

The next day

Emily couched and caressed the sides of her son's face. She looked into his eyes to say her final goodbye for the day—well, at least until she could get enough time away from Angelo to see him.

There was no doubt in Emily's mind that by her son's facial expression, he was clearly upset; after spending three blissful days with his mother, it was time for him to go back and live with his grandmother.

Emily admired the strong bond that had grown between Angelo and her son; if it were any other situation, things would have been much different, and they would have been a family of three. But sadly for her, the reality of it all was that she could not have her cake and eat it too.

"I have to go now, but I promise to come and visit you," Emily promised her son in a low voice, and she watched as Gorgio frowned and looked down at his hands rather than looking at his mother.