

"Emily, Emily!" Angelo yelled as he burst through the doors of the living room, with Charlotte following behind him. Outwardly, she looked distressed, but inwardly, she was beaming with joy. Finally, she was about to achieve what her children could not, which was to end both Angelo and Emily's marriage.

"Angelo, stop acting like this." She called out to him, pretending to be concerned, whereas Angelo looked through every room in the house, trying to find his wife.

"Yes, Mr. Angelo." He turned, only to see Madam Dorothy looking at both of them. Charlotte frowned at the sight of Madam Dorothy. For years, she had hated her and always suspected her of having an affair with her husband.

"Where is my wife?" he asked angrily, his hands balling into a fist as he was trying to stop himself from doing something that he would later regret.