
Chapter 37

In the time since Cyrus hit his level cap and produced the Hall of Champions, in the time leading up to the Tournament of the Hand much has changed in the North. Not only was Robb, Jon and all the others able to level their classes to the high 20s but many Free Folk have travelled to Winterfell to receive a class, along with many of the loyal vassals of Stark.

Without even asking many Free Folk did a ceremonial kneel in front of the Stark banner that hung at the entrance of the Hall of Champions. They worshipped the strong, even more so when that same person grants them the strength needed to survive. Even Mance Rayder, after having a discussion with Ned Stark, more than willing bent the knee when he was told he wouldn't be executed and would be granted the same chance as all who would take up the fight.

When Caitlyn Stark had heard Mance's story she took pity on the man and even gifted him a rare set of equipment. Uncommon grade equipment was given for free to those who agreed to fight under the Wolf, while rare and above were sold to any who could barter or buy for the fight north.

Standard flying machines were even up for sale, he wouldn't sell the turbo charged to just anyone. Motorcycles, guns, specialized bombs that damaged only undead and demons made into [EZ-Throw] editions (which is just the nice way of saying dummy proof). Larger artillery was being mounted along the wall which specialized in holt .

It was also discovered by Rickon during his escapades of scaring newcomers as a murloc, while hiding in the hall he found a small statue that granted professions. This had caused a boom in the north. Even young children and elderly had gotten in on professions, this caused waves in the south especially with the Citadel. Caitlyn didn't restrict the professions as they did classes.

The Maesters had heard whispers of new weapons being developed in the north, but they were mere whispers due to those weapons all going to the Wall and beyond. So it was mainly just tales traveling merchants told each other, due to restrictions in place the merchants were never able to locate where they came from. Only seeing travelers heading to the wall. Many Maesters chalked it up to drunk speech due to what accompanied the talk of the new weapons, talk of the Others and armies of the undead and demons roaming beyond the wall. Many just laughed it off, but once they heard that House Stark was being open with knowledge that they couldn't have.

The Citadel had hoarded knowledge since its establishment, only granting select knowledge to nobles and merchants while commoners were granted basic reading and writing if at all. Only commoners who had their lords permission were taught to read and write. Anyone could teach themselves numbers, it's a universal language after all. But advanced mathematics was closely guarded.

Since southerners didn't like to travel north, due to the harsh treatment they get from not just its people but the weather was just as harsh, if not worse at times. Ned Stark had to deal with the constant inquiring. Ned wanted to put everyone of them to the sword, he was getting it from all angles since he took over as Hand of the King. Mostly from Grand Maester Pycelle and Cersei Lannister.

Pycelle wasn't happy with the Stark's, not just because by this time it was more widely known that the Stark's practiced magic, particularly Cyrus but he wouldn't heed any of his council. Pycelle had on multiple occasions admonished Ned to denounce his son Cyrus and to stop his use of magic. Ned Stark had approached what was left over from the Alchemist Guild, the Citadel had found out that a few days after their talk the remaining alchemists left Kings Landing. Many reports showed most headed north, while others dispersed to spread word to others. That was not something the Citadel or the Faith wanted, a north capable of defending itself using Wildfire was not good for their plans. He tried to dissuade Ned with claims of them being crazy and dangerous, which many of them were.

Working with dangerous chemicals with the risk of blowing you and all your colleagues up if anyone made a single mistake, yeah it takes a little crazy to accomplish that job.

Grand Maester Pycelle has even attempted to get King Robert on his side with no success. He was only able to recruit Queen Cersei who already appeared to have cause to deal with the wolves and there was Varys. They had decided to use the upcoming tourney to try to gain support in ousting King Robert, on grounds of not fulfilling his duty to defend the Faith of the Seven and allowing the Old Gods to gain power, then placing Joffrey as King. Then they could oust the Stark's from King Landing, remove Stannis and his wife from Dragonstone and then sanction and tax them till they agree to burn their Heart trees, choose a new Warden and allow the Maesters back into the north.

He was also able to get Petyr Baelish on board, he pretty much owned the City Guard. Although not as elite as the Kingsguard, there were only seven of them in total and they were never all together unless it was a special occasion. Half would usually rest while the others guarded the King and rotated shifts. One or two would be designated to the Queen or their children depending on the day, so usually only two or three were around the king. Easy for a company of City Guards to take down if it came to it, no matter how elite the warrior, being attacked from all sides and overwhelmed will kill anyone.

