
LYRA: The rise of the rookies

In a world where the Warriors protect peace and balance, Lyra, a young rookie in the guild, embarks on exciting adventures with her friends Ik, Touko and Shori. As they face challenges and dangers, they discover their own Zen powers and learn about the mysterious Keiyaku. From combat missions to political intrigue and confrontations with powerful enemies, Lyra and her friends explore a world full of magic, danger and hidden secrets. With each challenge, they grow in skill and confidence, forging strong bonds and facing their destiny as Zen warriors. Along their journey, they will find friendship, love, and discover the true meaning of courage and determination.

Angel_Monzter · 奇幻言情
14 Chs

Second round.

The rookies had decided to take a break for the rest of the day since none of them were scheduled to fight. They chose to spend the day in the cozy girls' room, surrounded by pillows and blankets, with a stack of movies ready to be devoured.

The next day, with an energetic gesture, Manolo announced the beginning of a new day full of excitement and adrenaline.

"And here we are, starting the quarter-finals of the first group of the tournament!" he exclaimed enthusiastically, his voice echoing in the stadium.

"That's right, Manolo! A radiant day, worthy of the most epic battles!" replied his partner, matching his enthusiasm.

The warm sunlight filtered through the windows, bathing the arena in a golden light, while the murmur of the crowd grew in intensity, imbuing the air with palpable electricity.

"Jacob Thomas and Lewa Kobayashi, please proceed to the arena!" ordered Manolo, his voice resonating with authority, as the two fighters emerged with grace and determination.

From the comfort of their rooms, the rookies watched attentively on their televisions as Lewa made her entrance, with her characteristic bandaged face and a sports hoodie that barely concealed her slender figure, along with shorts and sneakers that showcased her agility and skill. On the other hand, Jacob, the boy with the thin face and straight hair, confidently stepped into the arena, recalling his outstanding performance in the pre-tournament interviews.

"Go ahead!" shouted Osvaldo, his voice resonating above the roar of the fireworks that erupted, marking the beginning of the confrontation.

"Are you ready?" inquired Lewa, flexing her fingers with an audible crack, her gaze fixed on her opponent.

"Interesting... I was just about to ask you the same thing," replied Jacob, his tone laden with arrogance, reflecting confidence in his abilities.

"Rock March!" exclaimed Jacob with determination as he slammed his palm into the ground, causing a series of rocks to violently erupt from the earth, threatening to charge towards Lewa, who was forced to skillfully dodge to avoid being struck or pierced by the sharp projectiles.

"Is that a Keiyaku?"

"With any other nature, such a powerful attack would definitely be a Keiyaku; however, what Jacob is doing doesn't even seem to be a Jibun," commented the main announcer. "The ability to manipulate earth is inherently powerful in its basic form, allowing users to subtly modify their environment."

"Run, little mummy, unless you can fly, you've already lost this encounter, because... the ground is my domain!" Jacob roared relentlessly as he continued to generate sharp rocks that emerged from the ground in orderly rows of three, disintegrating after fulfilling their function to make way for a new wave. In an instant, Lewa stumbled over one of the stones that dislodged from the ground as a rock emerged, causing the young man to lose his balance and barely dodge one of the sharp projections that caused a deep cut on his shoulder.

"Dragon Impact!" Lewa shouted, raising her hand towards Jacob, unleashing a powerful air wave that sliced through the ground until it directly impacted Jacob's left arm, the one he used to generate the rocks he used to attack Lewa.

The damage meters for both quickly rose, reaching 12% for Jacob and 16% for Lewa, as a strong gust of wind began to swirl around the latter's body, who didn't hesitate for a second to activate her Keiyaku: "Infernal Whirlwind."

"Well, another quick victory for Lewa Kobayashi thanks to her Keiyaku," commented Manolo, watching as Jacob writhed in pain from the cuts inflicted by the wind.

Ik turned off the television and turned to the girls with a worried expression.

"Do you realize that if any of us make it to the semifinals, they'll have to face that monster?"

"It could even happen sooner," Touko replied seriously. "We've been lucky so far, but there's still one round before the semifinals."

"And if I end up winning in my group, I'll have to face him," Licka added, showing a slight nervousness in her voice.

"At least you have nothing to worry about," Lyra intervened with a smile, placing a reassuring hand on Touko's shoulder.

"Why do you say that?" Touko inquired challengingly, anticipating the response.

"You'll find out in half an hour," Lyra mysteriously replied, hinting at something about their upcoming encounter.

