Caution: dubious science, and brutal fu*kng ahead Mc waked up with a quantum computer as his cheat there will be world travel worlds planned- Marvel Genshin ROR TBATE Worlds to be planned- Talentless nana Black clover Tensura continuation depends on feedback
Roaches are black
Power stones are red
I am a red ranger, give me your bread
"Well that was a waste of time"
I looked at two people destined to mark their names in history keep their boundaries. Arthur was one thing, but Tessia's behavior was abnormal. It doesn't make sense that she'd fall for me instead of him only because I saved her.
If that had been the case, she's have been smitten four months ago when I saved her from the acid spit sent by a milliback centipede I was studying.
So that brings us the question, what changed?
Was it the involvement of an elf or the involvement of fate?
Either way, this will not work, so it is better to nip this in the bud.
There is no way I'm going for a 7-year-old… matter what.
It won't matter if I were to get 100 cosmic things called power stones….
Kuhm…I repeat. It won't matter if I were to get 100 cosmic things called power stones…. I will not fall for her.
I went back to the tent and placated the young girl throwing a fit after I left her alone and sat down on the ground for rest.
Since coming to this word, it had been a never ending streak of work.
…. Actually, I take it back. It has been like that ever since New York.
So I quite liked the view.
The bright golden sun peeking out from the Horizon as we crossed the mountains, burning my eyes due to direct exposure, the city of Xyrus floating above the Kingdom of Sapin was visible, albeit very small from such a large distance.
It was a beautiful sight….far better than the view in New York and Antarctica. The fresh air up in the mountains made us feel motivated to pick up the pace as we crossed the lands and eventually entered the kingdom.
And our arrival was much more louder than I expected it to be.I swear the script never made justice to how 'real' this world is.
Although the elves were shocked at first upon seeing us, once the guards patrolling the city noticed us and immediately proceeded to drive the public away, their shock turned into full blown cheers.
I suppose the fairytales of the citizens loving their kingdom's princess are true to a certain extent.
The family reunion was just as emotional as you'd expect it to be.
The king and queen getting down to their knees and hugging their child while Tess cried her eyes out.
If we were to follow the textbook, this was an emotional scene no doubt. Even Arthur was silently shedding tears, most likely reminiscing about his parents.
But I felt none of it.
How to say it….it felt like a theatre play. Drawn out and well performed by the team to illicit a response from the audience.
"And who is that, Andrew?"
The king now turned his attention to me after letting go of his daughter.
Throughout this time, I haven't felt Virion's gaze leave me for a second, so I was expecting him to demand an explanation.
But it seems, the king also has a good enough head on his shoulders to pick up the signals Virion was throwing.
"Arthur, meet King Alduin Eralith, your majesty, meet Arthur"
"Kuhm…let's start over from the top shall we?"
After an immersive foretelling of our journey and together, Arthur was allowed to stay in the castle under my supervision after I vouched for him once again like I did with Tess. I helped him sort his stuff in his new room which wasn't necessary considering he only had a sack of full of fruits and a small dagger with him.
But at least it helped in bonding.
Right now, I was in the library going through the book written by Belicia Elfadore, an elf born 500 years ago who revolutionized most of the spells we know today.
She wasn't as famous in the other kingdoms, but in here, she was an idol for mages completing their education.
The xenophobia in this world however couldn't stop her fame from crossing the borders.
Although it brought more trouble than warranted after the humans copied all the books and renamed them, giving all the credit to Queen Merchaia Glayder now known as the mother of magic.
It nearly started a war between the two species…
But this wasn't a history book, it was a book focused on the relation between the laws of physics and magic. The fine line that meshed with both sides of two opposite fields.
It was an eye opener for me just like how it had been for others before me.
Although I had a better mind than anyone, there was no internet, the only method of acquiring data was old school textbook reading, which made my advancement relatively slow to my standards.
But it was welcome nonetheless. I had no rush after all…
I read through the entire book and tested them out on a virtual space to verify its theoretical efficiency before moving to the next step.
"Overlap is the best option in the end."
Silent casting was a pretty popular method of using magic back in the internet of earth, but it was inefficient.
The only upside was the element of surprise that no one could get used to.
A battle between mages was not fixed to a definite chant. The core lied between the understanding of the spell.
Arthur was able to use silent casting due to his understanding of matter and energy. But the average mage who understands fire as the spread of heat from a center point automatically uses chants to fill in the gaps of his comprehension.
Repetition helps them get better at it and eventually short it down to words of gestures.
But in doing so, they miss out on a single aspect.
A small light emerged from above my palms before it grew to a fireball the size of an eyeball.
The moment I willed it, it vanished, as if it didn't exist on the first place.
"Chanting rerouted the spell's control from will to wish."
I could cancel my spell anytime I want, thus giving feints. Furthermore, 97% of that mana is returned to me, the 3% lost to radiation.
"Ardent Fireball"
The next spell applied the same theory, but added a little spin to it.
The fireball now grew larger than a basketball and started to spin clockwise, lighting up the dark room.
But what if I over lapped it?
I didn't wait any longer and headed to the training room where Arthur and Tess were sparring…
Find the penguin
section .data
penguin db " .--.", 0xA
db " |o_o |", 0xA
db " |:_/ |", 0xA
db " // \\ \\", 0xA
db " (| | )", 0xA
db " /'\\_ _/`\\", 0xA
db " \\___)=(___/", 0xA, 0
section .text
global _start
; File descriptor for stdout (1)
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, penguin
mov edx, 70 ; Length of the penguin ASCII art
int 0x80 ; syscall
; Exit the program
mov eax, 1
int 0x80