
23. Mann came to cafe

Meera tech me a new taste of coffee, after a few minutes later I have done to making coffee. I am just go to take a sip of coffee then I heard loud voice, like someone laughing and talking. then I saw it's that mafia gang. they come in cafe and ask for giving a order. I just ignore them, but that yesterday's bad boy in that team he called me....

Bad boy - "Heyyy my cute baby, come here and please take my order"

He call me again and again but still I ignored him. but I saw he stand from their cheir and start to walk towards me with angry face. I am scared, even I go back steps. but suddenly someone called me by my name, I turned and saw this is Mann.

Mann - "Hi Mayu, whassup"

I saw, when Mann come to me that mafia bad boy go back and seat on their chair. then I feel good and started to talk with Mann.

Me - "Mann? how you here?"

Mann - "Why? am I don't come here? do you have any problem?"

Me - "No. I just asked because it's late night. I think you can't sleep that's why you came here "

Mann - "Yes your right"

Me - "But why, any reason"

Mann - "Cause I saw a very scary dream and I am totally scared. so that's why I come here for meet you and I thought my mood also will be changed"

Me - "I know you saw a horror movie in the middle of night. now seat and wait for me I will be back in minutes"

I said to seat to Mann and go for bringing some cupcakes and cold coffee for him.

Me - "Mann eat this you feel better"

Mann - "No No. I just come here for feel better not for eat something. please don't treat me like I am your guest. I am your friend okay"

Me - "Your my friend so it's my responsibility to solve your problem, and be always with you and Tina. so eat this"

Mann - "But you also eat and talk with me. but if you have any work then..."

I said before Mann said anything

Me - "No it's okay. this time not so many customers so we can talk to each other"

Mann - "Then tell me one thing that mafia gang came today or not"

Me - "You are so lucky, cause they are already here. so see them"

Mann - "😮What? You are joking"

Me - "No I am not"

Mann - "Then where are they? can I see them?"

Me - "They are seat on two number table, but don't turn for saw them okay"

Mann - "but why? are they dangerous?

Me - "cause if you turn for saw them so they think that we are talking about them"

Mann - "OK I don't turn"

Me - "How's the cold coffee? did you like it"

Mann - "It's very tasty, and also cupcakes. this all made by you?"

Me - "No. I made only coffee. and this cupcakes, this is made by Meera"

Mann - "Oh you tell us that day about Meera, I know her"

Me - "yes. I want to introduce you to Meera but today she is go early to home"

Mann - "Okay no problem, now I need to go home. take care yourself from that boys. and yes if you have any problem then call me I'll come fast"

Me - "Yeah Yeah you and Tina are my bodyguard friend's then why I have any problem😉"

Mann - "OK. bye 👋"

Mann go and just that time our cafe's owner came and said me to take the order form that mafia gang members. I about to say something but owner go before I spoke. so I don't have any chance to ignore them.