
Macha's Journey

On a rainy night, Macha is transported to another world. This is a dangerous world filled with mythological creatures that terrorize the Outer-Reaches. Tyr, the leader of the Obsidian Dragons guild, finds Macha and hires her as his secretary. He teaches her many things, while she, in turn, changes his life. Macha learns to fight and use magic while working for Tyr and tries to carve out a new life for herself. On her journey, she fights to protect and assist the friends and lovers she makes along the way. Author Note: Lovers is not a typo, but this is not a harem! It will take a long time for the lovers. I plan on this being a long story that explores the different types of love that exist. Parental Guidance suggested due to occasional use of language, darker themes brought up, violence, war, and sex. I do not go out of my way to make things not for kids, but I do not want to be worried about a child reading this either. ---------------- Daily chapter release. The later chapters have moved, but are still free. ---------------- Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BabyTanuki Join me in discord: https://discord.gg/xjDrqkm I have some of the songs that inspired chapters, a Q&A area, announcements, and a place where you can report a mistake if I make one. I also made an Instagram where I will put any pictures of the food mentioned that I make or maps. Things like that. The account is machasjourney, hope to see you there!

BabyTanuki · 军事
236 Chs


Macha finished putting her clothes away and was relaxing at the dining table. She enjoyed talking with Luna earlier. Despite Luna not being able to answer Macha's question, she still helped put Macha at ease. Macha drank a glass of juice while reading a book about table manners. There were many rules she had to remember for the next time they went to a social gathering. She did not want to be embarrassed and have people scoff at her again.

Tyr came in and saw Macha studying the book of etiquette she asked him to get her. He did not understand why she even cared about that stuff. He took the book out of her hands, "You already broke the rule from the third chapter on how to dress. It's between visiting hours and you're in your lounge clothes."

Macha grabbed the book and flipped to the chapter Tyr referred to. He was right. "How can you remember all of these rules? You don't even follow them." She flopped the book on the table, feeling defeated.

Tyr sat on the table and tossed the book across the room onto the sofa. He hated that book. "Of course I don't follow them. They're a waste of time, but I grew up with them. Besides, if I followed them you would never have lived with me." He ran a hand through his bangs and smiled. In a serious voice, he said, "Perhaps we should get a chaperone. Oh, and I can't marry you. I'm the only son and I should marry women with money to keep the Valois finances strong," Tyr felt like joking and an exaggerated look of worry crossed his face.

Macha remembered the things he said were all in the book. She had read the book many times despite it being a difficult read for her. Macha shrugged her shoulders, "Guess I better move out. I need to find myself a man who matches my station in life. Shall I move out tomorrow?" If Tyr wanted to rub in all these points, she could play that game. She made a move to leave the room, "I should go to my room. I can't be in the same room alone with you."

Tyr did not like where this conversation headed. He understood that Macha was playing along, but it still hurt his feelings. He came home wanting to spend time with her after running his errands. Tyr stretched his hand out to catch hers. "Wait," he pulled her closer to him. "You know I don't follow those rules. I left that life because it isn't who I am." He stroked her cheek with his hand. Macha dressed casually, but she still looked beautiful to him. He liked that no one else saw this side of her. It was a side of her only for his eyes. Tyr had the urge to kiss Macha but restrained himself. Now was not a good time. He wanted their first kiss as a couple to be memorable and special.

Macha raised her hands and ran her fingers through Tyr's hair. "Fine, I guess I can stay if you aren't worried about how I'll ruin you," she gave a wicked smile. "Besides, I didn't finish redecorating yet."


A few days passed since Tyr's return. Macha continued wondering where their relationship stood. He had not kissed her at all since his return, which further complicated her thoughts. Macha could tell he was attracted to her, he loved holding her hand or touching her face. Despite all of his tender touches, he did not kiss her. All of Macha's past boyfriends could not wait to be affectionate, but Tyr was different. He kept things very chaste and innocent.

Macha wondered if it was because people here lived so long. Perhaps they took everything slower because time did not weigh on their mind. She opened the door to the office to bring in their lunch. Today she chose the sandwich and soup combo that the mess hall offered.

Macha put the tray down on Tyr's desk. She liked the bowls that hovered above the tray because they always stayed upright. It made the chance of spilling the hot soup almost impossible. She had found them at a little shop on a side street a few weeks ago.

Today Macha thought Tyr looked especially handsome. He had a black dress shirt on, but he had left the top buttons open. Seeing him like that, Macha decided that she wanted him to kiss her today. She felt like she was dying from the anxiety and tension. She decided if Tyr would not instigate it, she would. Macha planned to begin seducing him now. She thought if she started now, she would get her kiss by dinner.

Macha moved her chair closer to Tyr's than she usually did. She positioned herself so her leg brushed against his. Macha looked up into his green eyes and gave him a coquettish smile, rubbing her foot against his calf. Her heart raced because she knew once they kissed, their relationship would change.

Tyr could tell Macha understood what she was doing, and it was killing him. He planned on kissing Macha for the first time as his girlfriend at the masquerade festival. He wanted to take her into the garden and kiss her under the moonlight by a fountain. Tyr liked the idea of the soft music playing in the background and the smell of flowers around them. It would create a romantic atmosphere where he could tell her he liked her before they kissed.

Macha moved her foot up and Tyr's mouth went dry. He tried to ignore Macha's foot caressing his leg, but he felt his body becoming warmer. Tyr tried to pick up his spoon but realized his hands shook. Not wanting to let Macha see him like this, he put his hands in his lap. "Macha..." he croaked. Tyr did not know how much longer he could hold back.

