
Made To Be Stimulated: Chapter 20


My drowsy eyes peeled open to the image of a wolf glowing on the screen. Lines of text scrolled past it, what Waya called credits. I didn't remember anything about the movie, so I must have fallen asleep toward the beginning. The rhythmic sounds of breathing and gentle snores lead me to believe the others had fallen asleep as well.

Sometime during the night, Spots had cuddled up halfway on me, and now his skin felt too hot on my sweaty body, and my bladder felt full. He whimpered something in his sleep as I carefully wiggled my way from beneath him, but he quickly settled down once I freed myself.

As soon as I stood, my head swam, and the cold sweat did nothing to cool me. I palmed at my eyes until an explosion of color painted the back of my lids, but it did nothing to help either.

Maybe if I could find a bathroom, I'd feel better once I relieved myself and splashed some water on my face?

I stumbled forward and pushed through the door clumsily. My breath came as heavy wheezing, and my head continued to spin. Everything seemed supersaturated, but like I was viewing everything from a window. It was like I was trapped in the thin space between dream and reality, oscillating between each.

There was a heated pressure below my belly, tickling at my insides and making me flush. Even outside of the video room, the air suffocated me.

Which way was the bathroom again? I'd been there before, but I couldn't get my brain straight. I might as well transported to an entirely different world for all I knew.

Hugging the wall, I struggled to keep myself vertical as I picked a random direction in search of my destination. An involuntary moan escaped my mouth. It wasn't pain that caused it, but it was still a feeling wholly uncomfortable and utterly debilitating. I screwed my eyes shut and kept scooting along, panting heavily.

I pushed open another door that I'd manage to reach after what felt like a lifetime. My fluttering heart sounded in my ears. A discordant CRACK sounded causing my to cringe, but my eyes snapped open when I heard his velvety voice.


My daddy stood from his leaning position over a table littered with colorful balls. He held a long pole, like a deadly weapon, in one hand while the other gripped the edge of the table. He looked dark and foreboding, staring at me with dangerous intensity.

Something reached my nostrils and I knew it was him. I needed more of it.

I staggered toward him, never breaking eye contact. My mouth began to salivate, and the fire in my stomach burned ever hotter.

"You're in heat." He rasped as his lidded eyes trailed down my body.

I didn't know what that meant, but with each step closer to him, the more my heart pounded.

"Flint, we need to-" someone began to speak, sounding miles away.

"Get out." The Alpha snarled.

My heart leapt in excitement. I should have been scared, and I was in a way, but something else filled me and blocked everything away, because in that moment, I knew one thing about the man.

"Mine." I growled.