
Poor Love Birds

編輯: Henyee Translations

Hardly had Roland approached when he smelled rust. Shocked, he squeezed through the students who were watching and saw Qi Shaoqiu lying in blood.

Schuck was treating Qi Shaoqiu's wound with bandages, but blood was still flowing out of his waist, as could be seen from the stains on the bandages.

Li Lin, on the other hand, was helping treat Qi Shaoqiu's shoulder.

Both of them had learned battlefield first aid from NPCs in the game, so they did it quickly and well.

Night Tide Sands, on the other hand, kept wiping Qi Shaoqiu's sweat for him with a towel palely.

Qi Shaoqiu was lying on his left side. He had already passed out, and his face had lost all color.

He was gravely wounded.

After Roland squeezed in, he realized Qi Shaoqiu's condition after only a quick glance.

The man had been stabbed in the back, and his right arm was chopped off.