

Kolitis soon retracted his killing in time along with his arm he quickly disappeared and reappeared facing the wall

Athel continued to stand there in shock but when he heard Kolitis next words his body instantly sprinted into action

"Get out" Kolitis cold voice rang out

Athel's body Immediately began to move Kolitis had already made a path open so he instantly sprinted out without looking back The entirety of his being was focusing on getting away from Kolitis

That level of killing intent made his legs wobble and his spine shiver

He went back to his room and when he stepped inside his body finally calmed down But he instantly clenched his fist as his face turned tomato red in anger

His situation was very dangerous, he knew it was his fault but he was truly mad that instead of his instincts making him get it as far away from Kolitis it took him to this room he felt calm and safe in this room, this room that was under the protection of Kolitis, and he couldn't believe it in his anger uncontrollably rose

He truly loathed that face and those puffy eyes


Enopy was extremely satisfied with the thought gun technique he didn't feel the need to change the name since it's main effects would stay the same but he wanted to see the improvement of the others so he quickly moved towards creating the last technique

There were four techniques thought restorer, mind shield, and a new technique absorption booster, although two of them were old techniques he would be able to put them all to good use but there were still one more and it was pretty damn stupid

"Thought restore was used to restore thoughts at a faster paste than usual while mine shield was a shield used to protect the mind, and lastly absorption booster had the same concept as that restore but it only worked for the physical core

He had an idea he wanted to create some thing that would work automatically and help him absorb energy to all centers of power it would be like a cultivation method but it would work endlessly

The last technique was one that would probably never be used in most situations it was called extra skin, as the name stated it was literally a layer of extra skin, it had no defensive properties it was just extra skin but he would use it in a way that it would be a layer of extra skin that contained the technique technique allowing to run at all times but he needed it to be working around his body so the extra skin technique fused with the others would be great and would solve all problems

He laid out the absorption booster technique and the thought restorer technique he would first fuse their meanings before any other step

Within minor moments the meanings begin to float out of the techniques and he quickly studied them, within half a minute he already began the fusion

They moved closer and closer together before only one ball remained

The thought restorer technique had a transparent meaning but the absorption booster took the form of a swirling disc before a sudden expansion that turned into a huge tornado but it was only inside of a globe like structure so nothing happened to the surroundings

And because of those features the final product had the form of an almost transparent tornado but this time instead of going from small to big it went from big to small and seemed that it had taken on the features of the thought restore

The thought restore technique worked in a way that it would boost the speed at which you produced thoughts but the effects got weaker and weaker over time, but he didn't freight in a couple of moments that wouldn't matter

After a few moments of keeping it tightly wrapped with his consciousness he let it go and let it flow back into that technique after waiting for a few moments and Making sure that everything was stable he moved on

He laid out the mind sheild technique he really didn't need to add the properties of this technique but he wanted to direct the flow of energy more towards his mind because he knew that the ranks that lead after magic knight depended more on the mind

There would still be a very constant flow of energy going towards the physical core but he still put more priority on the mind

He laid out the densefire technique right besides the mind shield technique as he then flipped Through The new absorption technique and found its diagram page

A few moments later he had already taken out a bunch of pieces from the mind shield technique and he quickly moved on to the dense fire technique it was only a few pieces of the automatic functions left but they were still big chunks that he didn't hesitate to take

He quickly finished up and he threw the dense fire technique back into his space ring he probably wouldn't ever use it again but he could definitely use it as a bargaining chip or at least get a few bucks on the side

He Immediately threw the other techniques into his space ring and he laid the extra skin technique out in front of him along with the new absorption technique, meanings came out of both of them in no time

The new absorption techniques meaning Had the form of A transparent tornado but instead of changing size in any way it had a constant and steady flow which Enopy smiled at

He quickly fused their meanings and there was no sign of unstablity the extra skin technique wasn't complicated so it was instantly absorbed into the absorption technique

He couldn't hold back any longer so he instantly deployed the new technique he took off all of his clothes so he could see the effects

A layer of skin suddenly grew from his chest and extended to all parts of his body before an absorption at his abdomen was created, the energy moved to the physical core and through an invisible small tunnel some of the energy reached his mind, he smiled even harder when he noticed that it was purely absorbing darkness particles, he knew that the absorption booster technique absorbed the particles of the users aptitude but he was very excited when he saw the new technique kept those affects