
Mafia Goddess

I want a clean fight , parker said Good luck, he said, you'll need it more, I replied . I lingered to punch him but he held me and punched me straight in the nose and I groaned. read to find out the rest.

Roxy_Belle · 奇幻言情
17 Chs

Chapter 13

Yo bitches I'm home, I screamed and I saw everyone come out.

At least you're not dead, Drake said, awwnn was someone worried, I taunted.

of course someone was worried, you just disappeared, Copper said.

forgive me but I'm 20, I'm a grown up so you don't control me neither do you own me, I said.

Look what the cat finally dragged, Lex said and I rolled my eyes.

Not now Lex, Parker scolded and I smirked.

Emily, mom started but I cut her off, not now mom, I said heading upstairs and Lex scoffed.

Hey Lex I fucked him and he was huge, I taunted and I heard her groan and Liam chuckled.

And she's back, Liam said.

It was time for dinner and we were all eating.

So where were you, Lilly asked, mostly at Luke's but I move out a lot with my new friends.

Jade is the crazy one, Amelia is the love struck one and Izzy is the lesbian, I narrated.

You got friends I'm impressed, Drake said and I received a video call.

sorry excuse me, I said and left the table.

Yo bitches, I said. Where are you, Izzy asked, I'm home, I said.

No you're not, Amelia said, my house with family, I said.

okay so there's party wanna tag along, Jade asked, sure come pick me here and I'll go get dressed, I said.

Better dress sluty cause damn we are getting laid, Amelia screamed.

OK so family I'm going for a party so I'm out don't wait up, I said going to my room.

Few minutes after.

Hey Em your friends are here, Frank said, I'll be down in a minute, I said and I saw my friends talking to Liam.

Damn Em you could have said your brother is so cute, Amelia said.

I'm not cute, I'm hot can I get your number, he said.

shut it Frank, I said. I never thought I'd see this day when Em has friends that is not Lex, Liam said.

Yh where's Lex, Izzy asked, what do you want to do, Jade asked.

just wanna see her, she replied, yoo Lex, Liam yelled and she came out.

Are you by any means bi, Izzy asked and we all laughed except Lex.

Am I,she asked, wait what, I said

I think she just said she's bi, Amelia said, I know I heard her, I said.

you are, Frank asked, that's for me to know and for you find out and Izzy my number is at the table were my jacket is check for my business card, she said and we all stared as Izzy got it.

Got it, she screamed, call me, Lex said and left.

Oh, I said

My, Frank said

Gosh, Liam ended it.

Mom Lex said she's bi, Liam and Frank screamed and Jade pulled me out

If you don't want me to fuck her I won't, Izzy said, no it's fine, I replied.