
Malia's Confessions

Malia is going through her college years trying to handle getting a sugar daddy to help pay tuition, falling in love with her new best friend, and attempting to find her way around sex. Follow her journey as she explores her sexuality and takes trips around the world, all while being from a small town with a bubbly best friend who she has always had a crush on.

JakMarandDax · LGBT+
27 Chs

Chapter 21

I woke up as Chani got out of the bed. "Sorry." She apologized. "I was trying not to wake you up."

"You're fine." I reached for my phone to check the time. "I should be getting up for class anyways, so I can take a shower."

"Thanks for last night, Mali. I…really appreciate you."

"Big ol' tough Chani has feelings?" I looked at her in awe.

"Tell anyone," she pointed at me, "and I'll kick your ass." She spoke with a smile, but I could tell she was at least a little bit serious. Maybe not on the kicking my ass part, but she probably didn't need everyone knowing she was more sensitive than she let on.

I laughed quietly, putting my hands up in surrender. "I won't tell a soul."

Chani continued to get ready while I went off to take a shower, making a pit stop at my things. I made my way into the bathroom and into a shower. I began cleaning myself up when I heard a couple of girls coming in chatting.

"Did you see they stayed in the same room?" One of their comments piqued my interest. Were they talking and Chani and me?

"One of the girls told me they heard them having sex." Were we that loud last night?

They continued talking for a while, leading me more and more to believe they were talking about Chani and me. I felt sick to my stomach hearing them talk. It felt like high school all over again, with the girls gossiping about me.

I tried to finish my shower as quickly as I could to get out of there. Thankfully they were already in the shower and didn't see me. I made my way back to my dorm room and changed, trying to get ready for class. I slipped back into Chani's room before heading to class. She was now fully changed and working on her makeup.

"What's up, girly?" She glanced at me in the mirror as she was applying her eyeliner.

"I…heard some girls talking about us in the bathroom. While I was showering."

"About you and me, huh?" She raised an eyebrow. "Don't let it get under your skin too much, Mali."

"I know, it's just…" I trailed off, sighing. "It's mean."

"Mali." Chani turned around. "You alright?"

I nodded weakly. "Just feels shitty having people talk about you. Especially when you hear it. They didn't even think to check or anything."

"I know." She looked at me sadly. "It's shitty, but don't let it bother you too much. It's not worth it."

"Okay. I'm alright." I took a deep breath. "I just thought you should know it's happening."

"Thanks, Mali. Take care of yourself." She stood up and walked over to me, wrapping her arms around me. I hugged her back tightly, feeling like the hug didn't go on for long enough as she moved back. "Good luck with your classes."

"Thanks, Chani."


Chani and I met up after class and headed to a nearby animal shelter. Both of us knew we didn't have the space for it in our dorm rooms but wanted to fantasize nonetheless.

"Aww. Look at this guy." Chani knelt down next to one of the cages and stuck her fingers in there for the dog to lick.

"He's so cute." I knelt down next to her, sticking my fingers in to pet him the best that I could. "What's your dream dog breed? I guess mostly looks-wise."

"Rottweiler, one hundred percent." She looked over at me with a smile.

"Ooh. They're so pretty. I would want another Cane Corso. We had one that passed away a few years ago."

"Do you have pictures?" Chani stood back up, helping me to my feet as well.

"I do." I pulled my phone out and found my album, before handing it to her.

"What a proud dog!"

"She was so pretty. And her head was so soft." I smiled at the thought of my old dog.

"What other pets do you have?"

"My family has a bunch of farm animals and horses. We have this one horse who's too old to be ridden, but we've had him all my life. I miss him a lot."

"I've always wanted a horse." Chani pouted slightly.

"We have other horses that can be. Maybe you can come out sometime and ride with me."

"I'd love to. I did this thing called Westernaires for years. You ride horses and practice for the show and then sell tickets to the show and then ride in the show." She explained. "I haven't ridden since I stopped doing that, but would love to do it again."

"I'd love to have you come." I smiled at her. "My parents want me to come out this summer, so you have to for a little, at least."

"I'll be sure to." She smiled back at me. "So, do you only have farm animals?"

"No. I used to have rats, but they passed away, and I didn't want to get more before college and have to leave them. That's why I got the tattoo." I motioned towards my ankle.

"I had a bunch of spiders, but they were all native, so I let them go before I left. I'd love to catch some more when I have the space."

"I used to catch spiders all the time back at home." I laughed. "If we ever move into together, Chani, we'll have a damn zoo."

"I think I'd love that." She smiled, wrapping an arm around my waist.