
Made Villain

"What do you say his name was again?" "Shush No one mentions the name of you know who" "Have you heard of the legend?" "What legend?" "Of the name the whole realms dread to mention or hear!" "You mean... [in low voice] the red death?" All of a sudden every one in the hall brought out their various weapon. And Slash... "The one who mentions the name of the Lord of the Underworld dies. O merciful Lord we have slain the sinner do not descend from your Underwoldly throne. Have mercy on us" ... The red death, Lord of the Underworld, The dark one. I go by many name but my real name is Prime Rager. You want to know what that means right. Carefully rearrange that two names and you will know my true identity. The most dreaded name in all the realms Grim Reaper. Hahahaha "Pray the crimson eyes that watches at night never gaze your path" Support the novel in anyway you could.

Nathaniel_Moon · 奇幻
5 Chs

The Hunt

"... is that the most daring would say that deep in the Marrish lies your greatest nightmare. It rarely hunts at day but watch out for the night for the great evil roams in the dead of the night. It is a wolf that never howls and a serpent that never hisses. it is as deadly as the grave and it sees the hearts of man. Pray that the crimson eyes that watches at night never gaze at you." The old man said with a serious countenance staring at the girl in veil in particular.

"Nah, no one will believe the rubbish you are spouting" The burly man who had proposed the hunt said.

"I Fenix am a seasoned Hunter and is well familiar with the Marrish so I can tell you that there is no cause for alarm. So who is up for a hunt?"

"I'm in"

"I'm in"

"We are in."

"So my lady, what do you say. How about a little game in the Marrish." The prince said to Gaia.

She took a glance at the one-legged man and look down as if she contemplating on what to do, then after a moment she nodded.

"O - Kay! We are in for some killing. I mean hunting." The prince remarked excitedly.

"So when do you say we move out." The prince asked Fenix.

"I say the sooner the better, we move out tomorrow - sunrise. Let allowed the brave men meet at the first gate." Fenix replied.

"Matt prepare for the hunt. But for now let's get a nice place to sleep."

"Yes your highness."


_ In the inn_

"Gaia, are you alright" a soft feminine voice asked in a concerned tone looking at the back view of a maiden who was watching the starry sky through the window.

"Yeah I'm fine." Gaia responded in a charming and compelling yet delicate voice capable of stirring within any listener an urge to protect.

"No, you are not." The maid replied.

Averting her gaze from the star filled sky, she looked at her maid revealing her divine looks. Under the veil, she was like a divine priestess, a being that must not be stained by mortal dust. But now that the veil has been lifted, she looks like a goddess, one whom all must honor.

"What do you see, Aunt Thea?" Gaia asked flashing her a cheerful smile.

"There is this little girl I know. She is beautiful, loving, perfect yet delicate and worrisome, never tried to show that she carry a burden within. Because she is afraid she will be seen as a burden" She hummed as she walked to the bed, and lie down with her face towards the ceiling.

"Who might she be?" Gaia replied with a seemingly curious look on her face.

"Oh I am very sure you know her, in fact you two must have met." Thea replied jovially.

"You sure Aunt Thea?" Gaia asked as she sat on the bed.

"Hmmm, in fact you two have a lot in common. How do I describe it" She said as she sat up looking keenly at Gaia's face.

"Hmm, the same mesmerizing eye color, the same heavenly face, same divine looks. [Gasp] Too much similarities." She said while examining Gaia's features as if they were meeting for the first time.

"And you are sure we have truly met, why didn't I notice? I would have treated her as a younger sister." Gaia pouted, increase her divine charm capable of beguiling any one.

"Oh sure, go look in your mirror you will find her waiting for you." Thea replied as she pinched Gaia's cheek.

"Stop teasing a poor girl, aunt." Gaia said with a flushed face.

"So what is on your mind?"Thea asked with a serious face.

"I don't know, I think I just feel a little lonely." Gaia said as she once again moved to the window.

"Missing home already?" Thea asked.

"Maybe." She sighed. "Auntie do you know what the stars are?" she asked.

"You mean the big ball of light billions of miles away?"

"You know she once told me to look at the stars whenever I feel lonely. She'll say they are the eyes of the heavens. Countless. So whenever things look gloomy, desolate and lonely as the night, know that even in the darkest night, the silver eyes of the heavens watch over you. So you are not alone." Gaia said with an affectionate yet melancholic voice.

Looking at her back, the gracefulness she felt from it was suddenly gone only to be replaced with delicateness and fragility. She really felt the urge to hug her and tell her that all will be well.

And she did so. And they stayed there for a long time.

Although she doesn't know much about this girl, she has grown to love her as if she was her long lost sister. Gaia had never treated her as a maid or bodyguard but as a kin, sharing her thoughts and feeling with her. Therefore, she felt strongly attached to this motherless child. She wished she could do something about that but is she worthy?

"Looks like someone loves a warm hug very much."Gaia teased.

"It is all your fault, who said you should have such innate charm after having such divine looks." She said in mock anger.

Gaia giggled and then heaved a deep cheerful sigh.

"Speaking of your charm, did you use your ability on that poor old man at the restaurant?" Separating from their hug, Thea asked.

"Whoops, someone caught me" Gaia said in mock surprise.

"Who wouldn't, the man was staring at you as he conclude his story. So do you think what he said is true?"

"As you know that my innate ability deals with charm and mild compulsion. I think he said his mind but I can't be totally sure if it is true." Gaia explained.

"But no matter what, I have a feeling this hunt wouldn't be as easy as it seems."She added.

"And you still want to go? I mean this could be too risky" Thea said.

"Come on auntie, don't you want to have some fun. And you are also a ninth level fighter, almost a noble. I don't have a cause to be afraid with you by my side. Don't you want to breakthrough?" Gaia try to goad her auntie with sweet word.

Holding her hands while looking into her eyes, Thea said"Ok but promise to be careful, little Gaia."

"I promise, auntie!" Looking at her cute face, Thea couldn't help but pinch her cheek once again and ruffle her hair.

The next day at sunrise a lot of people gathered at the first gate of the Marrish - a portal opening at the glowing green wall.

"So we are going to go in group of five, and meet at the North west portal of each level every time. Let's be quick and let's have some fun." Fenix addressed the party.

And soon each group went in one after the other.

Let the game begin.