The time had come. Lyra and Touko made their way to the locker rooms to prepare for their match, while Licka and Ik headed to the concession stand to buy their tickets and some snacks.

"What can I get you?" asked the friendly chubby man who ran the arena's concession stand, with a warm smile.

"Order whatever you want, Touko's treating," Licka urged Ik, showing him her friend's card. Ik looked at it for a moment and smiled.

"Then, I'll have a tray of medium wings and a large sangria soda," Ik decided, as the attendant began preparing his order.

"I'll go for the large bucket of fries, a meatball sandwich, onion rings, a medium ice cream, and a soda... diet, please," the slender girl requested, surprising her companion with her varied choice. Once they were handed their food, Ik offered to carry the heavy tray, and as it obstructed his view, Licka took the lead to guide him to their seats, where Manolo and Osvaldo had already begun introducing the next match. The entrance music began to resonate, indicating it was time for Lyra and Touko to make their appearance in the arena, strutting playfully before the audience.

"Let the battle begin!" announced Osvaldo, as the audience held their breath, anticipating the clash that was about to unfold.

Both girls launched themselves at each other with determination, colliding in a strange pose where Lyra stopped Touko's left fist with her right hand, while Touko held Lyra's left knee with equal firmness.

"You have impressive reflexes," praised Lyra, admiring her best friend's skill.

"Same to you, beauty," replied Touko with a smile, showing their mutual respect.

They agilely stepped back, creating space between them before engaging again, exchanging a series of quick and precise blows, each skillfully guarding against the other's attacks.

"You have a lot of strength," admitted Lyra, recognizing Touko's ability.

"I've been training hard since I joined the guild. I hope I don't hurt you too much," responded Touko, showing her determination for the fight.

For a moment, both remained motionless, holding each other's hands firmly, each looking for an opportunity to outmaneuver the other. Touko stood out for her superior strength and speed, but Lyra had the advantage of real combat experience, a skill that could prove crucial at that decisive moment.

Lyra activated her dark aura in both arms, taking Touko by surprise, who released her grip in a moment of bewilderment. Seizing this opening, Lyra delivered a strong punch directly to Touko's left ribs, raising her damage meter to 12%. Despite the sharp pain, Touko remained steadfast, her agile mind searching for opportunities amidst the fight. She noticed a clear opening in Lyra's defense when she struck and, without missing a beat, took the chance to deliver a flurry of four quick jabs to her friend's face, finishing with a powerful uppercut that made Lyra momentarily retreat.

But before Touko could fully regain her composure, Lyra had already counterattacked with a powerful kick that almost knocked her to the ground. With quick reflexes, Touko placed one hand on the ground, using that movement to trigger a defensive response. Roots sprouted from the ground, emerging abruptly at Lyra's feet, who barely had time to dodge them, suffering a superficial cut on her right calf in the process.

"The participant is executing an attack very similar to what we saw from Jacob in the previous match," commented Manolo, observing the intense confrontation with keen interest.

"Exactly, Lyra Yoto is relying on her agility to evade damage, just as Lewa Kobayashi did in her match," added Osvaldo, highlighting the defensive strategy adopted by the blonde combatant.

Lyra decided to end her evasive strategy and instead used the speed she had been utilizing to rush towards Touko. She prepared a powerful punch charged with all her dark aura, ready to strike with force. Touko, noticing the determination in her friend's eyes, chose not to try and repel her with roots. Instead, she removed her hand from the ground and covered her fist with a thick, hard layer of dry wood, preparing for the clash.

"Are you ready?" asked Touko, her voice resonating with determination as she braced for the confrontation.

"More than ready!" replied Lyra, without slowing down. However, a jolt of heat began to course through one of her legs just before she stopped abruptly, receiving a powerful punch to the face that raised her damage percentage to 63%. The force of the blow sent the girl with the fantasy-colored hair flying through the air, her body floating momentarily before hitting the ground with a thud.

In an instant, long roots emerged from one of Touko's arms, intertwining to form an improvised whip. Skillfully, the blonde launched it towards Lyra, catching one of her legs and pulling her back towards herself with force. Taking advantage of the proximity, Touko connected a second punch, this time aimed at Lyra's stomach, causing her to fall to her knees in front of her friend.

"I surrender," Lyra said.

Lyra, gasping for breath, surrendered with the little air she had left, but her face still radiated a genuine smile towards Touko, who kindly returned the gesture while extending her hand to help her up from the ground. The skill gap between them was clearly demonstrated, but their friendship and mutual respect remained intact amid the intense confrontation.

