
Male Spy at an All-Girls School!!

Rin Grayson, Male Agent and Code name "Ant" of the Brotherhood Secret Service. He has one mission, protect the daughter of the Headmaster from all the inevitable danger that is directed on to her but there's a catch... He'll have to do it in disguise... as a girl at an All-Girls School!! "If it's cute, it's not gay!!!" - a certain Chameleon Author's summary: Basically, Boy crossdresses and disguises himself as a girl at an All-girls school for his Agent assignment in protecting the daughter of the headmaster and at the same time, forging friendships and bonds with his new classmates along the way. The Male lead is definitely a bad-ass in this story. He is both trustworthy and kind to his friends and the people that he loves and holds dear. At the same time, he is also shown to be ruthless and cold-blooded, showing no utter bullshit to his enemies, depending on the transgressions that they have done, most especially when they have acted upon his friends and loved ones. He also has his perverted moments, grinning like a lecherous old man having lewd thoughts to his female friends. He can be also quite dense, his knowledge sometimes is outside of the norm due to him being exposed mostly in his Agent duties much to some of the girl's displeasure. So many funny misunderstandings also await in here. The story is set on the fictional country of the Twilight Kingdom, a country where the Queen rules prosperously and is your typical modern one, with some exciting twist. Most especially, a certain place where only the criminal and lawless live... The Underworld. It is a forsaken place that will showcase a string of events that will definitely shake the heart of the very kingdom itself as webs of intrigue and plays intertwine with our MC, his friends, and allies being at the center. Male Spy at an All-Girls School not only deals with the story of our Male lead but also among others, showing how their lives are interconnected with one another in a single thread of fate, ultimately leading to an epic finale where everyone showcases growths in their physical and mostly emotional aspect with the MC leading on the top. In short, there will be cheesy moments, drama, comedy, romance, and definitely, action. It is a Spy story after all, with a harem, dark, comical twist. (Cover photo not mine. CTTO)

redmitte2x · 现实
75 Chs

Chapter 51: The Alluring Client!!

<Meanwhile, inside the Warehouse…>

Mania Crimstar together with her twin sister, Mors Crimstar was seen as they are also accompanied by Kayle Faragus, the infamous mercenary known throughout the Underworld as the Black Wyvern. Although unknown to the sisters, the middle-aged man with black hair also bears the identity of a secret agent, acting undercover in the name of the Brotherhood and Kingdom with the codename of Dragon, an agent of the Dawn Branch.

Unlike before, the sisters are now seen to be masked ina addition to wearing the usual gothic lolita dresses, their adoring faces covered by respective white mask resembling a cute cat.

"This sucks." Mania groaned in annoyance at the prospect of her face being hidden. "Why are we wearing disguises?! We never needed these pieces of plastics in the first place!! How am I supposed to show my poor victims the adorable smile on my face while I bathe them in the intoxicating pool of their own blood!?"

"Because my oh so sweet blood addicted dear sister." Mors berated her older twin sarcastically with a stern look. "We can't risk revealing ourselves any longer and people from the Kingdom outside connecting the dots. Your fiasco at the New Moon District inside the shopping mall might have concerned Great Leader a bit and despite her vast connections, she can't hide our identities forever. Consider this as a compromise so that we can continue our work and even more so effectively."

Fine…" Mania pouted in response but then pointed her fingers accusingly at Kayle. "But why does he get to be unmasked?!! I call bull in this!!"

Kayle grinned in triumphant. "Hehe, in case you lasses are forgetting, I'm already a known criminal throughout the Underworld and the Kingdom!! So it's kind of useless and too late for me to assume some face-covering right?"

What the Wyvern said is very true.

Kayle Faragus is a wanted criminal known throughout the country. With a bounty of 2 million Reis, the man can't exactly roam free in the streets of both the Underworld and the Kingdom. The only place that he has frequent is the Drunken Maiden, the only establishment where he is promised protection due to the owner being in debt to the Mercenary. As such, any attempted capture on him while he is inside the bar is only halted by the owner's men as it is a neutral location after all that is located in the middle of the borders of both the Underworld and the Kingdom.

Of course, being an Agent, the Brotherhood also ensures that any captures done unto him, the Mercenary was assured that he will be provided with a convincing escape should the authorities manage to get him.

But, being already a criminal known kingdom-wide, the man still has to play his part on being one.

Mania simply scoffs in harrumph as the trio made their way further inside the Warehouse.

The three criminals, also members of a dark, shadowy organization known as the Revolution are currently on a job assigned by the Great Leader herself. Their main task is to make sure that the drug dealings go smoothly throughout the entire operation without any unwanted intervention from other third parties.

As they finally arrived inside the Warehouse and make themselves known to the other drug dealing party, comprising of many armed men with their respective guns. A beautiful woman with long flowing violet hair then approached and greeted them with a luscious smirk that would put most men in a state of hypnotic trance at witnessing such refined beauty.

"Hello there sisters of Death I presume? and of course, the infamous Black Wyvern himself." The beautiful woman greeted them in a friendly manner.

'Woah, what a babe!!!' Kayle definitely was not one for holding back in shame as the mercenary ogled his black-colored eyes all over the figure of the voluptuous figure of a woman in front of them.

The Mercenary's reaction as all would say is understandable. Heck, even the other men, the armed guards that surround them at this very moment also could not help but eye the woman shamelessly, their thoughts all too dirty and lewd for one to even describe.

The woman was seen to be wearing a white sleeved polo shirt that accentuates her respectable high D-cup bust with long black pants that accentuate her curvy hips. Her footwear consists of black heel sandals that can be both fashionable and practical at the same time.


While the Mercenary Kayle was in a state of charming daze, one of the redheads, Mors, the girl only shaking her head in displeasure as she slams the older man's head with her hand as Kayle comically recovered and snapped out of his reverence at such marvelous beauty.

"AW!! What the heck Mors!?" Kayle cried in a comedic manner as Mania snickered behind them.

"You are acting like a dog in heat instead of the Wyvern that you are supposed to be." Mors merely answer without any single trace of emotion on her pretty face. "We are strictly here for business and not for satisfying your indecent urges for the female body. After all, you had plenty of time to satisfy your needs at the Drunken Maiden and now is not the appropriate time for such unneeded distractions."

"Tsk, killjoy." Kayle clicked his tongue annoyingly in response.

The woman witnessing their funny bickering with her blue eyes giggled at the scene, her fascination being piqued. "Fufufu, so you are the ones that the Revolution has to send to be my protection. It seems that your group has spared no expense for my safety."

Kayle, now snapping out, nodded, being in business mode as any signs of goofiness in his demeanor is all but pushed away. "Yep. The Great Leader has specifically sent us to ensure that the trade won't be having any complications. I take it that you are our client?"

"Fufufu, yes I am indeed." The woman nodded a tone that purrs of seduction in every syllable, causing all the men to shiver in excitement. "Oh, where are my manners, my name is Anira Moonfall and I will be overseeing the operation on behalf of the Revolution as we make our trade with our mutual friends over there."

The trio acknowledges the alluring woman eyeing at them in a playful manner, an intrigued smile present on her seemingly angelic face.

Yeah, the new character, Anira is a one hot nympho alright... hehehe.

Reis - The Kingdom's currency.

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