
Majesty's Journey 7: Bibi Dong's Omnitrix Wielder In Douluo Dalu

A normal, game loving and slightly introverted teenager in our normal world dies. But luckily for him, an omniversal being which he just calls R.O.B who had gotten extremely bored decided to reincarnate someone just like how it has become a trend between some omniversal beings. And luckily and fortunately for our protagonist, Ali {literal meaning= Majesty/Majestic one} gets picked up in the countless beings in the omniverse. But his wishes were a bit... Big and too powerful on the long run. And one of his wishes, was that he wanted his soul to be turned to pieces and sent to multiverses that he liked in his previous life. like the douluo dalu multiverse and marvel multiverse. And this soul piece of Ali, decided to get reincarnated in Douluo Dalu like a few other soul pieces of him! ---------------------------------------- Just something for you to know, this story is harem, and Bibi Dong will DEFINITELY be in the harem.

That_One_Dead_Ali · 漫画同人
22 Chs

CH 10: 1st alien unlocked

After Ali checked out the information of the Earth Dragon and told Gu Yuena about it, they got ready to attack the sub-dragon soul beast that was drinking water from a lake. Ali smirked excitedly as he released his martial soul and pressed the button which would result in the center of the Omnitrix rising.

As he looked at the holographic picture of his first alien which was shown just like in Ben 10 Aliens Force, he chuckled deeply :"Well, let's get this party rolling." And he brought his hand down on the alien watch as his 1st, millennium soul ring shone and a green color enveloped him for a split second.

The green light flash, rather bright in the night, alarming the Earth Dragon who immediately got ready for battle. As the light faded away, Ali was no longer standing there. What was now in his place, was an orange tiger of about nine feet tall (274 cm) with exploding muscles!

Not only did he have razor sharp claws and teeth, but there were also two dagger-like claws coming out of the back of his hands, one from each hand. The Omnitrix was no longer on his wrist, but the Omnitrix symbol was in the center of his chest.

Gu Yuena standing a little bit away from him was a little surprised at the scene of how a human just transformed into a literal tiger who clenched his fists and roared :"Frenzy!" <I didn't want to go with the original names, so I will give each alien a new name. You're also free to give suggestions if you don't like the names>

Ali, who was now a humanoid tiger of the Appoplexian race named Frenzy, smirked at the Earth Dragon as he pointed at it :"Let me tell you something <he said the thing! HE SAID THE THING!>, Earth Dragon who is just an overgrown lizard since it can't even fly! You're going down because you're going to become Frenzy's soul ring!"

The Earth Dragon hadn't lived long enough to awaken its intelligence, but it could still feel that Frenzy was provoking it. So it stomped its feet on the ground, shaking it a bit as it roared at the two.

However, it didn't have any chances of scaring Gu Yuena, and since when was Rath one to be afraid of anyone? So naturally, Frenzy who was a Rath on steroids wasn't even bothered at all. Both beasts rushed towards each other as the Earth Dragon opened its humongous mouth bite Frenzy.

However, Frenzy dodged to the side before clenching his fist and delivering a bone crushing punch to the Earth Dragon's jaw, sending it staggering away a bit before it shook its head and glared at Ali :"Roooaaarrr!"

It raised its scaly front leg and swiped its sword like claws at Frenzy. But just as its paw was flying towards the humanoid tiger, an Earth wall rose between its paw and Frenzy. The Earth Dragon was a little surprised, but it didn't stop its paw as it hit the earth wall and turned it into small rocks, stopping it only for a moment.

However, even that moment was enough for Frenzy to jump up and out of the way as the purple soul ring around it shone and he brought his fist down with his 1st soul skill being activated.


1st soul ring: King's Punch

Effect(s): a punch with 200% of Ali's strength. For every 10 levels, an extra 200% attack will be added. Can control the amount of increase.