"Touko Fujimori wins the match and advances to the next round!" announced Osvaldo, his voice echoing through the stadium as the crowd erupted in applause and cheers for the talented fighter's victory.

Lyra, though tired and sore from the battle, couldn't help but feel deeply proud of her best friend. Despite experiencing Touko's power firsthand, she knew she had to stay strong and keep pushing herself.

After the exhausting match, the girls retreated to their room, seeking some well-deserved rest. They decided to watch Ik's upcoming fight from the comfort of their room after enjoying a relaxing bubble bath and a soothing massage that Touko had arranged for both of them. Meanwhile, Licka chose to stay in the arena stands, as they hadn't finished all the food they ordered during her friends' match, and she still had enough left to enjoy while watching Ik's battle.

"Ik Orochi and Urale Mirai, proceed to the arena," announced Osvaldo, calling the next competitors to action.

The fighters emerged from the locker room as ordered, and thus they faced each other again after the incident at the restaurant, ready to battle in the combat arena.

"Your girlfriend isn't here to defend you, pretty boy," taunted Urale, his words dripping with challenge as he maintained intense eye contact with his opponent. Ik, for his part, responded with a steady gaze, not giving in to the pressure, holding the stare even after Osvaldo and the fireworks signaled the start of the match.

"Let's do this. If I blink before you, I'll let you attack me without defending myself," proposed the girl with the iron mask, her tone confident and challenging.

"And how do I know you'll keep your word?" Ik questioned, his expression serious as he evaluated the proposal.

"If I break my word, I want to be disqualified!" exclaimed Urale, directing her gaze toward the floating camera with determination.

"Understood," responded Osvaldo through the loudspeakers, acknowledging the validity of the internal agreement within the tournament.

"Alright, I accept," conceded Ik, preparing to face the challenge presented to him. With determination, he began to focus his gaze on Urale's exposed eye, time seeming to slow down around him as he concentrated on maintaining his stare without blinking.

Time passed inexorably for Ik, and after nearly a minute of tense concentration, he began to feel the burning in his eyes, tears threatening to overflow. However, just as a tear rolled down his cheek, Urale blinked before Ik, securing a small advantage in the confrontation.

"Now Ik Orochi can attack his opponent without her being able to defend herself, ", announced Manolo, pointing while Ik blinked to hydrate his eyes.

Without thinking much, Ik began to charge his Jibun, concentrating the dark aura at the tips of his fingers, sending the aura between them to create the dark energy sphere that had previously given him victory against Akino Riot.

"Shadow Sphere!"

"Wait, weren't the Jibun…"

Urale felt as if a train was running over her, Ik's Jibun contained an immeasurable force. She was about to faint from the impact when something brought her back to her senses. It was another blow; she had hit her head against one of the arena walls. The poor girl still couldn't explain how, in a moment, she had moved so many meters away from her opponent.

"If Urale doesn't stand up in ten seconds, it will be considered that she cannot continue fighting!", exclaimed Manolo before starting to count:


"I can continue!", exclaimed Urale with the little air she had left in her body, struggling to get to her feet. "It seems that attack sent me flying through the air, but I don't remember that. Did I faint?" wondered the masked girl before looking at one of the monitors above the arena displaying her damage percentage. "Sixty-three percent?!"

"A study says that boys are stronger with a full bladder. Tell me, Ik, when was the last time you went to the bathroom?", asked Urale seriously, taking Ik by surprise with her unexpected question. Even so, the young man responded honestly:

"In the locker room bathroom, just before entering the arena", answered Ik, not fully understanding where the conversation was heading.

"That explains why you hit like an old lady", commented Urale, trying to maintain her air of superiority, although no one could ignore the evident pain she showed while holding her abdomen with noticeable discomfort.

"Stop playing around and surrender already, you are in no condition to fight", urged Ik, concerned about his opponent's state.

"Performing that attack left you exhausted, didn't it? You're sweating", responded Urale with a malicious smile on her face, her tone full of mockery. Almost instinctively, Ik wiped his forehead to check what the girl was saying, and upon looking at his fingers, he realized they were indeed wet with sweat.

"All three conditions have already been met", said the girl.

Suddenly, a bubble of water formed above Ik's head. Taken by surprise, he began to choke in desperation as he struggled to breathe. The sensation of panic took hold of him, but before the suffocation completely overwhelmed him, Urale snapped her fingers and the bubble disappeared, bringing relief to the young fighter.

