
Night Guests (1)

He explained the details that the demons needed to know. The demons were silently listening as if they needed to. As if that was the only thing that they should do at that moment. 

If you looked at the group closely, then you would notice that Reece was not the leader of the group. In fact, he looked like he was working for one of the demons who was calling the shots. 

Near Reece, there was a male demon who was tall, like 6'5 feet. He had red eyes. He was also very muscular. 

"Is that all that we need to know?" the leader of the group asked in a booming voice while looking at Reece coldly. 

Reece expressionlessly nodded before he said, "Yeah, I have told you everything that you need to know." 

Even though he tried to sound so brave, you could still hear the small traces of fear at the end of his voice. If one of the people who knew him to see him like this, it would be really surprising.