
MALIGNANT UNION:Tale of a mobster and murderess' in a fantasy world.

Step into the world of Maxwell De Venti, feared Mafia lord and his deadly wife Angelina De Venti, a notorious assassin and serial killer. As they awaken in a strange new realm vastly different from the earth they once knew. Do not own the art, credits to the owner. New author with no editor yet, I'll do my best. Reviews and critiques will be happily appreciated.

Sofie_Vert01 · 奇幻
66 Chs


Thirst clawed at my throat like a relentless beast, unyielding in its demand for water. For what felt like an eternity, I had been traversing this unforgiving desert, each day a scorching torment under the relentless sun and each night a bitter battle against the biting cold.

By my side, Tenebris and Raijin, my loyal serpent companions, slithered faithfully, their scales glinting with the dust of our arduous journey. We were all starving, our bodies weakened by the harsh conditions and the lack of sustenance.

My spear, once a proud weapon, now served as a mere crutch to support my weary frame. Wrapped tightly in a small covering to shield myself from the searing heat, I pressed on with determination fueled by the desperate need for water.

Lethargy weighed heavily upon me, a result of both dehydration and the blood I had sacrificed to feed my companions. Their hunger was just as urgent as my own need for sustenance. At night, when the blistering winds threatened to strip away what little warmth remained in my body, they coiled around me protectively, their presence a small comfort in this desolate landscape.

This is hell.

Then, like a beacon of hope in the distance, I spotted it—a cave, or at least something resembling one. It could be a mirage, a trick of the desert playing cruelly with my senses, but I couldn't afford to ignore it. With renewed determination, I forced my weary legs to carry me towards the faint silhouette of shelter, praying it would offer the precious water and respite I so desperately needed.

The shifting sands seemed determined to impede my progress, each step a struggle against the unforgiving terrain. But I pressed on, driven by the hope that soon, I would find relief from the torment of this desert. Tenebris and Raijin slithered beside me, their movements mirroring my own determination.

As the sun set on the horizon, casting its golden hues across the vast expanse of the desert, I stumbled into the mouth of the cave with a mixture of relief and exhaustion. The walls loomed around me, their rough, jagged surfaces a stark contrast to the scorching sands outside. Tenebris and Raijin, my loyal serpents, slithered eagerly beside me, their excitement palpable as we sought refuge from the relentless heat and merciless sun.

With a heavy sigh, I leaned against the cool, coarse wall of the cave, feeling the weight of our arduous journey settle upon my weary shoulders. Tenebris and Raijin, ever attuned to my emotions, coiled up against me, their familiar presence offering a small comfort in this desolate place. The eerie silence of the cave enveloped us, broken only by the occasional skittering of unseen creatures in the darkness.

As the last rays of sunlight faded from the desert sky, plunging us into darkness, a sense of unease settled over me. The air felt heavy and oppressive, suffused with an otherworldly chill that sent shivers down my spine. Tenebris and Raijin sensed it too, their hisses of warning echoing in the cavernous space.

With a growing sense of dread, I realized that we were not alone in this cave. Shadows danced along the walls, twisting and writhing in the dim light of my torch. The once comforting darkness now seemed to hold unknown horrors, lurking just beyond the reach of my feeble light. This is bad. Very bad. As a house of shadows direct descendant I should definitely NOT be afraid of the dark.

My heart pounds in my chest, each beat echoing in the stillness of the cave like a drum of impending doom. Tenebris and Raijin, usually so fearless, seemed on edge, their serpentine forms coiled tightly around me as if seeking protection.

Then, as I turned to peer into the darkness, my eyesight still clear in the dark caught a glimpse of movement. Eight glowing red eyes stared back at me from the depths of the cave, their malevolent gaze filled with hunger and malice. My blood ran cold as I beheld the creature before me, a monstrous spider-like beast with eight hairy legs that seemed to writhe and twitch with anticipation.

Its fangs glistened in the dim light, dripping with venom that sizzled and hissed as it dripped onto the cave floor. The creature's chitinous exoskeleton gleamed with a sickly sheen, covered in grotesque markings that seemed to pulse with a sinister energy.

I stood frozen in terror, my mind unable to comprehend the sheer horror of the creature before me. This was no ordinary desert denizen, no mere predator of the night. This was a nightmare given form, a creature of pure malevolence and darkness.

Tenebris and Raijin hissed furiously, sensing the danger that lurked before us. But against this monstrous foe, I knew we stood little chance. The creature advanced towards me with a menacing grace, its eight legs moving with an unnatural speed as it closed the distance between us.

Fear gripped me like a vice, paralyzing my limbs and rendering me helpless. I could feel the creature's hot breath on my face, its foul stench filling my nostrils with a sickening scent of decay and death.

In that moment, facing the embodiment of my deepest fears, I could only pray that somehow, against all odds, we would find a way to survive this nightmarish encounter. But as the creature loomed closer, its hungry eyes locked on me with a predatory gleam, I knew that our chances were slim.

Just one thought crosses through my mind at that moment.


I hate spiders. The thought of one so big makes me want to die

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