"What did you do to me?", asked Ik between coughs, trying to catch his breath while spitting out water, confused by what he had just experienced.

"Now you have two options", responded Urale with a cold and determined tone—. Surrender now and end the match, or I'll drown you until you pass out so you can no longer continue.

Ik, still recovering from the impact of the attack, found himself in a delicate situation, facing a choice that could determine the course of the battle.

"Bubble Pop" was Urale Mirai's Keiyaku, an ability that granted her powerful control over water. With this Keiyaku, Urale could create and vanish at will a water bubble over her victim's head for a period of half an hour. However, this ability was subject to a conditional contract, which included three specific requirements: first, Urale had to make her victim sweat; second, she had to make her victim cry; and third, she had to know when her victim last urinated.

At that moment, Ik realized the gravity of the situation he was in, facing not only a powerful opponent but also an ability that could be lethal if he didn't act with care and cunning.

Seeing her opponent not responding, Urale decided to take more drastic measures and generated the water bubble over Ik's head again. The young rookie found himself trapped, his hands desperately trying to find a space to breathe inside the bubble, but to no avail.

"I'll give you a second chance," Urale announced with a threatening tone, her voice resonating with determination. "I'll withdraw the bubble for you to surrender, but if you don't do it in five seconds, I'll invoke it again until you faint."

With a swift gesture, Urale burst the bubble, freeing Ik, who fell to the ground, coughing and spitting water as he struggled to catch his breath.

"Now you have only two seconds left, surrender now!" Urale demanded, her voice full of authority and threat, as she watched her opponent's reaction closely.

However, instead of surrendering, Ik stood up with determination. Activating the dark aura around his arms, he ran towards Urale firmly, determined to counterattack and change the course of the confrontation.

"Fool," Urale said with a tone of genuine disappointment as she snapped her fingers to reactivate the bubble. But this time, Ik was already prepared. With determination, the young man took a deep breath before launching himself towards his opponent with a series of quick and desperate punches.

However, Ik's struggle to maintain oxygen limited his ability to attack properly. Urale easily dodged the young man's blows, taking advantage of the gaps in his defense caused by Ik's need to focus on holding air in his lungs. With each blow avoided, Urale countered with precision, landing a series of strikes that gradually caused Ik to lose the air he had stored, causing the young man to slowly suffocate.

Despite the suffocation overwhelming him, Ik didn't give up. With a determination fueled by the desperation Urale had provoked in him, the young man managed to grab hold of one of his opponent's legs and, with all his strength, slammed it against the ground repeatedly. The superhuman strength that emerged from desperation led Ik to render Urale unconscious, her iron mask split in half bearing witness to the fierce combat.

When Urale fell unconscious, the effect of "Bubble Pop" suddenly disappeared, releasing Ik from the water bubble that had kept him on the brink of drowning. With a sigh of relief, Ik struggled to catch his breath before exhaustion consumed him completely, resulting in a disappointing draw between the two fighters, whose strengths had been evenly matched in an epic battle of will and determination.

"Who wins? Who's next? You decide. Call the number on the screen to support your favorite fighter, and at the end of the day, we'll announce the result of this bout!" Manolo exclaimed to conclude the thrilling encounter, leaving the audience in suspense as they awaited the verdict.

Meanwhile, at the post office, Crissalid awaited anxiously the arrival of a package from the Zen City, just a few streets away from the stadium.

"Yes, it just arrived. I'll inject it when he least expects it," Crissalid said over the phone as he opened the box. "Spread? Well, I guess that'll make it much easier."

Meanwhile, in the girls' room, Lyra, Touko, Licka, and Ik were enjoying a well-deserved break after the intense day. With the day of combat behind them and no scheduled confrontations until the next day, they took the opportunity to relax and recharge for the challenges ahead.

"Luna called me a while ago. She said she already voted for you," Lyra commented with a smile as she ran her hand through Touko's long blonde hair, who was comfortably resting in her lap.

"When you talk to her again, please thank her for me," Ik responded gratefully from the "Puff" sofa next to the bed where the girls were sitting. The room phone began to ring, and Licka hurried to get up and answer it.

"Yes?... It's for you," Licka announced, handing the phone to Touko, who took it with curiosity and brought it to her ear.

"Hello... ah, it's you."

"I saw your fight against Lyra. You made me lose a bet with Finley," Shori said from the other end of the line, his voice resonating with a playful and familiar tone.

"You idiot, did you do what I asked?" Touko responded with a light laugh, recognizing her brother's voice.

