
Make Me Back To You

Due to a wildfire in the California forest, Oliver finds himself trapped in the flames. He is a fourth-year student at the university, and unfortunately, one of his friends loses their life. After being hospitalized, Oliver wakes up with no recollection of the past three years. Olivia, also a fourth-year student, is dedicated to completing her research on assisting orphanages in the state. She initiates a project that involves collaboration with wealthy individuals from New Jersey. Olivia decides to seek approvals in New Jersey and invites Oliver to accompany her, urging him to complete his graduation and help her locate a childhood friend residing there. The reasons behind Olivia's choice, the events during the lost three years, and the true cause of the fire for which Oliver is accused are all perplexing questions haunting Oliver's mind. Among the mysteries are Olivia's identity and the reason for her consistently somber gaze towards him. This journey unravels another unexpected secret for Oliver, exposing long-buried truths from his past during the forgotten years

mustafawinged · 都市
6 Chs

chapter 1 "A Whirlwind Begins"

In the sylvan embrace of an ageless forest, a tapestry of verdant hues stretched beneath the towering sentinels of nature. Sunbeams filtered through the arboreal canopy, casting a luminous mosaic upon the vibrant undergrowth. A harmonious symphony of avian melodies resonated, echoing through the moss-laden groves in a serenade to the ancient, untouched tranquility.

A diligent honeybee, its movements an epitome of grace, embarked on a botanical pilgrimage, weaving seamlessly through the fragrant tapestry of blossoms. Unbeknownst to the diligent pollinator, its vital choreography would inadvertently catalyze a sequence of events that would unfurl an unforeseen drama within the delicate ecosystem.

Hovering over a resplendent bloom, the bee, a miniature maestro, conducted its ballet of gathering nectar and pollen. Oblivious to the impending transformation, the insect moved with a grace as innate as the unfurling petals that cradled its endeavor.

Meanwhile, a stoic oryx, its noble bearing contrasting the effervescence of the flora, foraged amid the sylvan banquet. A gustatory interlude ensued as the creature, in hunger's reverie, succumbed to the allure of a particularly enticing blossom. The ephemeral ecstasy was short-lived as a flicker of trepidation crossed the oryx's eyes – an instinctual response to an insidious harbinger.

A distant wisp of orange etched the edges of the forest, a harbinger of impending cataclysm. The oryx, sensing the imminent conflagration, recoiled in primal dread. Swiftly abandoning the banquet, the creature fled, each stride a manifestation of survival instinct as the fire, licked voraciously at the underbrush.

The crescendo of crackling flames birthed pandemonium, an orchestration of terror that echoed through the once-peaceful woodland. Creatures scattered in a desperate bid for sanctuary, yet their exodus was punctuated by the vehicular onslaught on a nearby thoroughfare. The symbiosis of nature and human negligence unfurled as distracted drivers unwittingly collided with the fleeing denizens of the forest.

The discordant symphony of blaring horns and screeching tires merged with the cries of the displaced fauna, a dissonant requiem for the delicate equilibrium rent asunder. Some motorists, prompted by a fleeting compassion, halted their journey in an attempt to navigate the chaos with empathy. Others, ensnared in the shackles of their own preoccupations, unwittingly perpetuated the tragedy, augmenting the pandemonium.


When the burning forest rangers succumbed to the ferocity of the creeping fire.

. Their mighty forms, now engulfed in fire, bowed and crashed onto the roadway, forming a barricade of smoldering debris that imprisoned both nature's grandeur and the human spirit in a shared inferno.

Within the metallic sanctuaries of their vehicles, panic spread like wildfire. Mothers instinctively shielded their children, wide-eyed with fear, as the radiant glow of the encircling flames painted an otherworldly tableau on their faces. Desperation permeated the air, The horrific reality that was exposed behind their safe windshield swelled.

As the fire's intensity escalated, serpentine fingers of heat and smoke reached for the road, narrowing the passage for those ensnared in their vehicular refuge. The oppressive heat and noxious fumes, drove a collective recoil of those who dared to step out into the fiery cauldron.

Valiant attempts to escape met the wrath of scorching flames and blistering heat, pushing back even the most determined souls. where the elements themselves seemed to conspire against those yearning for a breath of fresh air, a fleeting reprieve from the inferno that held them captive.

Desperation etched the faces of those confined within the metal shells of their vehicles. Some dared to step outside, only to be repelled by the searing heat and the relentless advance of the flames. The air vibrated with an unbearable intensity, and denied escape to those seeking refuge beyond their cars.

, their fear mirroring the escalating temperatures within the rapidly overheating engines.