Age: 3,125 years old


As Frenzy's punch was filled with nothing but strength, he smirked as he brought his fist down :"Let me tell you something, you overgrown lizard! Frenzy is gonna take you down!" It seemed like the Earth Dragon felt a sense of danger from the fist, so it quickly moved so the punch would hit its back instead of its head.

The Earth Dragon roared in pain as Frenzy's punch connected, resulting in the dagger-like claw in the back of his fist piercing the Earth Dragon's thick scale as the punch itself created a dent on its thick hide.

The Earth Dragon glared daggers at Frenzy before it spun in place and hit the giant tiger with its tail. However, Frenzy just grabbed the tail, but the Earth Dragon raised its tail and slammed Frenzy on the ground multiple times. Causing Frenzy to roared at the Earth Dragon each time :"Let me tell *slammed onto the ground*...

something, Earth Dragon! *slammed onto the ground*... Nobody slams Frenzy *slammed onto the ground*... Onto the ground! *slammed onto the ground*... Only Frenzy *slammed onto the ground*... Slams others *slammed onto the ground*... Onto the ground!"

Frenzy smaller his feet on the ground and curled his toes to pierce the ground with his nails for better footing before he pulled on the tail of the giant Earth Dragon. He was able to pull it, but he seemed to struggle with pulling it hard enough to lift it off the ground.

But he wasn't alone. Gu Yuena assisted by lifting a few earth pillars from the ground, under the Earth Dragon, to help Frenzy lift it off the ground. And thankfully, he succeeded thanks to the assist as he spun in place and slammed the Earth Dragon onto the ground with a roar :"ROOOAAARRR!!!"

The earth shook because of the giant dragon getting slammed as it tried to get up. But he didn't have the chance to do that as Frenzy jumped on its chest and his 1st soul ring shone again :"Let me tell you something, Earth Dragon! YOU'RE DEAD!" And he brought his fist down on the Earth Dragon's neck, its rather weak spot.

Pained gurgling noises came from the Earth Dragon as Frenzy's claw pierced its neck before he sliced its neck, finally killing it. Frenzy snorted with a smirk as he jumped down and stomped his way towards Gu Yuena who was calmly watching him.

As he reached her, he bent down as he aggressively pointed at the unfazed little girl :"Let me tell you something, Gu Yuena who has been following Frenzy around everywhere since yesterday for some reason!

That was a good assist and Frenzy appreciated it! But Frenzy doesn't need any goddamn help from nobody! Frenzy could have taken care of that overgrown lizard all by himself without any help! Now you better keep watch while Frenzy goes and absorbs this Earth Dragon's soul ring!"

Gu Yuena nodded calmly with a small smile as Frenzy walked towards the corpse of the Earth Dragon before the same green light from before flashed and he transformed back into Ali. He looked down on his body as he curled his lips with an amused smile tugging at the corner of his lips :"Well that was certainly... Interesting."

He looked back as he smiled at Gu Yuena in a good mood :"Gu Yuena, please keep watch for a little bit while I absorb the soul ring, okay?" And Gu Yuena nodded with a small smile :"Don't worry, I will definitely protect you."

Ali nodded back as he sat down cross legged and released his Majestic Tyrant Axe :"Well, please don't disappoint me, Omnitrix." He closed his eyes as he focused on his martial soul and pulled the yellow soul ring towards himself.

The soul ring began to float towards him before it descended around him and then shrank. Just like before, the soul power inside of the soul ring began to violently pour into Ali. However, since he had already experienced it once, he wasn't taken off guard and persisted.

Also, he thought that it was probably because of the 1st soul ring of his Omnitrix martial soul, because he wasn't that bothered by the soul power inside of the century soul ring. After all, since the first soul ring of his other martial soul was a thousand year millennium soul ring, just a simple hundred year century soul ring wouldn't bother him at all.

Heck, the aliens lying dormant inside of Omnitrix just gave a simple snort before the soul power calmed down and Ali began to calmly absorb it. While Gu Yuena kept watch, the Omnitrix appeared on its own before the green light began to flow again.

