
17: Tour

Byron went to his company this morning together with Kevin, he wanted to show around the place. He also brought Kevin to the bases Tartarus has spread all over the world! Japan, New York, London, Philippines, China, Canada, Brazil, Cuba, Mexico, and more! Each base has a Noble rank demon serving as a leader with a total of 100 soldiers each. And also Commoners to do the jobs, Byron was now with Kevin in the portal room, the portal room is underwater, near the same place Byron created the first portal, he created sturdy glass panels and enchanted them to create a dome where he created a lot of permanent portals, each one had a number of its own.

"This is the portal room, want to go to any place on this planet? There's a portal that teleports you there." Said Byron confidently while walking toward the portal [001: New York] when he and Kevin crossed the portal they appeared entering a library! The library was enormous, it had several bookshelves full of books. "This is our base in New York, is disguised a library, the librarian right there is a Noble Rank demon that is the Leader of this base, they everyday report to our main base on Tartarus Archipelago using magic devices. Remember those Commoner ranks that had a table in front of each portal? They were reading all the reports and writing the important things, like if any damage was taken in the barrier or If anything needs repair."

Kevin nodded his head, Byron entered the library and started to walk around the shelves and talking with Kevin quietly. He explained how one hundred Soldier Rank demons can stay in the library without being suspicious. He took one book from the shelve and put it on the shelve back and said: "Kevin, try to take it out of the shelve again." Kevin did as he said and tried to remove the book again, but the book wasn't moving, it was like it was stuck or something like that. "This book is a Soldier Rank demon that is literally inside the book. They can see, hear, smell, and feel everything like normal humans would. Every day they will report everything that happened with details to the Captain of their squad, that will report to the Noble rank demon, who will give the report they wrote to a Commoner Rank in the Tartarus Archipelago. Who later will give the complete report and summarized reported to another Noble rank who will notify you or one of your siblings to help if it is necessary, if not they will resolve on their own."

Kevin kept nodding his head and following Byron, until they got in front of the librarian who smiled at Byron and bowed to Kevin a little bit, then the Librarian guided both them to a specific bookshelf that Byron simply walks forward and passed by the shelf like it was never there, to begin with! Kevin did the same and he found himself back at the portal room. Byron walked forward while other Nobel, Soldier, and Commoner ranks would bow to Byron and Kevin every time they saw them. "Let's see... Russia, Madagascar, Australia, and Japan. Choose one Kevin." Kevin looked at the four portals Byron pointed to and sighed walking toward the [005: Japan] portal. When they crossed the portal they appeared in front of a mansion, this was the Yakuza base that Byron and Harold invaded in the past, back then they tried to kill them but now they are his subordinates...

"This is the Yakuza base, they work for Harold now. It's pretty good to have a gang in Japan." Byron walked carelessly entering the Yakuza mansion, the guards were obviously Soldier Rank demons that immediately bowed when they saw Byron walking past them... It was literally a natural instinct to bow for weaker demons when they see a stronger demon. When passing by other members of the Yakuza, the demon ones would now while the humans would observe confusedly and even giggle but Byron would ignore them. When he arrived at the basement where the drugs were kept in, he started to show to Kevin the new drugs he invented and said that those were only the light ones. They couldn't kill someone, but they could cause hallucinations and addiction pretty easily.

Byron is also working in a cure for addiction, his drugs have no bad side effects like killing brain cells, in fact, it does better than bad things. Like it can be used to treat Alzheimer's because it makes you remember things while healing your brain cells, but only in a long way consumption... "WHO THE F*CK ARE YOU?" Byron didn't even bother looking behind and just continued to touch the drug and explain to Kevin who kept nodding his head and saying: "This is incredibly difficult to accomplish." or "How did you do this, father?" the man that appeared shouted one more time shouted in Japanese: "I came as soon I heard about a random guy that appeared and everyone was bowing to him, who the fuck are you!?" Byron glanced at the guy and just smiled his smile, however, didn't reach his eyes at all.

Byron walked toward the man while saying to Kevin: "Kevin, I guess I should explain to you that the demonification process not only changed your body but also your mind. Let me show you how." Byron touched the guy's forehead, who simply turned into flames! Orange-Yellow hot flames that burned the man up, he screamed while the flames consumed the life out of his body and left only pain on its way. Kevin thought that he would be scared, disgusted, disturbed by such a scene... But he felt nothing, nothing at all. He just felt like he stepped in an ant, do you remember every single time you stepped in an ant? Did you care about it? No, the answer will always be no. Kevin felt amazed by this himself, he couldn't feel any empathy for this person, he could only feel empathy for his people.

The guy stopped screaming after some minutes and his body turned to ash, Byron smiled and walked back to where he was to continue to explain about the drugs and medicine. After hours explaining, Byron returned to Tartarus Archipelago and dropped Kevin off in Techno Island where he had now his new laboratory and a little research team of five Noble Rank demons. After days of research, Kevin already found a new way of using the poison of the Giant Two-Tailed Snake from Techno Island, this made Byron very proud and happy because he could now spend most of his time doing almost nothing!