
Mafia's enemy lover (18+)

Ashley_Acetan · 奇幻
34 Chs

chapter 23:-

After having bath , he changed into some comfortable clothes and sat on the couch scanning his husband's angelic face.

Then he stands up and went to the bed .

He slightly sat besides Jimin and whispered in his ears, "hey little chimmy, get up . It's time to eat . " Saying this, Suga leaned towards his head and Pecked his fluffy red cheeks. Feeling someone's presence, Jimin pulled him towards him.

Suga slightly leaned beside him. Jimin held his face and slightly opened his eyes.

"I am hungry but I wanna sleep."

He murmured. Suga slightly smiled towards Jimin.

"Ok. .. so I have a solution. I'll bring our meal to the room. you'll eat it and then quickly sleep again . How's that ?" He asked curiously.

"Are you serious? Look at me , how messy I am right now . How could I eat ? Let me take a bath first then I'll come to you in the kitchen. Ok ! " Jimin said it at once without noticing his husband's expressions. On the other hand, Suga thought so much in his mind .

"Do you want me to help you in shower?"

Suga said in a teasing smile which instantly made Jimin embarrass.

"I CAN SHAWER ON MY OWN " he yelled at Suga and tried to got up from the bed but he quickly sat down again as soon as he tried to get up. He felt a  severe pain in his bottom torso which made him quickly sat down.

"That's why I asked.!" Suga said with a teasing smile. His smile said it all which Jimin couldn't understand.

"Can you take me there ?"

Jimin asked Suga pointing at the bathroom area embarrassingly.

"Definitely my love . You don't have to be embarrassed at all. It's all my fault. I should've to be gentle but what can I do while you are so hot and sexy. I can't help myself." He said with all the credibility in his voice which made Jimin shy . Even his ears and cheeks became red.

Suga hold his hand while Jimin tried to walk but It was hard for him so Suga carried him in his arms  and took him to the bathroom. "Now you can leave me here!" Jimin who was totally shocked by Suga's action, came into his senses when he saw that Suga was taking him inside the bathroom.

"Haha I can't leave you at all. My Darling!" Suga said while lost in his husband's pretty hazel eyes.

Suga slightly put him down and said " just tell me when you're done . I'll get you and I am setting the table for both of us in the room. Ok! " He told Jimin in way of asking his opinion. " Yeah that sounds good. " Jimin said smilingly. Suga left him in the bathroom and went to the kitchen to bring the meal. He was waiting for Jimin's call but after a while he saw Jimin slowly walking towards bed . He quickly got up and get him . " Why you didn't tell me to get you ? " He gently held Jimin's hand.

" I was wet so I thought you might get disgust so I changed into clothes first then walked in. " Jimin was embarrassed after getting scold so he was explaining everything.

"I am not gonna be disgusted by you ... Not in this life . Is that clear ?"

He orderedly asked so Jimin quickly nod.

Both sat on the couch while eating. They had little bit chat . Now Jimin was totally awake So Suga offered him to watch a movie together which Jimin accept happily . Jimin went to the bed and Suga followed him after playing movie.

Suga spread his arm over Jimin.

Both watched a movie together.

That was a romantic thriller movie so Jimin was kinda scared but Suga didn't even blink in the while movie.

When the devil get out of the heroin because of hero , she offered him to be with her which he accepted happily.

Suga actually knows that this'll gonna happen so he pause the movie and asked Jimin. " Little chimmy, let's play a game ! Let's do what gonna happen in the movie. Loser will get punished by winners. How's that ?"

Suga asked slyly gritted his teeth.

" Oh wow that sounds interesting. Ok I am in. " He proudly said but he didn't have any idea about what will gonna happen.

So Suga played the movie and starts taking position.

" Ok So... Are you ready Jimin ? " He asked cleverly.

" Definitely "said Jimin.

Firstly , Girl leaned towards the hero and start sucking his lips . Jimin was shocked ... " What ... There's no way am gonna do that ok .... I am already hell tir.... " His words ended in Suga's lips because Suga starts to suck Jimin's lips like a hungry lion.

After couple of minutes, Jimin tried to push Suga in which he succeeded. He took deep breaths . "Wait....  .... .... Look ..... " He was constantly taking deep breaths . "Yeah I am looking actually." Suga said while scanning Jimin's whole face and body . His gaze made Jimin totally shy. He was red out of shyness.

Seeing his red face, Suga again leaned towards his lips but Jimin quickly backed off .

"Stop that please. I am... So .... Tired . " He was just saying. But Suga ... He quickly stands up and went to the projector, switched it off and turn off the lights and went to put the utensils back in the kitchen. Jimin lay down in the bed while waiting for Suga .

He thought that Suga might be angry on him That's why he suddenly stop. After a while, When suga entered the room, Jimin immediately pretended to fall asleep. When suga saw him sleeping peacefully, he grabbed his laptop and went to his office room to prepare himself for tomorrow's meeting.
