
Mad House

They said that villains were created, not born. Soo-ah and Jae were both only six when they witnessed the horrendous crime involving their mother as the victim. As the world turned its back on them, a mysterious man in a coat reached his hands, promising them help to find the culprit, but instead of salvation, the two found themselves trapped inside the cage. A cage, where rules were not meant to be broken.

TalentlessCarin_ · 武侠
10 Chs


Without anyone's notice, Soo-ah, who's very careful with her step, silently slipped into the room under the veil of darkness. 




She called as she entered the room to find an old lady with a serene smile carved on her lips. 


"Come here, sweetie; I made you something."


Her voice was soothing, as if it were gently caressing her ears.


Seeing freshly baked cookies on the table, paired with hot cocoa, made Soo-ah's face lighten.


"It's so delicious, Grandma!"


She praised while her face was covered in crumbs.


'Will my brother get angry if he finds out I ate sweets again? '


She thought as she placed the three pieces of cookie on the edge of the plate.


'UHmmmmm. Never mind, I'll just give him some.'


As she continued eating, she was startled when the old lady suddenly reached out and grabbed her shoulder while wearing a creepy smile on her face, making her drop the cookies on the floor. 




Her body starts to tremble.


"Don't you feel disappointed in yourself?" 


She asks, leaving Soo-ah confused.


"It hurts, grandma!"


With a startled cry, Soo-ah accidentally smacked her hands together and swiftly jumped out of the sofa.

"Grandma, you're scaring me!" 


Hearing it, the old lady smile widened as she stood to walk in her direction, reaching her trembling face as she lean in, to whisper something in her ears.


"It's okay, sweetie; I won't hurt you. 


She states it while caressing her hair. 


...I just don't want you to be a burden to your brother."




The old lady took a step back after seeing Soo-ah's dumbfounded expression. With a satisfied grin, she was so sure that her scheme was going to succeed.


"Don't you find yourself weak?"


She questioned it, and she was fully aware that she could never deny it.


"I know what you are feeling, sweetie; that's why Grandma is here to help you."


She held her face, gently wiping the tears from her blank eyes.


"Could you really do that?"


"Of course, sweetie, that's why I called you here.


She went back, sitting on the sofa.


Come here, sweetie, let me show you something."


She called, tapping the other side of the sofa beside her.


As soon as they sat down, Diane, whom she called Grandma, brought out a rectangular box where she gets a bottled tube filled with a peculiar green liquid that Soo-ah had never seen before.


As soon as she pured it into her cup, the liquid emanated a gentle, otherworldly glow, casting an enchanting light in the room. 


"Wha-what is that thing, grandma?"


She trembled, starting to feel scared again. 


"It was just a common vitamin; no need to be scared.


She stated as she gave her the cup.


This would make you strong; can you believe that? ...."


With her persuing tone of voice, Soo-ah's eyes widen.




The old lady grins. 


"Now drink it up...


Her eyes glint.


'It's bitter! -' 


That's right. Good girl."


As she finished the cup, which she had forcefully drank, the wrinkled old lady caressed her hair once again.


"Meet me here again tomorrow, and-


The look on her eyes has suddenly creeped on her. 


make sure no one finds out. Okay? It was our small secret...


She smiled. 


...between you and me."




As a familiar voice called her, Soo-ah swiftly left the office, seeing the old lady putting an index finger on her lips before she closed the door to leave.


Just like that, every day, Soo-ah was cautious not to get caught when meeting her. She always met her at midday when everyone was sleeping. But then, as she was about to meet the old lady for a week now, she bumped into someone, leaving her jolted in shock.


"Soo-ah? Your not gone to bed yet?"


She questioned herself as she stared at her pale complexion.


"No! I was just—urk!


Before she could even finish her word, her vision blurred, as if she were about to throw up.


"Soo-ah! Are you okay? Come with me; I'll take you to the clinic!"


Seeing her woobly leg, Becca immediately grabbed her wrists, but as they were about to leave the scene, a figure of an old lady they knew had grabbed soo-ah on her arms.


The moment Becca looked into her eyes, she began to rattle, and before she knew it, the old lady took soo-ah away. 


'I-I'm sorry! '


She was on her knees as her eyes trembled with tears, covering her mouth intensely.


It was then already too late when she saw Soo-ah faint, showering with her own blood that was dripping down her nose. It was a horrendous scene that she knew would happen not only to her nor Soo-ah but to all the kids in this institution.


"How are things going?"


The man asks to the person wearing a lab coat.


"Her heart rate was stable."


State the other man who's looking at the electrocardiogram monitor, writing down every detail he notices about the girl.


"This was the last drug we had."


He gets the long-length injection and taps the liquid inside it.


"Inject it-


-but sir! -


He glared at the man.

-It is the only way to find out if she would either be immune to it or lose her mind on the process."


Hearing it come out of his mouth, chills crawled down their spines. As if they would never get used to seeing it.


As soon as the man in a white coat had injected the drug mix with inland taipan to soo-ah, her heart rate and temperature dropped. He sighed while seeing it, thinking that another experiment was about to fail, when... All of a sudden, as he was about to walk out from the room, Soo-ah miraculously awakened. Her eyes slowly opened as she sat back, leaving everyone in shock as she began laughing like a maniac.






The look on her face had made them all frightened; it was petrifying that made them all rattle in fear, except for the man who's smiling up to his ears.

I think it's time to surrender your power stone to me.

TalentlessCarin_creators' thoughts