The incessant honking of horns and the distant roar of the advancing fire melded into A worrying situation, a dissonant backdrop to the desperate plight of those ensnared on the road. The forest, once an Edenic refuge, had metamorphosed into an indifferent adversary, indifferent to the collective dread that gripped those who found themselves ensnared in its fiery clutches.


In the crucible of chaos, Charles, a man in his forties, emerged from the confines of his vehicle. His family, trapped within the car, uttered desperate pleas as he made a solemn promise – "I will come back to you." The mother's agonized screams lingered in the air as Charles closed the car door, leaving his wife and children .

Charles shielded himself from the encroaching flames and blistering heat. The collective gaze of stranded onlookers fixated on his solitary figure, navigating through the chaotic ballet of nature's wrath.

Approaching the fiery blockade, Charles encountered the towering figure of a truck owner. The driver, confronted by the urgency in Charles' eyes, hesitated momentarily, grappling with the decision to relinquish control of his vehicle.

"Give me your truck," Charles implored, his voice carrying the weight of desperation. The driver, sensing the gravity of the situation, reluctantly handed over the keys, entrusting Charles with the daunting task of navigating the behemoth through the inferno to rescue the stranded families.

With the keys in hand, Charles expressed gratitude with a solemn nod. After Charles realized the gravity of the situation, he exchanged a piece of metal with the owner of the truck.

Decorated with a picture of Charles and his wife. The owner of the truck knew that he wanted to give it to his wife if something bad happened to him

Covering his face against the blistering heat and acrid smoke, Charles assumed control of the truck and steered it towards the fiery blockade. The eyes of the stranded multitude followed his every move, collective breath held in anticipation of the unfolding spectacle.


As Charles steered the truck , the wheels of the vehicle skimming the edge of the inferno, he approached the roadblock formed by the charred remnants . The urgency in his movements bespoke a commitment to liberate the stranded families from their fiery prison.

Simultaneously, a distant explosion reverberated through the forest, . The old driver, weathered and concerned, hastened to the scene. Breathless, he conveyed the news to the anxious onlookers that Charles had commandeered the truck to clear the path from the burning trees. The mother, still clasping her children, experienced a surge of fear as she gazed at the metal piece Charles had entrusted to the old man.

In a moment of palpable confusion, the old driver recounted, "He gave me this before he went." The mother, trembling, gently accepted the memento. Tears cascaded down her cheeks, melding with the sobs emanating from her embrace of the frightened children.

Attempting to quell their fears, the old man explained, "It was the sound of a tire explosion, just a truck tire." Yet, the atmosphere remained fraught as they strained to discern the fate of the man who had ventured into the heart of the conflagration.

Meanwhile, the truck continued its relentless journey, a defiant tree trunk lodged between its tires. Sparks flew as the vehicle, now slowed by the impediment, maneuvered through the burning debris. Charles try fought to control the swerving truck, steering it away from the consuming flames of the forest.

The unfolding tragedy took an ominous turn as the truck collided with a resilient tree trunk, overturning with a fiery spectacle. The inflamed trunk penetrated the windshield,

Seriously approach Charles and the trunk pierces the driver's seat near Charles

The flames intensified, the heat escalating as the fire encroached upon Charles. His struggle against the mounting odds became evident as the fire crept relentlessly towards him, the heat emanating not only from the forest but now from within the truck itself.

Charles set off the truck's sirens. The wailing sirens, now resonating through the burning forest, served as an urgent signal to the families ensnared on the road. , signaling that Charles had cleared the path and that it was now safe for them ,

In the distance, the stranded families observed the unfolding tragedy, their eyes flickering between the road behind them and the burning forest ahead.


As the wailing sirens orchestrated a symphony of salvation, the stranded vehicles began to inch forward. Charles's family, their countenances etched with concern, gazed out of the car window at the unfolding panorama – the vast road framed by the turbulent silhouette of the burning forest. A palpable fear gripped their hearts as they contemplated the fate of the man who had dared to confront the encroaching inferno.

The procession of vehicles moved steadily, each car navigating the journey's end where an unexpected tableau awaited them – a truck, inconspicuously parked at the sidewalk. The shrill wails of sirens harmonized with the distant roar of the encroaching fire as the caravan came to a momentary halt. Amidst the turmoil, police and fire trucks arrived on the scene .

As Charles's family disembarked from their vehicle, a mixture of relief and trepidation hung in the air. The mother, clutching her children close, observed the chaotic intersection of road and inferno. In the midst of the commotion, police officers and firefighters moved with calculated urgency.

