

Lucas walked through the streets as his leather shoes hit the ground with a tap tap sound. His ears sharp and up, picking up the slightest sounds.

He had heard that sounds of horses running to them. But the running horse did stop later and then he heard nothing.

He left Magdalene on her own knowing she could take care of herself but he needed to make sure that the coast was clear. The streets were extremely dark and quiet. He walked through and in the next minute he raised his hands to have an arrow stab through it.

"Who in the world still used this type of arrows are they in the gothic or medieval times" He muttered to himself.

He drew out the arrow from his bleeding palm and it slowly began to heal itself which was strange cause the wound should have healed immediately. Lucas examined the arrow to see that it was laced with poisons. The arrows were ancient not something of the new world, that had more strings and metals and a complicated method of handling it.