
Mama's Princess is Daddy's Beloved

“Ms. Li Xue, you are pregnant!” said the doctor as she handed the pregnancy report that has clearly come positive.   Li Xue didn’t know how to react to the news. She had come all prepared to take the virginity test and prove to the world that all their accusations were false. She was all sure that of her virginity being intact, then how was her pregnancy even possible?   This is the story of a woman, Li Xue, who has worked hard to build her modelling career. She wasn’t from a rich family where everything came served in a golden plate, but from a middle-class working family, where one has to work really hard to attain their dreams. Her dream was to become the top leading fashion model but it got shattered when she found herself trapped in a scandal.   No one believed her. Neither her friends nor her boyfriend. She was left all alone with the child that was growing inside her. So, she left the city, with the growing life in her womb. With a growing devilic-angel that was giving her strength to survive in this meaningless world, to become something she was still not sure of. ____ P.S. This is an original work, not a translation. And the cover belongs to me. (Commissioned from: GiselArts). Join the author on the discord server: https://discord.gg/88C4VZD Or connect on Instagram: author_scarlet_shine

Scarlet_Shine · 现代言情
1505 Chs

Her efforts came out beautifully.

Li Xue didn't want the matter to go worse just because of her so she has taken a decision to be a helper not the spoiler. She can feel the warmth and support the man was giving to her, she can't just reciprocate him by creating troubles for him.


She was about to go out, looking for Ryan but then suddenly a voice came from a distance "Hey why are you making me sound like some spoiled princess. I have just gone out to make a call and you all have made me look like I am some kind of villain".


Ryan said as she strolled back to her seat and she continued her words, "Dad, you too. Why do you have to butt in all this. Li Xue has said nothing for which she has to apologize and also I wasn't upset. Why do you have to ask her to come and cajole me? Do you still take me as a little kid?"  Her lips were smiling and her eyes also seemed gentle. But Li Xue being a woman too, can see the real depths of pretense into it.


Li Xue smiled looking at her and then said, "It's okay Ms. Kim we can understand. Your father is just a little more protective for you".


Ryan smiled back at her while nodding, her eyes moving to look at the man who has not bothered to say a single word to her from the moment she has entered. He simply did not care. Was he doing all this on purpose just to please this witch?


'It's okay for now. But soon I will let you know that this woman is no good. Then you will be able to see the only woman perfect to be with you is me. Shufen, I will let you see her true face and at that time all your tenderness and gentleness will be only for me', she pledged to herself as a glint of malice darkness crossed her eyes, but was soon back to its composure.


Mr. Kim was all confused, looking at his daughter like this. He had no idea what was going on in her brain and at this time he thought it would be better if he pushed all those things for the later discussion.


Soon the lunch came to the end and the desserts were served. Li Xue was a little nervous. At first she did not think much about this but now sitting with everyone here while tasting her own dishes, she can't help but feel her palms and legs going numb.


Feng Shufen noticed that sudden change in her complexion. Placing his hands over hers, he said "Calm down, I believe you and you have done the best. No one can ever surpass you in my eyes and I never cared to look at this world with other's perceptions".


As she felt his touch and heard his gentle words near her ears, she felt her heart calming down on its own. Though those words have made her relax, she was still confused. His last part of words was a little out of the situation. Were those words a part of this role play in which they were in?


She was about to ask about this when she heard him saying. "Today's lunch course was intended for both in the welcome of our guest and also for appraising the performance of my capable employees. The team was divided into two. One team has prepared the starters and the other team has come up with the desserts. As decided prior, at the end I will state which will be the winning team. The winning team will stay while the losing team will have to take words of other into action"


His words were crystal clear to everyone. Gao Fan, who has also been sitting on the table at an end, smiled knowingly like his some doubted question has been answered after long.


Ryan, who has become all silent all this time, also smiled at the sudden opportunity she has got. She looked towards the man and said, "President Feng I am just a little puzzle at your way of conducting this performance appraisal. If you don't have any problem may I ask you something?"


As she said all eyes turned to look at her. Feng Shufen also looked at her for a brief calculative second and then nodded to proceed. "As per your words, there are two teams up for this special performance appraisal. One where everything is headed by Chief Head Chef", she said and paused as she gestured her eyes towards the chefs that have been standing in the special room.


And then reverting her gaze back towards Li Xue she continued, "While the other team of desserts has Li Xue. Don't you think if you judge the entire process alone, people might think your decision to be biased, if Li Xue wins it. She is your girlfriend and you really can't stop them from gossiping. I am just suggesting all these thoughts in the benefit of her. This can raise questions on her true capabilities"


Li Xue pondered and also thought that her words were right even if she had some other intentions behind it. She looked at the man and showed an expression of affirmation for those words. Feng Shufen looked at her and nodded too. Though he has never intended to go in the favor of those words but now seeing the affirmation on her face he will think of some other way in which her reputation can be preserved.


Nodding his head, he said, "Fine if things are coming out this way then I won't be the one judging the dishes rather will be judging the decision of the three judges" He turned to look towards the Chief Chef and gestured to him to come.


"So the people who will be appraising these dishes will be Gao Fan, Chief Head Chef and ….", he paused and then turned to look at the woman who has been generous to show this path "and Ms. Kim".


Ryan felt the opportunity to fall on her lap easily. She was wanting this exactly, an opportunity that will boost up her way. She smiled and stood up, "It's an honor for me. Thanks for granting me this"


"Sure, I believe you will one of those people who will be giving true decisions without any biasness", he said as smiled meaningfully at her. Ryan felt it was a compliment so she looked at Li Xue with a smug but then finding a nonchalant expression on her face, she gave a friendly smile.


After tasting the desserts, Feng Shufen turned to look at the three people, gesturing to them to present their words. Gao Fan was the first one to present his opinions. "President, starters and main course were perfect. Both the tastes and the fragrance of Europeans have been brought into the dishes but those felt a little like the same as always. Whereas the desserts dishes which Ms. Li Xue has presented has got some of her own uniqueness. These dishes have got European flavors mixed with our original flavors. So for me I will vote for the desserts"


Everyone present on the table nodded at his words. Those words were true.


Next came words of Chief Head Chef. His decision was made long ago when he first saw the woman presenting it. So without any hesitation, without giving any taste he said, "I will vote for desserts too. Being a chef I know how difficult, it is to bring all flavors at one table. It has been my fault for doubting Ms. Li Xue's skills. I never knew that even skills run equal with experience."


Hearing those words, a proud smile got on the man's face. Out of three votes two have already come in the favor of his woman, the third one had no meaning at all.


Li Xue has also not expected this. She was happy that her efforts have shown her the results. But at the same time some other woman was feeling miserable. She has thought that God has given her an opportunity to take the revenge from the woman who has insulted her but now looking at the situation she was feeling that her luck has turned against her, bringing the insults on its own.

Hope you liked the chapter!!

Please shower your love, support and votes on the story. And also add your words in the comments to let me know your opinions.

P.S: This week's spoiler will soon be posted on discord server. You can unreveal the some turns of story there. Those who can't connect to discord, for them I will try to post the same spoiler on my instagram.

IG: author_scarlet_shine

Discord url: https://discord.gg/5dCTNR

Love you all♥️

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