The family, driven by a desperate quest to find Charles, approached the innocuous truck parked at the sidewalk. Their hopes were abruptly quelled as they discovered it vacant, with only shards of shattered glass bearing silent witness to an untold struggle.

Dread tightened its grip on the mother's heart as ambulances raced by, carrying those who had faced the inferno. Racing between the cars, her children in tow, she sought Charles amidst the chaos. The sight of an ambulance brought simultaneous relief and apprehension.

In the midst of the tumult, they found him – battered but alive. The mother rushed towards Charles, embracing him tightly, the fervent joy of reunion overcoming the specter of tragedy. Amidst the clamor, Charles offered a heartfelt apology. "I'm sorry," he confessed, regret coloring his words.

Yet, the response was swift and reassuring. The mother, her voice a soothing balm, dismissed the apology with a comforting refrain: "It's okay, it's okay." The family, reunited in the face of chaos, found solace in the resilience of their bonds.

Charles turned to the old driver, his eyes carrying the weight of gratitude and regret. "I'm sorry too about your truck," he admitted. The old man, however, waved away the apology with a nod. "No, well done," he replied.

Meanwhile, the police, satisfied that their mission was accomplished, unwittingly overlooked the fact that a group of young men remained ensnared in the fire's unrelenting grasp. The peril persisted, an unnoticed chapter in the unfolding saga of chaos and survival amid the unforgiving flames.


In the merciless throes of an advancing inferno, the trio of young men—Henry, Lewis, and Oliver—found themselves ensnared in a desperate bid for survival. The flames, cunning and relentless, orchestrated a perilous dance that seemed to outwit their every move.

Their desperate flight through the treacherous landscape took an ominous turn when the fire, displaying a malevolent intelligence, manipulated towering trees to strategically fall, forming a perilous ring around the young men. Trapped within this fiery labyrinth, an air of grim realization settled over the trio.

Undeterred by the encroaching danger, Henry, fueled by a surge of determination, took a decisive step. Carving a treacherous path through the burning trees, he sought an escape route amidst the chaotic onslaught. Witnessing his bold maneuver, Lewis and Oliver, fueled by shared instinct and a desperate bid for survival, followed in his footsteps.

Tragedy, however, struck with a swift and merciless hand. A colossal tree, a marionette to the unseen force of the fire, crashed down upon Henry, extinguishing his life in a brutal instant. Lewis and Oliver, witnesses to this macabre spectacle, raced to their fallen comrade, grief already casting its heavy shadow upon their hearts.

Lewis, his hands scorched from the futile attempt to rescue Henry, grappled with the charred limbs in a desperate effort to extricate his friend. The acrid smoke, thick and suffocating, obscured their vision amidst the relentless flames. In the midst of this infernal chaos,

Amidst the haze and smoke, a mysterious figure emerged on the periphery—a silent sentinel seemingly attuned to the unfolding tragedy. The enigmatic figure, shrouded in the veils of the encroaching fog, made their way to a water tap perched atop the mountain.

With an unexpected and deliberate force, the hidden individual shattered the silence, unleashing a torrent of water that cascaded down the slopes. The water, a serendipitous intervention, flowed between the trees, extinguishing the flames in its relentless path. It carved a lifeline through the smoky veil, reaching the valley where the three young men faced the unrelenting fire.

The torrential stream encircled them, offering a brief respite from the relentless onslaught. Yet, the fire, voracious and unyielding, continued its assault, consuming what remained of the surrounding trees. The trio found themselves caught in a surreal paradox—submerged in water yet surrounded by the unyielding jaws of the encroaching inferno.

As the thick fog of smoke lingered, the mysterious figure, having unleashed a torrent of life-saving water, remained a distant silhouette. The fate of the three young men teetered on the precipice of survival, a delicate balance between the cleansing force of water and the relentless destruction of the fire that sought to engulf everything in its path.


The symphony of crackling embers reverberated through the desolate aftermath as firefighters, their uniforms stained by the residue of relentless battle, descended upon the subdued landscape. Fatigue etched their faces, a testament to the war waged against nature's fury, now quelled. The extinguished forest lay silent, its once-voracious flames reduced to ethereal wisps of smoke.

Methodically navigating the scorched expanse, the firefighters stumbled upon the skeletal remains of a tent, its fabric now a mere memory consumed by the unrelenting blaze. Scattered equipment, once vibrant, lay scattered in the wake of destruction. A collective pause lingered, a somber acknowledgment of the devastation that had unfolded.