As the green light merged with the yellow soul ring, it began to change it. While Ali absorbed the soul power inside of the soul ring, the yellow of the soul ring slowly started to turn into purple instead. Also, as time passed, the purple of the now thousand year soul ring got darker and darker before the changes stopped happening and the green light retracted back to the Omnitrix.

Time passed quickly, and the night turned into the day. As the birds chirped in the bright forest, Ali sighed comfortably as he opened his eyes. He could clearly feel that the power inside of him had risen even more.

As he looked down, he saw that the hundred year yellow soul ring had become a thousand year purple soul ring instead. However, he could also see that its color was deeper than the first soul ring of his Omnitrix martial soul. As he mentally scanned himself, a holographic screen of himself and his information appeared in front of him.


Name: Ashborne Ali

Age: 6 years old

Soul power level: 15

Martial souls:

1) Omnitrix:

1st soul ring) Transformation: will let the wielder transform into any of his available aliens.

Age) 01-10 = 6,250 years old (the age of the the soul rings of Omnitrix and Majestrix Tyrant Axe will always be mixed)

625 years each level

‌10-20 = 12,500 years old

625 years each level

Available aliens: Appoplexian (Frenzy)

2) Majestic Tyrant Axe:

1st soul ring) Majestic Tyrant Slash: A slash carrying 200% of its normal strength. For every 10 levels, an extra 200% attack will be added. Can control the amount of increase.

Age: 01-10 = 6,250 years old (the age of the the soul rings of Omnitrix and Majestrix Tyrant Axe will always be mixed)

625 years each level

‌10-20 = 12,500 years old

625 years each level


As he looked at his information, he couldn't help but smile in satisfaction as he clenched his fist and brought it to his side in a celebrating manner :"Hell yeah." As he checked his information and looked at his soul rings' current and future age, Gu Yuena's voice :"So it seems like your bracelet martial soul can also raise your other martial soul's soul rings."

Ali nodded with a smile as he got up :"Yup, seems like it. So with this, I won't need to wait several years before I attach a soul ring to my other martial soul. By the way, my bracelet martial soul's name is Omnitrix and my axe's name is Majestic Tyrant Axe."

Gu Yuena nodded in acknowledgment before she rose to her feet from the stone she was sitting on :"Alright then, since we have acquired your soul rings, should we return now? Do we have anything else to do?"

Ali shook his head in denial :"No, we don't. We should return now, the forest is still dangerous. By the way, thank you for helping me out. Without you, it would have definitely been harder and more dangerous. Especially when I was absorbing the soul rings."

"You're welcome." Gu Yuena nodded with a small but sweet smile before they rushed to the soul beast forest gate so they could return to Nuoding City.


After the two returned to the school and reported back to the principal, they met up with Tang San by chance. Tang San smiled at the two as he nodded at them :"Hello, Ali, Gu Yuena. It's nice to see you again."

Gu Yuena just nodded calmly as the two boys fist pumped and Ali asked :"Hey, Xiao San. So you returned from getting your soul ring, huh? Where are you going now?"

They started to talk as Tang San answered :"I was planning to find you and then go look for Xiao Wu. I figured Gu Yuena would probably be with you. Since we're together now, let's go and meet Xiao Wu then."

Just as Ali nodded, they saw a bunch of students running towards somewhere while one of them shouted :"Hurry! I heard that the apprentices <work students I think> are going to fight against boss Xiao!"

"Oh, really?! Let's go and have a look!" Another one shouted as they all rushed towards the forest behind the school. Tang San and Ali exchanged looks before they curled their lips, shrugged and followed after the students.

Not wanting Gu Yuena to be left behind, Ali grabbed her hand and took her with him, not noticing the small smile that formed on her lips. When they reached the place, there was already a crowd watching the fight going on.

There were two groups, one with Xiao Wu in the front and the work students behind her, and the other with Xiao Chenyu in the front. Wang Sheng and a boy with a staff martial soul were fighting, but Wang Sheng was clearly at a disadvantage.