

Hmm? it seems that you know what the gold coins are so that saves a lot of time" Sirus said as he glanced at Enopy with a surprised Expression before he sighed with helplessness

"So the bronze coins have the ability push cultivation forward just like the gold coins but it has a way larger capacity and stronger Effect despite its poor look" Sirus said

"You're quite poor compared to other people I have looted" Enopy let the information sit in before he let out a rude statement

"Hmm? What makes you say that?" Sirus raised one eyebrow

"You barely have any special items or inscribed items, and the majority of your assets are these coins, you seem pretty poor to me" Enopy let out a few undeniable facts while he shrugged his shoulders

"When you have such a big role as mine you don't have time to go out on broad and crazy adventures, remember high risk equals the probability of a higher reward but I had no time to go on those high risk missions or adventures" Sirus let his mind flow to the past as he thought about his adventures as a young man and he couldn't help but think of his position as a prison that trapped him

"He wasn't an idiot so he had thought like this before but due to the situation in the circumstances he never got the chance to go out and express his desires and these conversations made him think of his bright and broad past compared to the rest of his life and even now

Enopy he had seen Sirus' reminiscing expression so he stayed quiet for a few seconds before he said

"Enzo, come here"

He had partially forgotten about Enzo but within those quiet seconds a faint slushing sound rang out which stole his attention

"What do you want!?" Enzo scorned

"We're leaving today so jump to my kimono Enopy pulled one side of his kimono and revealed a space for Enzo to jump into

"Huh leaving?" Enzo had always been here for the majority of his lifetime and he could barely remember what happened before that much less the memories that had truly stained his existence, So the idea of leaving came to him as a huge surprise

But soon the surprise was engulfed by excitement as he then jumped into Enopy's kimono

"Leaving!?" Sirus replayed those words in his mind but he dared not to show any reaction on his face as he followed beside Enopy

"Bring her" Enopy ordered as he continue to walk in the direction of the gate

Sirus knew exactly who he was talking about and he walked over to Elizabeth he then picked her up and put her on his shoulders

Soon they had arrived in the first circle "Enzo did you get what I wanted" Enopy asked as he continued to walk towards the travel tunnel

Each circle had a travel tunnel station

"Yes" A voice came out from Enopy's kimono

Hours before

Enzo stop lying around here, take this giant crate and go to the cities food storage make sure to fill the crate up and then bring it back"Enopy ordered


After Enzo's reply they dived back into silence

After a while of walking they soon reached the travel tunnel

They quickly climbed some stairs and stepped onto the platform

This platform was completely lined up with the travel tunnel it had a circular space that was in the middle of it, it had the form of a circular transparent elevator

It worked in a way that you would step inside of it and then it would open up on the other side and pull you into the tunnel

Sirus send this to the port And you should know which port don't try anything because when I was messing with your daughters memories I also put a bind on her I can kill her at any moment He threatened

Sirus' eyes widened does he look like he would jump on Enopy and kill him right there but he knew that he was unable to after few seconds of silence in a stare down Sirus turned around and entered the coordinates into a panel which caused the circle like elevator to open

Enzo spit out the giant crate, Enopy then pushed it into the elevator

"Boom!" The giant elevator closed as the doors in the back side opened and within a fraction of a second the crate was pulled into the tunnel and instantly disappeared from their sight

Sirus was confused as to why Enopy would want to do this but he stayed quiet and asked no questions

"Oh crap, Enzo go get Para I keep forgetting about her" Enopy slapped his forehead

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you i have her I saw her on the way to the storage so I picked her up" Enzo said in a nonchalant tone

"Then where is she" Enopy asked

Enzo had spit out the crate and jumped back into Enopy's Kimono so he grumbled in annoyance when he was forced to jump back out

He landed on the ground and spit her out

"Cough cough! ha! ha! ha!...." She coughed violently before she let out uneven breath's

She had put back on her armor usually it was shiny black but now that shiny black armor was covered in slime but Enopy showed no care for that as he said

"OK. then put her back"

Enzo didn't waste any time as he opened his mouth

"Wai-!" Was the only thing that she could let out before she was gobbled up

"All right let's go" Enopy announced

They soon reach the end of the city as Enopy then said "Open up the door to this place"

"What?" Sirus let out

"Just do it" Enopy said calmly as he completely ignored Sirus

"Ok" Sirus said before he reached his hand out And soon after a peice of the wall dissapered and revealed the quiet, cloud-cloaked, barren land

"Good, now drop the girl and kill yourself"