
Manipulative Villain is Overpowered?!

When one achieves godlike powers they get strong. But what if they didn't? To survive in this world one must be powerful. If one is weak, they will be despised. Shunned by society. Killed. But what if this 'weak' person, who was shunned by this 'society' fought back?

ManekiNekooo · 奇幻
2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Equinox

There was a cool summer breeze blowing over the sands of Essalia Castle's private beach. Princess Alica looked up at the white clouds and sighed.

"Being a princess is such hard work…" she groaned to her maid, Emily. "All those boring tutors...I just want to spend all my time relaxing at the hot springs."

"Heh heh…" Emily giggled, baring her single pointed fang that Alicia knew indicated her feisty nature. "At least we can play here at the beach!" She pulled a secret thread on her maid outfit and it exploded, revealing a white bikini with a miniskirt-style bottom and a white bow on the chest. "Race you to the ocean, Ali-chan!" she dashed over the sand, splashing into the waves.

"Ahhhhhh…." Alicia sighed, pouting. It sure was tough having a maid like Emiliy...she had so much energy! She let her white towel emblazoned with the dragon-and-unicorn crest of House Valross-Rilax fall, revealing her pink bikini which was stylishly decorated with white frills.

"Hey, I'm waiting, Ali-chan!" Emily shouted. Alicia closed her eyes. Maybe, for just one moment, she could forget about being a princess and be just a normal girl. Her eyes flashed open and she laughed, dashing across the sand and leaping over a tide pool.

"I'm coming, Emily!" she exclaimed, landing in the water with a splash. However, no sooner had she entered the sea when she was splashed with a wave of water!

"Got you!" Emily exclaimed, winking and giving a peace sign. However, Alicia's political education had not entirely gone over the air-headed princess' head – she knew how to read people and detect the subtleties of their actions. For instance, while Emily's playful nature was genuine, she sometimes played pranks like this because she was jealous of Alicia's chest size.

Considering the swimsuit Alicia was wearing...she'd definitely have to keep her guard up.

Meanwhile in the castle, an even more interesting topic was at hand.

"Pure nonsense!" Thedorius Mangiegear squawked, spitting out half of his large gulp of wine he'd just taken. "I cannot let this foul creature in my country any longer! Disperse!"

"Sire….if you don't mind my interruption… you are the king and ahem…" Fidly Slimystench "They are your guests…" He nervously pointed towards the multiple men sitting along a long wooden table.

"I am aware of that Slimystench. However I do not need a lowly commoner making my decisions! Don't anger me more, or else you'll be on the streets just like this so called 'guests'."

"My liege, need I remind you that I am not a commoner. I am a man of immense wealth...of..of course nothing compared to yourself…" Fidly Slimystench hesitantly stepped back from the chair at the head of the table and walked back to a corner of the wall.

One of the men who had come to Thedorius rose his head, he had a long thick white beard and beady, intelligent yet kind eyes. "I meant no sort of misdeed with my coming here… I just know that as a wanderer a came here in hope you could give me, and my other travelers a small lone to live by until we find ourselves a job."

"Oh yes...a wanderer indeed! Rubbish! You'll just wander right out of this city after I've given you the loan without ever paying it back!" Thedorius said, spraying yet more wine on his large cravat.

"No, my son. We will not. I will stay true to my word. I will give you my full consent to have us imprisoned or even executed if you find out your suspicions are true!" The wandering man said.

"I cannot disagree to that…I do very much like having that sort of authority… but still you cannot sway me to your ways! I know the likes of you! You sort try you little sneaky tricks to sway me to your way of thinking as quick as possible!" Thedorius stood up on the table, thrusting his fist into the air. "But as a proud Mangiegear I shall not fall for it! I will never let you take out a loan!"

"My dear friend. I must resort to revealing my secret." The wandering man through off his peasant cap revealing a two foot high crown. "King Wanchester Volptos Jr. Enternen the Third is my name and my title! And I, my good fellow is the king of all of Mestrik!"

"My word!" Fidly said, stepping away from the wall. He gave himself a few moments of staring before quickly snapping into frantic action, "My most sovereignly kingly majesty, it is quite hot today… how about a cold refresher? On the house of course, my most wonderful king!"

Without waiting for the slighest response Fidly Slimystench ran out of the room to grab the drink.

"What a pleasant young man you have working for you!" King Wanchester chuckled.

"You know… I don't care what silly titles you give yourself I play by my own rules! And my own rules are that I'M the boss around here!" Thedorius, still standing on the table, pointed to himself, "And since I'm the ruler, I couldn't care less who you are! I'm sure you question is the exact same anyways… Actually I'm sure you're just lying about everything!"

King Wanchester chuckled again, "I am no liar. Do you remember me once saying that I was not the king until I did?"


"Hoho! Exactly!" The king laughed again, however this time more smugly. "Now then...think about all of this will you, old chum? Now I better be off, chop-chop!"

Thedorius was speechless.

King Wanchester smiled, "Well I must be on my way now! Please tell that amazing servant of yours to bring the refreshment to the castle gates!"

"No..no! This is fiddlesticks, an utter absolute monstrosity!" Thedorius screamed as King Wanchester walked out of the building.

"You majesty, King Wanchester Volptos Jr. Enternen the Third. You have a political discussion coming up rather soon! Your schedule is jam packed!" One of the king's subordinates said quickly.

"Of course, of course, my young fellow." Thedorius said nonchalantly walking back to his fancy horse drawn carriage.

The first chapter of the new award winning novel! If you want to write any fan fictions please comment on this novel and show your support!!

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