
Mad House

They said that villains were created, not born. Soo-ah and Jae were both only six when they witnessed the horrendous crime involving their mother as the victim. As the world turned its back on them, a mysterious man in a coat reached his hands, promising them help to find the culprit, but instead of salvation, the two found themselves trapped inside the cage. A cage, where rules were not meant to be broken.

TalentlessCarin_ · 武侠
10 Chs


Have you ever felt the suffocating grip of despair? where every breath feels like a struggle and the weight of darkness engulfs your soul, leaving you lost in a labyrinth of hopelessness?

If you were to ask a six-year-old kid who just witnessed his own mother's death and was left in the world with no one, what do you think he would say? ...."Im tired?"..."When will this end?"....or...he will just cry it out until he escape the feeling of somber?


When the door swung open, a plethora of kids in white uniforms greeted their eyes, but among those kids, only three were quite familiar.


"Soo-ah! Are you okay?!"


A girl who's cuddling a bear that was tainted red had questioned.


She glances at Jae while holding onto Soo-ah's hands.


....I thought you're going to leave us!" 

As she embraced the girl, who's a centimetre taller than her, she couldn't help but notice the boy beside her, who's blankly staring at the air.


"I-I'm so sorry about your head."

A tough looking boy who he remembered throw a bear at his head had stated. 

He fidgets, waiting for him to answer, but to their surprise, Jae just stands there with glassy eyes.


To lessen the feeling of awkwardness in the air, he elbowed the boy beside him, signalling for him to talk.

The timid-looking kid had scorned before he began to speak in a low, uninterested tone.


"Ah, let's play together sometimes-

-That's right! I hope we could get along!" 

He cut, forming a smile on his lip as the timid-looking boy beside him rolled his eyes.

Silence had eaten the place when they notice a vertically endowed man had strut behind the two, with a cold oceanic blue eyes.


"You've come back safely, father."

She bowed, followed by the two boys beside him, whose bodies were left stiff and sweaty.

"Retreat to your quarters."

They didn't say anything after that and glanced at the two before they left the scene.


"Both of you follow me."

The man commanded to the two as he walked among them, and they went straight into a room with a dragon-shaped door knob that had a red jewel eye.

As soon as they enter, a smell of antique had welcome both of them, the furniture was polish and as they sat at the sofa, they watch him throws the rifle at the floor and inhaled a pipe of tobacco in his mouth. A minute later an old lady who treated Jae had given  them milk paired with freshly baked biscuits.

She smiled before walking towards the door.

"Want to stay here?"

He questioned, loosening the grip of his tie.


"There's only one thing I want both of you to follow."

He declared, frowning his brows at the two, seeing the other one quitely sitting like a statue and the other who keeps munching down the food like there is no tomorrow.


He blew out a smokr and pulled back his hair.

"Listening?! Either of you?!"

His voice grew colder, causing Soo-ah to drop the biscuit from her hand.


"ECK! Bro-brother..."

She whispered as she clung back on his arms, hiding behind his back.

"Carry out my instructions promptly, without hesitation. *He paused*...and I hate kids who ask repeated questions, especially those who dare to cut my words.-

After he could even affirm it, his forehead wrinkled as Jae cut off his words.



The man slammed the pipe on the table as his face flushed crimson, and his veins visibly throbbed beneath his skin, carrying an intense furry look in his eyes.


...would you help us get stronger? "


The look in his eyes screamed courage, and seeing it, he felt amused.



"Call me father! "

He stated as he pulled back his hair, forming a grin on his lips.

Both of them were left confused, but there was a feeling of wanting to gain something—a desire they wanted to get—just like other kids who play a game of barter.


"Then, Father, would you help us?"

He asks without hesitation.

"Indeed, it is the sole purpose of your presence here."

He grin.

Visit my profile if you're interested in reading more of my novels. Thank you for reading.

TalentlessCarin_creators' thoughts