In a poignant choreography, the firefighters, donned in the guise of reluctant archaeologists, meticulously overturned the remnants of the tent. The ashy ground, a canvas etched with the struggle against insatiable flames, yielded no immediate answers. The absence of tangible evidence left an unspoken void .

Their quest for closure extended further, a silent exploration of the scorched tableau. The whispers of the charred forest offered no solace, revealing no secrets about the fate that had befallen those who sought refuge within its bounds. Silence, a companion to the distant crackling of embers, hung heavy over the scene.

Then, a sudden burst of exclamation rent the tranquility—a call that shattered the quietude and summoned the firefighters. They raced toward the source, boots stirring the ashen remnants as they approached the surreal scene awaiting them.

In the midst of the eerie tableau, three young men struggled against the ghostly remnants of the extinguished fire. Their silhouettes, obscured by smoke and the remnants of destruction, strained to free an unconscious companion trapped beneath the oppressive weight of a fallen tree. The bizarre dance of their efforts unfolded against the backdrop of ashen devastation, leaving the onlookers bewildered.

Water, as if summoned by an ethereal force, encircled the trio—an aqueous shield against the remnants of the consuming flames. The unconscious figures lay amidst the ashes, sheltered by the enigmatic presence of the fluid guardian that had descended from the mountain's basin to the heart of the forest.

Stunned by the surreal scene, the firefighters, momentarily immobilized, soon snapped into action. With a delicate precision, they extracted the unconscious trio from their precarious sanctuary. The water, having fulfilled its role as an unanticipated protector, continued its course, leaving behind a tableau of both tragedy and salvation.

As the firefighters grappled with the duality of loss and rescue in the aftermath of the extinguished inferno, the forest, now silent, stood as a testament to the capricious dance of nature—unpredictable, destructive, yet occasionally merciful. The scorched canvas bore witness to a tale etched by flames and water, a narrative transcending the bounds of comprehension.


The hum of the engine murmured through the car's interior as Oliver drove away from the remnants of the once-thriving forest. The road stretched ahead, an uncertain path leading away from the haunting memories that clung to the charred landscape like spectral shadows. In the rearview mirror, Oliver watched the forest gradually disappear, each passing mile seemingly intent on erasing the profound weight of everything that transpired within its enigmatic depths.

As the forest dwindled in the reflection, a cascade of memories surged within Oliver's mind. The vivid recollection of his friend Henry's burial resonated, an indelible image etched with grief. Henry's mother's accusatory gaze lingered in his thoughts, blaming Oliver for a loss that transcended the tangible. The haunting echo of Lewis, confined to a bed seat, bearing the scars of burns inflicted by the relentless flames, reverberated within him. The relentless interrogation of self commenced—what if he had ventured into the woods that fateful day? What if they could have saved Henry from the unforgiving weight of the fallen tree? The questions swirled within, a tumultuous storm of self-reproach.

Amid this inner turmoil, Oliver's gaze fell upon a box of medicine. The doctor had prescribed it in the wake of Oliver's discharge from the hospital—a feeble attempt to mend the physical and, perhaps, the unseen wounds. Yet, the medicine, a vessel of healing, transformed into a symbol of resentment. With a sudden burst of anger, Oliver hurled the medicine onto the road, a defiant act that screamed against the inefficacy of palliatives. The words he had conveyed to the doctor, a futile protest, resonated in his mind. "I wasn't there."

A small bird, seemingly attuned to the drama unfolding, swooped down and claimed the discarded medicine. With swift grace, it carried its newfound treasure to a nearby nest, as if partaking in an inadvertent symbiosis. Oliver, now lost in thought, watched the bird's flight with detached fascination, a silent witness to the small dramas that played out in the world around him.

Absorbed by the monotony of the road and the weight of his memories, Oliver's fatigue intensified under the relentless sun. Dizziness crept upon him, a disorienting fog that clouded his focus on the road. As his concentration waned, a distant car hurtled towards him with alarming speed. Panic gripped Oliver, and in a breathless moment of instinct, he swerved at the last possible instant, parking hastily on the pavement.

With beads of perspiration on his forehead and chest heaving from adrenaline, Oliver muttered to himself, "I'm not me, I'm not the doer. I wasn't there." His words hung in the air like an absolution sought but never found. He gazed fearfully at the encroaching forest, a silent witness to the internal tempest that refused to abate.


In the gradual return to consciousness, Oliver found himself enveloped in the somber ambiance of his car's interior. The black fabric clinging to his form mirrored the shadowed hue of the vehicle, an unwitting convergence of external appearance and internal desolation.