Cersei had her own plans as well, Joffrey had spoken to her about what he wanted so desperately and she wanted to give it to him. She felt the lion was entitled to whatever they wanted, and if he wanted to toy with two wolf girls she would gladly serve them to him. She disapproved of the marriage proposal Robert wanted, she agreed with her son they were toys to play with and toss when done. She had been told that Bran had woken up, but since Ned didn't follow in Jon Arryn's footsteps she assumed his head may have been injured but knew there was a chance he could say what he saw her and her brother doing. She wanted the Stark's downfall, not just for what Bran saw but for the attitude they gave her son Joffrey. If her son wants something 'a Lannister pays their debts', they take it and pay gold to compensate. The Lion gets what it wants.

As the kingdom prepares for the start of the tournament which would be a week-long event. Jousting, archery and melee were the main events of the tourney. The first four days would be the joust, then a day for archery since not many in the south took archery, it was mostly for the northerners. Northerners didn't joust much themselves either, but what all did enjoy was the melee combat.

Many were disappointed when they learned no Stark would be participating directly, but when it was told that they had a big announcement at the conclusion of the tourney it had many excited for the end.

The day of the tourney had quickly arrived, many different plans were coming together. Many secret meetings between houses occurred throughout the tournament, wanting to use the announcement to enact their plans. Promises were made and marriage agreements struck between many houses. Renly Baratheon had even chosen to side with himself when he found out about the whispers in the local taverns, he was the Master of Law and Littlefinger made sure Renly knew of the coup.

He knew Renly's ambition, Renly thought himself better than his two older brothers Robert and Stannis, he felt he was more loved by the people due to much of what Loras Tyrell his lover told him.

Loras Tyrell had used his similar taste in men to get close to Renly in order to try to improve his families position. He was ignoring much of what his grandmother Olenna had been admonishing him, she saw the truth in the matter. She knew if Robert died, Stannis would be the more accepted brother rather than himself. Him being loved by the people was fully within his own mind, sure he was liked but that was because he wasn't as harsh as his brothers. That didn't mean you would make a good king, it takes a harsh and tough attitude to be and stay king.

When Olenna found out about Renly and Loras relationship, she didn't really care in the beginning but now with him trying to set up marriage agreements between Margaery and Renly she began to care. Not many people knew of who Daenerys was, even Robert when he met her in the Hall of Champions he didn't think she was the princess. Even though the color hair was a dead giveaway, the white hair wasn't that uncommon.

In fact in Essos it wasn't that uncommon, many descendants of Valyria had the same traits and the Valyrians were very promiscuous. There were many with the same traits, especially in Yunkai. Yunkai was a slaver city specialized in bed slaves, Valyrian traits were bred there due to them being uncommon and exotic traits thus in high demand. So Robert had assumed Daenerys was of such background, Robert wasn't a fool or anything. He just never would think his friend would harbour a perceived trouble plus he didn't see the dragons for they were outside the Hall. If Daenerys wanted to try to stake a claim to the Iron Throne she could and find some strong backing. But Daenerys didn't really ever want the throne, not until she saw the suffering of the slaves and saw how widespread it was.

When in Kings Landing Olenna too had heard of the coup but she was smart, she knew their plans would not be successful if the Stark family would be there. Word had been spreading of not just Cyrus Stark over the years, but of Robb and Jon Snow and how they have been clearing the north of bandits, also never losing. Robb was becoming a well known warrior, while Jon Snow was known for magic like his half brother Cyrus but with an added dragon besides his direwolf Ghost.

Olenna had many discussions with her smartest grandchildren, Willas and Margaery due to she didn't trust the others to make a smart choice. She knew the two had much better heads than even their father Mace. In fact, Margaery after finding out her grandmothers plan to wed her and Willas to the Stark she made it clear she wanted Cyrus or Robb but Bran would do too. Not that she had anything personally against Jon, but he was a bastard and she was a true born so she felt she wanted to marry a true born. Obviously she preferred one of the twins since they were both in line to rule the north, in fact it wouldn't be hard for Cyrus to take the north if he wanted it but many knew he didn't.

Everyone knew Benjen was rebuilding Moat Cailin, same as Dragonstone was to the Iron Throne, Moat Cailin was strategically significant. After the Age of Conquest when the north submitted to Aegon it was no longer maintained as part of the agreement with the crown. Aegon knew his ground forces wouldn't ever make it past the neck with a fully functioning keep. It wasn't just a regular fort, it was made with magic, and even if the magic couldn't be restored it could still do untold damage to invaders from the south.

What they didn't know was that the Children of the Forest Cyrus brought back had heard about the Moat being rebuilt and went to help reactivate the magic in the towers, they built it originally anyway so they were also able to help in it's construction.

The tourney started and many in the know barely paid attention to the tourney, and more on the Stark family attending. Many wondered where Cyrus was since they only witnessed Ned and Caitlyn with Robb, Sansa and Arya with the King, Queen and Joffrey.