
Marble Cyclone

As we started across the plains, I noticed some smoke off to the northwest of us. The clouds were thick and black, rising into the sky. Those were not campfires.

'Where is that smoke coming from?'

'That is the Parulex farmstead! That is where we trade our furs and furniture we make for fresh foods!' -Kade.

'Then we have to help them.' -Stell.

"Before we go rushing in, I think we should prepare something," I said as I began to gather in my will.

I started by pulling magic up to shape a large bubble almost as tall as Stell was to trap air. After that, I began to compress the bubble until it was no bigger than a marble. Once I had it small enough, I began to spin the air inside the small sphere till it gave off a whistling scream filled by the bubble encasing it.

With the tiny wind storm now trapped inside, I motioned the sphere between my index and ring finger and pulled my middle finger back to my thumb. Turning, I looked around.

There was a dead tree about thirty feet south of us. I aimed at the tree and flicked the sphere with my finger. The globe shot off, cutting through the air. It left a shockwave that knocked me back a step.

The shot impacted the tree and exploded! As it did, a small twister erupted and kept going south past where the dead tree once stood. The others stood wide-eyed with amazement. Then out of nowhere, Meso appeared and scared the living daylights out of me with a loud command.

"Record the spell," Meso roared.

I am sure he just loved that, I thought as I reached down and pulled back my sleeve to grab the quill from my arm. This time would be different though, there were more parts to this spell, and the words had to give proper instructions. I put the quill to Meso and wrote "Marble Cyclone."

As I did, magic poured from me into the book. I could feel the entire spell cast again. This time the book drew the spell in and sealed it on the page.

Then as quickly as he came, Meso was gone again. Then I remembered the effect Meso cause mortals and turned back to see Xalmai leaning on Stell, holding on to his big arm.

"I am alright." She said as she caught her breath.

It was good to see that she could build up some resistance to the tome bound god. Being almost three hundred years old should get you away from the standard mortal classing. After she had finally caught her breath, she looked up at me with a crazy smile on her little face.

"Now that is magic." She purred.

Her eyes seemed to light up with fire when she looked out at the path the twister had carved through the tree and grass.

She turned to me and gave me a wicked little grin and said, "let's teach them a lesson."

I am not sure how I felt about that look in her eye, but I could understand. By the looks of things, her people are a very peaceful race, and these dark things were taking advantage of that fact. When the U'talic came before and tried to force an eternal winter on our once peaceful nation, we did not let them. The difference was that we were already had an advanced civilization with the means to defend ourselves. She had a right to be happy. I looked at Stell.

"Where you go, I will be right beside you, my friend. I do not know if I like the path we have to lead, but I can the determined look in your eyes, and I know these people have suffered enough." Stell told me then to Kade. "Let us go and protect the farm."

We moved as fast as we could towards the farm stay in the lower parts and avoiding and crests. We stayed low, rather than green shapes moving along a hilltop. More smoke was coming from the farm.

As we neared the farm, we heard an otherworldly roar that made the air vibrate. That pulled us up short. That sound had made all my hairs stand on end.

'Oh no, it looks like Belzenrog does not like you to have all the advantage.' -Meso.

'Who is Belzenrog?' -Kade.

'One of the angry spectators that do not think the show is entertaining enough.'

'Spectator!?' -Kade

'They are God's; we are a type of guide to record events in different places. Now is not the time. We can talk more about it after.' -Stell.

We crept to the edge of the hilltop to pear down at the farm below. The barn was on fire, and the fields were starting to catch. It was close to harvest season, and the golden crops were beginning to be consumed by the undulating fire. The was a river that ran behind the house with a small mill with a large paddle wheel turning.

As I look over the farmyard, it was chaos. There were dark figures dressed in black plate Armor and shields with spears. They had a group of people cornered in front of the house. Just then, there was another roar that shattered my concentration.

I looked across the yard towards the barn, where I heard the noise. A massive lizards crawl out from behind the barn and let another ear-splitting roar. The thing had to be at least eight meters long. It had a tail that burned red with such intensity that I could feel the heat rolling towards us up the hill. Its back was cover in blackened plates that looks like hardened lava, and its head was willed with many rows of sharp teeth.

'Oh, that is not nice at all! That overgrown child sent a Magmus Plate Walker.' -Meso.

'Where is that thing from?' -Kade.

'The slopes of the Kalador mountain range on Cithmortel.' -Meso.

Kade got a puzzled looked on her face.

'Not sure why you asked, is there any way to get rid of it?'

'...It does not like water.' -Meso.

I looked at the other two and sighed.

"Alright, you two will have to deal with the dark eye guys, and I will deal with the walking volcano with teeth."

'Are you sure?' -Kade.

'Of course not, but you two better get going and try not to die. Stay low and take those bastards by surprise and remember to moderate how much magic you use on the cyclones.'

Stell nodded to me, and the Kade threw herself at me and threw her arms around my neck and hugged me. Then she leaned in close and whispered, " you better come back after, we have a long way to go."

Then she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and started after Stell with red staining her cheeks. I had better not die.

These damn gods think they are so funny. Just let them see what I had in plan for this thing. Two can play at this game.