His gaze, blurred and unsteady, fell upon a ring encircling his finger. Its origins remained veiled in mystery, a tangible artifact that bore witness to a narrative etched into its worn surface—a story deeply intertwined with Oliver's own. Sometimes he would delicately remove it, allowing it to find a perch on the steering wheel or dangle near the rearview mirror—a silent companion to the enigmatic journey.

Uncertainty loomed in the air as Oliver detached the ring, placing it beside him. His fingers lingered above the worn band, as if sensing the weight of its significance. With the engine humming to life, he stole a glance at the ring, engaging in a silent dialogue with the inanimate talisman. What stories did it guard? From whom did it hail, and why did it persist in accompanying him on every traverse?

A magnetic force drew Oliver's focus back to the ring, an unseen tether linking him to its cryptic history. The car surged forward, but his attention remained fixated on the ring—a wordless confidant amid the internal tumult.

An inexplicable compulsion gripped him, prompting a swift about-face. His fingers retrieved the ring, sliding it back onto his finger—a familiar weight that seemed to anchor him to the enigmatic narrative within its contours. "Where did you come from? Who gave you to me?" Oliver murmured, as though half-expecting the silent artifact to yield answers.

Closing his eyes, he peered into the abyss of his memory. An unsettling realization settled upon him—a fog of amnesia that obscured the road ahead and shrouded the events leading to his current disoriented state. The car pressed on, its steady hum now a discordant melody in his ears.

Desperation clung to Oliver as he muttered, "I don't know. I don't remember anything. What's happening to me?" The car surged ahead, an uncertain thoroughfare mirroring the internal chaos. A morbid desire surfaced—a yearning for a collision that might obliterate the remnants of his fractured memory and the perpetual sadness that clung to his soul like an indelible shadow.


Olivia's room served as a haven of tranquility, bathed in pastel hues and adorned with delicate touches that mirrored her gentle spirit. Serene landscapes adorned the walls, creating a soothing backdrop for moments of quiet contemplation. A large window allowed natural light to cascade into the room, illuminating a cozy reading nook furnished with a plush chair and a well-curated bookshelf.

However, despite the outward serenity of her surroundings, Olivia's countenance betrayed an inner weariness as she rose from her seat. In the midst of the aesthetically pleasing ambiance, Olivia reached for an inhaler resting on her bedside table— it's a hidden battle with an unseen adversary.

The asthma medication, a recent addition to her daily routine, offered a momentary reprieve from the insidious grasp of breathlessness. Olivia, navigating a bout of severe dizziness, steadied herself and retreated into her private sanctuary, seeking solace in the familiar hiss of the inhaler.

Beyond the confines of her room, Emily, Olivia's mother, detected a whisper of distress in the air. Her maternal intuition prompted a gentle inquiry from behind the door.

"Are you okay, my daughter?" Emily's voice, tinged with concern, permeated the room.

Olivia, suppressing the remnants of a cough, responded with practiced reassurance, "Yes, I'm fine, Mom."

The door creaked open, revealing Emily's solicitous countenance. Her eyes, windows to maternal worry, scrutinized Olivia's face for any telltale signs of discomfort.

Emily: "You've been coughing quite a bit. Are you sure you're alright, sweetheart?"

Olivia: "It's just a little cough, Mom. I'm managing."

Emily, attuned to the nuances of her daughter's well-being, sensed an underlying worry that lingered unspoken in the air.

Emily: "You've been keeping to yourself a lot lately. Is everything okay, Olivia?"

Olivia, a master at concealing her innermost thoughts, offered a reassuring smile.

Olivia: "Everything's fine, Mom. Just a little tired, that's all."

Yet, despite Olivia's attempts to shield her struggles, Emily couldn't shake the feeling that her daughter bore a burden that transcended the visible. The unspoken sorrow in Olivia's eyes tugged at Emily's maternal instincts, leaving her with an unshakable worry for the hidden sorrows her daughter chose to carry alone.

As Olivia stepped into the hallway to greet her mother, Emily's eyes caught sight of a delicate necklace gracing Olivia's neck.

Emily: "Why are you still wearing that necklace, Olivia?"

Caught off guard, Olivia swiftly concealed the necklace beneath her clothing. A fleeting glimpse of sadness flickered in her eyes as she offered a cryptic response.

Olivia: "It's nothing, Mom. Just something I like to keep."

Left alone in the hallway, Emily grappled with the weight of her daughter's unspoken emotions. The silence that lingered in the aftermath of their conversation resonated with the weight of concealed struggles and untold pains, leaving Emily to contemplate the depths of Olivia's hidden turmoil.