"Yes, yes, I did. But first, pass me to Ik. I want to talk to him about his fight," Shori requested, his tone changing to a more serious and focused one.

"So, you've been watching us from the hospital," Ik commented, taking the phone after Touko passed it to him.

"I've finished my recovery. Now I'm practicing to have a Jibun like yours. With that attack, you almost killed the poor masked girl," Shori continued, sharing details of his own experience as he watched the tournament from afar.

"It was a tough fight. I hope you voted for me," Ik replied, engaging in a brief conversation with his friend about recent events.

"I will. The tournament looks like a lot of fun... by the way, is that guy Demian there?" Shori asked, changing the subject and showing interest in another competitor.

"No, it's very strange. He always disappears," Ik responded, noting Same's absence.

"Hey, I have to go now. Tell Touko to pass the call to Sombra; his mother wants to talk to him," Shori said, as a woman watched from a hospital bed behind him, a silent but significant presence in the conversation.

Moved by Sombra's story and the desire to help Mrs. Kei, Touko decided to take action. With determination, she approached her father, Mr. Fujimori, to request funding for Sombra's mother's medical treatment. After listening to the details and reasons behind his daughter's request, Mr. Fujimori agreed, seeing the opportunity to help and establish a beneficial connection.

However, Mr. Fujimori posed an additional condition: Sombra should move to Zen City and join the Fujimori family's security corps after receiving training in Zen energy from Mr. Fujimori's head of security. It was an offer that combined assistance with opportunity, providing a path to a better life for Sombra in exchange for his commitment and service.

As night fell upon them, the boys eagerly awaited in front of the television, hoping to learn the outcome of Ik's confrontation. Meanwhile, at a restaurant in the plaza inside the stadium, Urale's team gathered along with several other contestants who had become her supporters during the pre-tournament meeting.

"Good evening, viewers. Here's Manolo to announce the winner of the match between Ik Orochi and Urale Mirai. The voting closed an hour ago, so it's time for the tally," Manolo announced, holding a calculator in his hands and typing quickly on it as his face displayed a mix of excitement and anticipation. "Ik Orochi garnered 4373 votes, securing second place, while Urale Mirai with 8220 votes emerges as the victor of the encounter!"

The following day promised an exciting day at the combat tournament. However, a last-minute decision by the organizers changed the plans. Instead of starting the second round of the second group, it was announced that today would hold the semifinal of the first group. The following two days would be reserved for the subsequent rounds of the second group, leaving the final for the third day.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the thrilling semifinal of the first group of this tournament. Here's Manolo, ready to experience another day full of action with all of you," announced the main commentator with enthusiasm as the crowd's excitement echoed through the stadium.

"And as you can see on today's combat schedule, our first matchup features two contenders who have captured the attention and support of the audience: Lewa Kobayashi versus Touko Fujimori!" Manolo added, accompanying the audience's excitement with his vibrant voice.

Meanwhile, in the locker rooms, Lyra shared a moment of encouragement with her best friend, Touko, who was preparing for her important match.

"I'm sure you'll do amazing, but remember that your health is the most important thing. Don't risk too much," Lyra advised, embracing Touko tightly and planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Trust me, Lyra. I'll do my best to win, but without putting myself in danger," Touko replied, returning her friend's smile with determination.

Before they could exchange more words, a young tournament staff member burst into the room, indicating that it was time for Touko to head to the arena. With a farewell gesture, Lyra watched as her friend made her way to her next challenge, while she herself headed to the stands, where Licka and Ik were already waiting to witness the exciting match.

"I'm worried about Touko, that guy seems really aggressive," expressed Lyra, showing her concern as she watched the screen showing the start of the match.

"Touko is exceptional, if anyone can stand up to that Lewa guy, it's her," replied Licka, showing confidence in her friend.

"Lewa is considered the most promising rookie in all of Kaji nation, but I must admit I agree with you. Touko is the only one who could give him a run for his money," added Akino, joining the conversation as she sat down beside the Zen City kids.

"You're on her team, right?" Lyra asked Akino, extending her hand in a gesture of friendship. Akino accepted the gesture with a warm smile as she observed the Zen City youths.

"Pleasure to see you again," Akino greeted Ik with a friendly nod, receiving a smile in return from the dark-haired young man.

Meanwhile, in the arena, Lewa and Touko faced off, ready for the start of the match. Touko remained calm, despite being aware of her opponent's reputation and strength. However, inwardly, concern bubbled. "His Keiyaku is incredibly powerful. If I'm not careful, I could find myself trapped like the last opponent he faced... I need to find a way to neutralize his attack," she silently reflected as fireworks lit up the sky and Manolo announced the start of the confrontation.