"Mmm?" she gave him an innocent look. She leaned closer and placed her hand on one of Tyr's hands. Macha noticed that his hands were not steady. "Your hands are shaking," she said in a soft voice while spreading her fingers between his. Macha made sure to graze his inner thigh.

Tyr had been fighting the urge to kiss her, but her simple action broke his willpower. Feeling Macha's fingers pressed against his thigh excited him and she gazed at him in such an intimate manner. Tyr gave Macha's hand a small tug, encouraging her to come to him. He pulled her down onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her. Tyr buried his face in her hair, inhaling the soft scent of lavender. He wanted to instill this moment in his mind.

Macha drew her body up against Tyr. When he moved in to smell her hair, she gave his ear a light kiss. "Tyr, we're in the office..." she whispered. She did not expect him to kiss her now, but his hard body aroused her.

Tyr did not comprehend what Macha said. He could only focus on how her soft body felt pressed against him. He moved his lips to her neck and kissed her lightly at first, but with more force as he worked his way up to her lips. His warm breath heated and cooled Macha's skin, teasing her. Her willingness to be with him made him desire her even more.

Tyr paused. His lips hovered above hers, the warmth of their breaths mingled. He hesitated, trying to stop himself, but Macha tilted her head towards him slightly and parted her soft lips. Her invitation released any willpower he had left. Tyr kissed Macha's lips lightly at first. He wanted to savor the taste and feel of them. He moved a hand down to her hips to pull her closer. His other hand pulled her head back so he could deepen the kiss.

Macha felt Tyr's excitement growing and her heart raced. Her body tingled with anticipation and she wanted more of him. His hands left tracks of desire as they moved across her body. She nibbled his lower lip and heard him groan with lust.

Tyr stood up and put Macha on his desk. He spread her legs and pressed himself against her. Macha's skirt moved up, and he saw a flash of blue lace. Her legs wrapped around him, pushing his hips against hers.

He supported her back and head with one arm and moved his hand under her shirt with his other. Tyr needed to touch her soft skin. As his hand caressed Macha's waist, she guided his arm higher. He kissed her roughly as he slipped his hand under her bra. She gave a sound of pleasure and undid the buttons on his shirt. She ran her hands along his defined muscles, wanting to savor his hot skin against hers.

Tyr wanted more from Macha with every fiber of his being. He grew annoyed at a stack of papers that was in his way. He made a move to push the stack to the side, but the papers drew him back to reality. He realized that they were still in the office.

His mind was foggy with passion, but he refused to have their first time be in his office. Their first kiss was ruined, but he refused to yield on the first time they made love. He needed to put some distance between them before Macha seduced him any further. Ripping himself away from Macha's warm body, he walked across the room. Tyr looked at her and saw she breathed heavily. Her lips looked swollen from his kisses and her eyes invited him to come back.

Tyr took a step to go back, but he suddenly remembered a comment Fenrir made towards the end of their relationship. She told him that Jarnvid was better in bed and that he did not know how to please a woman. It was the same day Fenrir taunted him about how she cheated on him before demanding they break up. A cold wave washed over Tyr that pulled him out of his desire. He buttoned his shirt and walked calmly back to Macha.

Macha sensed a shift in Tyr's mood but still wanted him. She was unsure if it was something she did so she took deep breaths to clear her mind. She adjusted her clothes and hopped off the desk to sit down in her chair. "So..."

Macha looked around trying to find a topic to talk about. She spied the uneaten lunch and blurted out, "I got you a chicken sandwich today."

Tyr sat down in his chair. He put his hand where Macha had been. Tyr enjoyed the warmth that Macha left behind on his desk. He ran his hands through his hair to change his train of thought, "Thanks." Tyr studied the lamp pull Macha had given him on Boreas's Day. He was upset that he gave into his passion. He wanted to give Macha a more memorable and romantic kiss.

Tyr hoped Macha liked the kiss, despite it being so spontaneous. To Tyr, the kiss had left his body yearning for more. He knew nothing about Macha's past romances and worried that he would be inadequate compared to the other people she had kissed. Tyr understood that it was just a kiss, but it felt like it would make or break their relationship. Everything hinged on if he did it right.

They ate in silence for a bit, both were scared to talk about what just happened. Macha looked at the city's skyline as she worried if Tyr thought she had been too forward, while Tyr worried about if he pleased her or if she detested him now.

Tyr broke the kiss so suddenly that Macha was left confused. She thought he enjoyed the kiss and wanted her, but he seemed to have recovered from it as if it was nothing. Now Macha worried that he tasted her and realized it was not what he wanted at all. She wanted Tyr to say something or make a move to let her know everything was all right, but Tyr seemed to focus on the food.

Trying to salvage their friendship, she decided to ignore the kiss. Macha remembered that she was ordering her mask today and said, "What are you planning to go as to the masquerade? I decided to go as a swan. Luna and I are going to order the masks today. Did you want me to get you one?"

Tyr had forgotten about getting a costume for himself. He had been busy planning the details for guard shifts and where Freyr needed more security. Tyr imagined Macha as a swan and joked, "Perhaps I should go as a wolf since they eat swans."

Tyr's statement surprised Macha and she let out a loud laugh. "If you like you can go as a wolf. Did you want me to get you your mask?" Tyr's joke broke the awkward silence that had fallen between them.

Tyr shook his head, "No. I can get it myself. It's a common enough mask that there shouldn't be an issue. I'll stop by a shop tonight on the way back from the palace. I have a few details I need to go over with the Captain of the Guard."