
Malevolent God

Malevolent God

Sin4Sud · 奇幻
17 Chs


"All of you, come."

The moment those words came out of Ares's mouth, all 9 guards blitz toward Ares.

Ares, who expected this, jumped up 3 meters high and grappled onto the ceiling by piercing the concrete with his hands.


Using his hands as support, Ares planted his feet on the ceiling to propel himself towards 4 guards that were in his line of view all the while causing multiple cracks to spread throughout the ceiling due to the effect of his launch.

The 4 guards immediately got into position and too launched themselves towards Ares.

*Clank* *Clank* *Clank* *Clank*

During the brief clash in the air, each guard had small cuts on either their face or body while Ares was dealt a heavy cut across his left bicep.


Immediately blood started gushing out of the wound but Ares quickly used his still-developing wings to cover and minimize blood loss from the cut. Ares could only do this as all 9 guards rushed towards him again without wasting much time.

To save himself, Ares began to run towards the battle between the slaves and the guards where over 20 slaves were dead while only 1 of the guards was killed.

'Didn't they say not to kill more than 10? Guess that idea went down the drain fast.' thinking such thoughts, Ares moved into the crowd of slaves which camouflaged his petit body completely.

"Shit, find the kid!"

"The kid is the bigger problem than the slaves! Find him!"

Some guards exclaimed but quickly got to work as they spread out throughout the crowd while killing any slaves around them.

"Where is that-"

But before the guard could finish his sentence, a falchion sword was driven right through his heart.

"What happened!?"

"I don't kn-"


"Shit everybody get back together! That kid wanted us to separate so he can-"

Before the guard could finish his sentence, an ordinary-looking slave suddenly burst with speed and pierced his throat.


The remaining guards left the crowd of slaves and went back to the area where they had found the demon child but this time, instead of the original 9 guards, only 6 remained.

"That bastard! He wanted us to separate to take us out one by one, everybody sticks close!"


In an ordinary office sat a man whose table was filled with papers while the man himself looked especially tired with baggy eyes. But suddenly a guard quickly, but still in a respectful manner, opened the door and quickly stated...

"Lord Foere! On the eastern side of the cell house, over a hundred slaves have escaped and are fighting the guards."

"How did they escape?"


"How many deaths?"


"Why are you telling me this?"

"But sir-"

"Enough, just send 3 team leaders to solve the problem. Although slave rebellions are rare, they are something that can be put down in a matter of seconds. Now leave, the Ouren Auction is a couple of months away, and that is far more important than a mere rebellion."

Saying so, Foere began focusing on the different papers in front of him.


'I need to finish this fast. Reinforcements will come any time.' Ares thought as he glanced at the guards who now seem to stick close to each other

'Time to bait them.' saying so Ares ran right towards the guards and it didn't take long for the guards to spot him.

"I see the brat!"

Immediately all 6 guards looked at Ares who seemed to be running right towards them. All of the guards felt confused by his odd decision of directly running at him but ignored those thoughts as they readied themselves in a battle-ready posture. 

Suddenly the guards felt deja vu as they saw Ares jump towards the ceiling once again, but unlike the last time, he punched through the ceiling instead of using it as a rebound like last time, he punched right through the ceiling.


'He's trying to escape through the ceiling!' All the guards thought in sync as they all quickly threw their weapons at him to stop his escape.

However the moment all their weapons shot toward him, Ares smirked as he jumped back to the ground while deflecting the weapons coming with his sword.


The guards were confused as to why Ares chose to jump back down but soon realized that his goal was never to escape but instead to leave all the guards defenseless with no weapons to strike back

'I expected at least some of them to keep their weapons in hand but who would've thought they would all panic and lose all sense of reason.' Ares mused as he quickly drew his sword while being in the middle of the 6 guards.


The guards tried to save themselves using their arms but Ares cut off all their heads and even sometimes their arms which some had used to put up pointless resistance.

"Haah... Haah... need to heal up. But let's take car-"


Suddenly Ares felt a huge pressure from behind causing him to duck while backing away using both his feet and tail.


"Oh? You dodged that. No wonder all these guards are dead."

Ares turned back to see 3 people with similar attire as the guards but unlike them, they had badges that symbolized something Ares knew too well...

'Team leaders. I thought only 1 would be sent, what is this!?.'

"Let's get this over with." without saying anything else, all the team leaders dashed towards Ares and before Ares could react, even with [Wither] being on, a punch came from his right side sending him crashing towards the wall. Ares tried to get up using his arms but couldn't as the left bicep was cut heavily while the right shoulder's bones seemed to have been crushed.

'This much power from just raw strength and no Aura-' a gigantic blade, at least 2 meters in length, cut off Ares's thoughts as it descended on him that even for Ares seemed nigh impossible to dodge.

'I wanted to use this directly on him but it seems I overestimated myself.' gritting his teeth, lilac energy engulfed Ares's body.