The cannon blast marked the beginning of the showdown, and both fighters assumed defensive stances, assessing the terrain. Lewa acknowledged Touko's skill and mentally prepared himself to face her. "I didn't want it to come to this with this girl. With all her tactics and tricks... She's as beautiful as she is dangerous," he thought, observing his opponent as she mentally reviewed her previous strategies to counter Lewa's Keiyaku.

In a moment of distraction on Touko's part, Lewa seized the opportunity to launch a surprise attack. However, Touko's sharp reflexes allowed her to dodge the charge and respond with a precise blow to Lewa's jaw, sending him back several steps. Surprised by his opponent's strength, Lewa reflected on the apparent dissonance between Touko's grace and power. "Her appearance doesn't match her strength at all. She seems so beautiful and refined, but her punches are as strong as Akino's," he thought, as his damage meter indicated a 5% increase.

In the stands, Akino alongside Lyra's group watched the showdown attentively, exchanging comments about the combat.

"That blow was impressive. The fool should have protected himself," Akino murmured, assessing the situation.

"Yes, Touko is very powerful even without using Zen," Lyra responded with admiration.

Meanwhile, Touko had reached a strategic conclusion after analyzing Lewa's previous fights. "Before activating his Keiyaku, he performs a strange pose to concentrate air currents in his hand. I have to prevent him from performing that pose," she told herself. Quickly, a thick vine sprouted from her left arm, causing Lewa to assume the position to unleash his infernal whirlwind. However, Touko acted swiftly and managed to catch one of her opponent's arms, pulling him towards her and causing him to fall flat on the ground.

"If that's what you want!" Lewa exclaimed, quickly getting up and using the momentum to pull Touko with her own whip.

Both fighters clashed in a show of strength, exchanging punches to each other's faces in an intense exchange. Osvaldo narrated excitedly what was happening as the damage counters increased: a 12% for Lewa and an 8% for Touko, who had not received any damage until that moment.

Both momentarily stunned by the impact of the exchange of blows, Lewa recovered first and prepared to unleash his powerful attack.

"Sorry, darling... Infernal Whirlwind!" exclaimed the young man from the Kaji nation, unleashing the deadly vortex of air from his outstretched arm.

Touko realized she needed to protect herself immediately. She looked around for something she could use as a shield, but found nothing at hand. Quickly, she realized she had to improvise a defense. With determination, she placed her hands on the ground and channeled her energy, generating a small wall made of several roots that emerged from the ground to form a protective barrier just in time to face Lewa's Infernal Whirlwind onslaught.

The air filled with the sound of struggle as Lewa's Infernal Whirlwind clashed against Touko's improvised defense. The roots fought to hold firm against the fury of the cutting wind, protecting Touko's body from the worst of the damage, but they couldn't prevent her arms from being exposed to the invisible blades of the wind.

For Touko, those brief seconds seemed like an eternity. When the attack finally ceased, her arms were marked by deep, bloody cuts. Though her body showed signs of pain, her determined expression did not waver.

Lyra and the others watched with growing concern as Touko's damage counter rose to 74%. The young blonde knew the situation was critical, but she also knew she still had a trick up her sleeve.

"The only chance I have left to win is to use my Jibun," Touko reflected. However, she was also aware of the price she would have to pay. Using her Jibun would mean inflicting great damage to her left arm, which was already severely injured. But seeing Lewa, clearly exhausted after the formidable attack, Touko made a decision.

"Inferno!" she exclaimed with determination, extending her injured arm. From the base of her shoulder, a swarm of thick roots began to sprout, quickly enveloping Lewa in a tangle of thick vines. The roots' thorns cut fiercely, causing Lewa even deeper cuts than those he had inflicted on Touko. Lewa's damage counter rapidly rose to 87%, while the determined expression on Touko's face shone brightly.

"Damn power contract, I barely have enough energy for one more Keiyaku," Lewa muttered through gritted teeth, expressing his frustration with the situation. But to everyone's surprise, Touko's laughter filled the space, interrupting his lamentations. In that moment, she realized that her last attempt to use her Jibun had been in vain; her strength was exhausted, and her injured arms no longer responded.

Recalling Lyra's words of encouragement before the match, Touko decided to heed her friend's advice. She took a deep breath, gathering all her strength to utter the words that would seal her fate in that battle:

"I surrender."