

With a trembling hand August try to reach the stream of white light in front of him. It's rather warm but cold at the same time like a hot ice honey ale in the bar outside the capital city Port of Geas.

"Move! Control! Abracadabra! Expecto Patronum!? It's not working" August sighed

"Right! Meditation!" He then sit down and start doing nothing but thinking.

"So i can see the white lights around me, but when it pass through me it felt like the wind blows. My wrist and my left eye felt normal, oh wait a minute." August pinch himself in the arm, then some pinch in the cheek, then he started punching himself in the face.

"Fuck! I don't feel pain!" his concentration to meditate has lost. "Really? Is this all your doing? Should i be happy or mad?" staring up.

"You could made me like this before i cut my wrist, you joker!" like waiting some answer, only silence that come. Whistling winds that caressing the tree leaves made the complete ignorance scene so alive.

"Okay, i will play by your rules" he answered himself and started to close his eyes again.

August thought about the meaning of the symbol that changed his life twice, does he need to look for another symbol or maybe he will be losing one eye.

Verance Federation has a vast land but only three centralised city, all of them self governing their city. Led by their prime minister that chosen by the three governor of the city, was the ministry of nine or second in command of the federation. The small federation government made it almost like an absolute monarchy. But the citizens have freedom to speak and criticized the government.

While the prime minister chosen by the governors, the governors were passed down by the former. Yes, the city is actually a small sized kingdom but unified into one federation so the king becomes governor and throwing the so called royal blood. Armann, Burgees, and Varancia the three town that become the pillars of Verance Federation. The federation have already exists since Fifty years ago because the smaller kingdoms was at war with the Celtanors Islander that they called plunderer. They lost a lot of skirmish and villages so they gave up their pride and unite under the same person that time.

Jehanne the young girl from the small village of the eastern Varancia become the holy maiden of the people. She rally the able men and women from the village and starting a force to repel the invaders and taking back their homeland. She get the King of Varancia military support when she started the campaign and successfully lift the siege of Roles Fort. The siege has been last for a month, food supply of the both sides have become scarce.

Roles Fort now was the center of the Verance Federation, the Celtanors have already seizing around half of the three kingdoms territory. Varancia was left with only two cities but because of Jehanne the Holy Maiden they rise in power again and having the majority support of the population. Against the Celtanors that occupying the land, Jehanne never raise her sword. The only weapon she hold was her banner for raising the troops morale and spirit. The motivated army felt like three times stronger than before, the use of cavalry countering Celtanors veteran bowman that winning any skirmish before.

The siege of Roles Fort was a turning point that made the flow of the war reversed. The counter attack and the forming of Verance Federation had begun. The Celtanors routed by Jehanne and his militia in a single day, the army of the militia looks like possessed angry mob sweeping the battlefield outside Roles Fort. The army of the Roles Fort become the witnesses of how the holy maiden leading her army, then the fort leader sent a letter to his King Carl of Varancia about the situation of the battle. Carl of Varancia and the Leader of the Roles Fort become the early nobleman follower of the Holy Maiden Jehanne.

The next huge battle was the siege of the biggest city in the area named Parsara, the last capital of Varancia before occupied by the Celtanors. Eleven meters tall and heavily defended walls, moat that dug outer the wall, and the heavy crossbows that installed in the corners. The Celtanors bowman was really on an advantageous position in this battle. The Armann and the Burgees joined the siege with catapult, siege tower and ladders. Both sides have prepared for the consequences and casualties that will come.

The first light of the day was the bombardment,they focusing on the towers and the corners of the walls to incapacitate the heavy crossbows first. Every shot calculated to not missed the defence structures, they never want to devastating the residential area or the civilian safety because it's their people too. In the middle of the bombardment, Jehanne ride forward alone with her banner and stopped in front of the gate. Take off her helmet then shouted her words 'God always with us, for Va ranc!'. At the same time the defender shot an arrow that sunk deep in her chest, the joint army shocked that their leader had been shot. They charging forward trying to save their leader but it's too late, Jehanne has fallen and the three army commanders that hear the shout got into madness. They stopped the bombardment and charge with the siege towers and ladders and all of their army like a horde of beast. Rumors can't stopped by the walls, chaos break inside the city. In the end of the day, Parsara has taken back by the 'Va ranc'/ Verance.