stood up for him like this.

Miss. Honda smiled and said, "Ok Zack you can sit next to Miss. Nakamura over there."

Zack went and sat next to Kumi.

"Hi, I'm Kumi Nakamura," she said.

"Hi, I'm Maggie Murasaki," said Maggie.

"I'm Z-zack n-nice to m-meet you," he said smiling.

After a long day, the class finally got over. Every student ran out of the class. Even Maggie bid her new friend and Kumi goodbye and went home.

Only Kumi and Zack remained in class.

"Aren't y-you g-going h-home?" Zack asked.

Kumi sighed and said, "ya I will go but my brother won't pick me up today."

Zack took the chance and said, "I c-could d-drop you t-then." he was eager to walk Kumi home.

"ok," Kumi said smiling.

Both of them started walking home.

Zack's house was on the way where Kumi went to her home so she could have someone to have her company till then.

A few minutes later they reached Zacks house. There Zacks mother was waiting for him.

Zack ran and hugged his mom.

He said, "M-mom this i-is my n-new fr-friend K-Kumi."

Kumi smiled and said, "nice to meet you Zacks mom I'm Kumi Nakamura."

Zack's mom smiled and said, "Oh nice to meet you, dear please feel free to call me auntie."

Kumi smiled.

She said, "ok meet you at school tomorrow Zack and thank you for accompanying me." after saying this she waved to Zack goodbye and went.

Zack also went inside his house.

Suddenly a bunch of men dressed in black appeared in front of Zacks mom.

"Guards kill her," she said.

She was Eichi. Zack was Eichi's fifth son.

She could see a bit of that dark angel in Kumi.

The guards quickly went to kill Kumi.

Kumi was simply humming and going when a bunch of men dressed in black appeared in front of her.

They tried to harm her.

She ran as fast as she could and reached her house. She opened the door and entered. She locked the door as soon as she entered.

She climbed to her room upstairs and locked herself in there.

She started weeping.

She wanted her brother to come home as soon as possible.

She could never forget this incident.

She was really scared.

Suddenly she heard a knock at her door.

She quickly ran towards the door and opened it. It was her big brother.

She hugged her brother as soon as he entered.

She never wanted to walk home alone again.

( 4years later )

"Kumi wake up!"

4yrs had passed the small and cute 6yr old Kumi had now grown up to an um...sleepy lazy 10yr old girl.

Fuji her big brother had also grown up to be a 14-year-old young handsome teen.

Fuji crashed into her room and said, "Kumi wake up or you'll be late for class!"

Kumi was too lazy to wake up. "five more minutes." she said.

"Fine, then no pancakes for you I guess," said Fuji.

Kumi woke up as soon as she heard the word pancakes.

Fuji went down to do his chores.

Kumi quickly brushed her teeth and took a bath.

She opened her drawer and saw that her school uniform was missing. And instead, a new uniform was there. She wore that and stomped down furious.

"Fuji where is my uniform," she shouted angrily.

"You're wearing it," Fuji replied calmly.

"No, I'm not," Kumi said.

Fuji sighed. "I've changed your school," he said.

Kumi was really mad when she heard that. She wanted to pull his hair out. She was that mad.

"You did what?!" she said furiously.

Fuji stayed calm. "This is for your good," he said.

Kumi did not like the idea of changing her school. The reason Fuji wanted to change Kumi's school was that no one in that place wanted to be her friend. She was friendless.

Her old friends had all left that school and joined other schools.

"I'll drop you at your new school today," he said.

"Whatever," Kumi replied.

Fuji and Kumi went to Kumi's new school through Fuji's car. 8minuts later they reached the school.

Fuji dropped Kumi at her new school and went back home.

"St.Akuma huh," she said to herself.

"What a weird name. can't believe someone would name a school after demons."

She smiled to herself and entered the school.

-To be continued-