
Magic In Every Bite: A chef Reincarnation

synopsis ------------------ In a fantasy land where magicians can summon meteorites to destroy a country and Aura swordsmen can split mountains and sea, there exists a little restaurant like this. The little restaurant can not compare to luxury from the outside, but it is a place where countless peak-level existents come to eat from beast-man to dragons, from Novice magicians to legendary ArchMage all line up to eat. There is your tomato ketchup Sir ! Made from 9th-grade tomatoes from heaven. There is your egg-fried rise made from legendary grade phoenix egg and Netherland rise. There is your cola made from a highly advanced compressor machine and the honey extracted from an 8th-grade 'moon-light' flower. There you can taste 10th-grade crocodile meat with golden apple wine. Hey, You want to make a ruckus inside the restaurant, System beats the crap out of them. The king wants me to serve him, tell the king to come here if he wants to eat. With the power of the System, I can become a magician and a swordsman. ------------------ Cover photo: A. I generated ------------------- Weekly 7 chapters are released between Monday to Saturday ------------------- A/N: If you like the novel don't forget to support me with the golden ticket and power stones. If you have any suggestions mention them in the comment box.

Dibya_Pal · 奇幻
48 Chs

Chapter 45: Meeting old acquaintances

Grinning from ear to ear, the guard responded enthusiastically, "Of course, sir. I'd be more than happy to help you with any information you need."

"I've noticed a lack of people coming and going from the village recently. Has there been any recent event or incident that may have contributed to this change?"

Max phrased his question carefully, aware that pressing for more details could arouse suspicion. He opted for a subtle inquiry, hoping to gather information without drawing unnecessary attention.

In situations where information is needed discreetly, crafting questions with sensitivity and precision is essential to avoid raising alarm or suspicion.

The guard nodded and replied, "Yes, sir, I'm not sure if you're aware, but our village head has been quite irate for the past few months. He's been increasing taxes on the villagers, which has led to a decline in the number of people coming and going as they used to."

After hearing the guard's explanation, Max furrowed his brow, sensing that there might be more to the story than what the guard had revealed.

 It raised suspicions in his mind that the guard may not have shared the complete picture.

Max chose not to inquire further and instead said, "Then I will take my leave. Goodbye."

The guard nodded and replied, "Goodbye, sir."

As Max entered the village, he scanned his surroundings. He counted no more than 100 buildings in the village. At the center, he noticed a distinct building where the village head resided, and it appeared noticeably better-maintained than the other houses.

 The overall condition of the houses in the village seemed run-down.

What caught Max's attention the most was the eerie silence – there wasn't a single person on the road, and all the doors and windows of the houses were tightly closed. It was an unusual and unsettling sight.

Following David's memory, Max walked for a few minutes until he arrived at the Sun Care Orphanage.

It stood out as one of the better-maintained buildings in the village. What struck him was the absence of a security guard at the door, a detail that drew his attention. However, he chose not to dwell on it.

As Max approached the entrance, he contemplated introducing himself as David, the name his former appearance was associated with.

But after undergoing significant changes, he decided to present himself as Max, his current identity.

'Knock~ Knock~'

With a sense of determination, Max knocked twice on the wooden door, the sound echoing through the silence of the village. He waited patiently, a mixture of curiosity and apprehension building within him.

After a few moments of waiting, the door slowly creaked open. To Max's surprise, a familiar face greeted him – a young girl, no older than 10, named Lisa.

Max remembered her from his previous owner of this body as David. Lisa had joined the orphanage same time when David had left. The sight of her brought a flood of memories and emotions, and Max couldn't help but smile at the reunion.

"Hello, how can I assist you?" Lisa warmly greeted Max.

"Hi, my name is Max. Could you please call Granny Romina?" Max requested, opting for a respectful and considerate approach as he didn't wish to disturb Lisa's time.

Upon hearing Max's request to call Granny Romina, the little girl's face turned pale, and tears welled up in her eyes. Max sensed that something was amiss and, concerned, he asked, "Is everything all right?"

Lisa seemed to snap out of her thoughts and replied, "Um, Granny is not well. She's been bedridden for the past 15 days." Her words carried a sense of concern and sadness, making Max realize that his visit might coincide with a difficult time for Granny Romina.

"Could you please call one of the seniors from the orphanage?" Max asked, knowing that there were caretakers who were more experienced.

"Sure," Lisa replied. "Please come in and wait in the hall. I'll call the caretaker." With that, she left to get the assistance Max requested.

After waiting for a few minutes in the hall, an adult man in his fifties arrived, accompanied by Lisa.

"Uncle Smith, here is the gentleman who wishes to speak with you," Lisa informed the caretaker. Smith acknowledged her and proceeded to greet Max.

Upon seeing Max, Smith was taken aback. While Lisa might not be well-versed in the nuances of society, Smith, as an adult, couldn't overlook the clear distinction between social classes.

The name Max and his demeanor indicated that he belonged to the upper echelons of society, a revelation that left Smith slightly surprised.

"Hello, how may I help you?" Smith greeted Max with a touch of anxiety in his voice, aware of the precarious situation the orphanage faced in recent months. He was concerned that any misstep might lead to the orphanage's closure.

On the other hand, Max understood Smith's caution and the weight of responsibility resting on his shoulders.

The unspoken tension between them emphasized the significance of the orphanage's continued operation and the delicacy required in their conversation.

Breaking the silence, Max introduced himself, saying, "Let me introduce myself. My name is Max Aldwell. Before proceeding any further, may we talk in a private area?"

Smith quickly grasped Max's intention and replied, "Sure, please follow me."

Understanding the need for privacy in discussing matters related to the orphanage, Smith led Max to a more secluded area where they could have a discreet conversation.

The shift to a private setting signified the importance and sensitivity of the subject at hand, and both Max and Smith recognized the need for a secure and confidential space to address the orphanage's challenges and potential solutions.

As time seemed to be slipping away, Max was torn between the urgency of addressing the system request and his desire to assist Granny Romina, who Lisa had mentioned was unwell. The path ahead was uncertain, with dual responsibilities pulling at him. Max faced a challenging decision regarding how to best allocate his time and efforts to help both the orphanage and Granny Romina.

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