
Magic In Every Bite: A chef Reincarnation

synopsis ------------------ In a fantasy land where magicians can summon meteorites to destroy a country and Aura swordsmen can split mountains and sea, there exists a little restaurant like this. The little restaurant can not compare to luxury from the outside, but it is a place where countless peak-level existents come to eat from beast-man to dragons, from Novice magicians to legendary ArchMage all line up to eat. There is your tomato ketchup Sir ! Made from 9th-grade tomatoes from heaven. There is your egg-fried rise made from legendary grade phoenix egg and Netherland rise. There is your cola made from a highly advanced compressor machine and the honey extracted from an 8th-grade 'moon-light' flower. There you can taste 10th-grade crocodile meat with golden apple wine. Hey, You want to make a ruckus inside the restaurant, System beats the crap out of them. The king wants me to serve him, tell the king to come here if he wants to eat. With the power of the System, I can become a magician and a swordsman. ------------------ Cover photo: A. I generated ------------------- Weekly 7 chapters are released between Monday to Saturday ------------------- A/N: If you like the novel don't forget to support me with the golden ticket and power stones. If you have any suggestions mention them in the comment box.

Dibya_Pal · 奇幻
48 Chs

Chapter 2: A New World

[Greetings, Host,] a voice resonated within Max's mind, its tone both soothing and brimming with an underlying power. [I am the Ultimate Chef System, bestowed upon you by the universe in response to your heartfelt plea.]

Max's eyes widened as he grappled with the immense implications of this revelation. It was a momentous realization that he hadn't met the grim fate of death; instead, his unwavering passion had granted him a second chance. He had been reborn into a world of magic and swords known as Aiden.

"I'm not truly deceased, then. Thank goodness!" Max breathed a sigh of relief, his gratitude overflowing for whoever had granted him this unexpected opportunity at life.

As Max processed the surreal turn of events, he couldn't help but contemplate the irony of it all. "Sigh. Could it be that all those novels about reincarnation and systems were not just mere fantasies?" he mused silently.

"By the way, what should I address you as, and are you genuinely real?" Max inquired about the enigmatic system.

[Host, you may refer to me as the system, and indeed, I am very much real. My sole purpose is to guide the host on the path to becoming the ultimate chef.]

Max found himself both intrigued and humbled by the system's lofty goal. "What a magnificent goal to pursue," he marveled at the system's response.

Then, as Max looked around, he found himself in a room that seemed to defy the conventional laws of reality.

The room's dimly lit confines were primarily illuminated by the dancing flames within the massive stone hearth. The air was filled with the alluring scent of herbs and spices, evoking vivid memories of bustling kitchens and aromatic dishes from his past life as Max.

Every flicker of the firelight cast intricate shadows on the rough-hewn stone walls, creating an atmosphere both mystical and enchanting.

As he sat on the edge of the bed, still bewildered by his circumstances, Max couldn't help but notice the transformation he had undergone.

His hands, once delicate and nimble, had now been replaced by hands that bore the unmistakable calluses and scars of a seasoned chef. The transition was as abrupt as it was perplexing, a tangible reminder of the profound changes in his life.

The enigmatic voice in his mind, claiming to be the "Ultimate Chef System" bestowed upon him, echoed persistently. Max's mind raced with questions. What did it mean to possess such a system? How would it shape his culinary journey in this fantastical world where magic seemed to intertwine with the art of cooking?

Pushing aside his uncertainty, Max rose from the bed. He felt an irresistible pull to explore his new surroundings, to unravel the mysteries of this world where culinary artistry and enchantment appeared inseparable.

Max surveyed the room, which appeared far too weathered to be classified as a home. It featured a solitary water bucket and some herbs and spices resting on a table beside the bed.

Walls that had clearly seen better days, a solitary bed bereft of any additional furnishings except for a lone table stationed nearby. A diminutive lamp adorned the table, though its feeble glow struggled in vain to dispel the pervasive darkness that clung to the room.

As Max pondered his unfamiliar surroundings, his gaze chanced upon a solitary sheet of paper resting atop the table.

Intrigued, he reached for it, his fingers gingerly grasping the aged parchment. He commenced perusing the mysterious contents, but to his chagrin, the cryptic symbols and writings eluded his comprehension.

Feeling like a novice in this unfamiliar world, Max turned to the system for assistance. "System," he addressed it, "could you please enlighten me regarding the contents of this page?"

[Would the host like to synchronize with the original body's memories?] the system inquired, prompting Max to consider this intriguing possibility.

'I hadn't given it much thought. By the way, who was the previous owner of this body?' Max thought inwardly.

"System, is the synchronization process likely to be painful, particularly when it comes to merging with the original body's memories?" he inquired with a degree of apprehension.

[It largely depends on the host's mental fortitude, but in general, there may be some discomfort,] the system responded, providing a somewhat unsettling answer.

"Is there an alternative method available to achieve this?" Max queried further, hoping for an easier way to obtain the memories.

[No, in order to access the memories of the original body, synchronization is the sole method,] the system clarified, dashing Max's hopes of a simpler solution.

As Max contemplated the challenging road ahead, he couldn't help but reflect on the hardships that seemed to persistently define his life. "Very well, System, commence the synchronization process," he finally conceded, ready to embrace this new chapter in his enigmatic journey.

Hi guys, It's the second chapter for today.

The next chapter will be posted tomorrow.

I hope you are enjoying the novel.

Please support me with a power stone and if you have any suggestions mention it in the comments.

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