
LYRA: The rise of the rookies

In a world where the Warriors protect peace and balance, Lyra, a young rookie in the guild, embarks on exciting adventures with her friends Ik, Touko and Shori. As they face challenges and dangers, they discover their own Zen powers and learn about the mysterious Keiyaku. From combat missions to political intrigue and confrontations with powerful enemies, Lyra and her friends explore a world full of magic, danger and hidden secrets. With each challenge, they grow in skill and confidence, forging strong bonds and facing their destiny as Zen warriors. Along their journey, they will find friendship, love, and discover the true meaning of courage and determination.

Angel_Monzter · 奇幻言情
14 Chs


Lyra was confused and disoriented amidst the fog and ashes. The air was thick with a burnt smell, and the ground crackled beneath her feet as she tried to move forward. Each step was a struggle, as if the environment itself conspired to trap her. She stumbled and fell repeatedly, her desperation growing with each failed attempt to reach the blurry figures that were moving away.

Amidst the dense mist, one figure stood out, remaining undisturbed amid the chaos. Lyra blinked, struggling to focus her vision, and then she saw him clearly: Ik. Her heart pounded with hope, and she strained to reach him. Each step was a race against time, but fate seemed to mock her, keeping Ik just out of her grasp.

Just as Lyra was about to grasp Ik's hand, a chill ran down her spine. Paralyzing fear gripped her as a dark, demonic figure emerged from the shadows, its eyes gleaming with unfathomable malice. With a swift movement, the figure snatched Ik away from her side, leaving Lyra petrified with terror.

"Don't take him!" Lyra shouted in desperation, her voice echoing in the darkness as she struggled to reach her friend. However, before she could do anything, reality faded away, and Lyra abruptly found herself in the medical room of the stadium, the echo of her scream still ringing in her ears.

"Lyra, I'm glad to see you awake. I've been worried about you. I'm so sorry," Crissalid said with a tone heavy with guilt, standing beside her in the medical room.

"Don't blame yourself, Master. It's not your fault," Lyra replied, acknowledging the sorrow in her coach's voice.

"I've been reckless. I put all of you at risk, and now Ik has been kidnapped... You, Licka, and Touko must return to Zen City. I will take care of finding Ik Orochi," Crissalid declared with determination, taking responsibility for his actions.

"Please, Master Crissalid, let me accompany you. It was my weakness that allowed him to be taken. I couldn't do anything to protect him," Lyra pleaded, her voice trembling with anger and frustration.

"I'm going with you as well," Touko interjected, entering the room with determination, ready to join the search for Ik.

"In that case, it's settled... Licka, I'll need you to head to the city to inform the guild and provide a statement about the situation," Criss said, to which Licka nodded in agreement, taking her new task seriously.

After changing into fresh clothes in the girls' room, Lyra called her sister to inform her of the change in plans and update her on the situation.

"Alright, Lyra. Take care of yourself and listen to Crissalid," Luna advised, showing concern for her younger sister after hearing the tournament details.

"I understand. I'm sorry to make you worry so much."

"It's actually better that you're away. Things in the city have been a bit tense since Restrissor Kim passed away yesterday," Luna commented, trying to soften the seriousness of the situation in the city.

"Restrissor passed away?!" Lyra exclaimed, surprised by the unexpected news.

"I'll fill you in when you get back," Luna replied, avoiding delving deeper into the topic.

"Alright then, I'll let you go, sis. The rescue team is waiting for me," Lyra said, bidding farewell with determination as she hung up the call, ready to face the challenges ahead.

When they reached the stadium reception, Lyra found Crissalid, Touko, and Licka already there. Licka was waiting to say her goodbyes as she would be heading to the city. But before either could utter a word, their attention was drawn to the boy with the bandaged face who had fought Touko earlier.

The young man was on his knees, pleading to be part of the team.

"Please, let me go with you," he begged, desperation evident in his voice.

"I'm sorry, kid, but I can't let outsiders get involved in this case," Crissalid responded firmly.

"That damn demon broke into the stadium, smashing through walls. It put one of my teammates in intensive care and my best friend in a coma she hasn't woken up from yet. So if you're going to reject me, please let it be for another reason, because as I see it, I have a lot to do with this damn case!" Lewa exclaimed, his voice trembling with frustration and evident passion in his words. Crissalid let out a long sigh before turning around for a couple of seconds to think about the situation.

"By law, I'm not responsible for looking after you, so I hope you can take care of yourself. Change clothes if you need to. We're leaving in ten minutes."

As agreed, ten minutes later, Criss, Lyra, Touko, and Lewa were boarding a black van parked right at the stadium's main entrance.

"The last we heard about the man who kidnapped Ik Orochi is that he stole a vehicle at the stadium entrance, but it was found abandoned at the entrance to the 'Fuyuka' National Forest, north of the state," Criss explained as they settled in.

"That forest borders Kaji nation. If we cross into Kaji territory, we'll have to wait twelve hours for my state's warriors to act and allow us to operate there," added Lewa, seated next to Criss.

"That's true, but I'm already sending messages to the white room to escalate this to an international category. That way, we can act freely in Kaji nation. They seem busy with more pressing matters, so it's best we catch him before he crosses the border," Crissalid said, typing on his communicator.

Touko noticed that Lyra was distracted. Throughout the journey, she had been staring out the window with a melancholic expression she couldn't hide.

"It wasn't your fault. You couldn't have done more," Touko said, placing her hand on her friend's leg.

"I know, but... I don't know why I feel this way about Ik. I feel like I'm all he has, and I let him down," Lyra responded, her voice tinged with sadness.

"You didn't let him down. We can still... we can help him," the blonde replied, embracing Lyra.

After a couple of hours, the caravan parked at the entrance of the vast Fuyuka Forest, opening the doors for the makeshift rescue team to disembark. The fresh forest air filled their lungs, and the sounds of birds and rustling leaves in the wind created a calm atmosphere amidst their tension. The shadows of the trees stretched over them, darkening the path ahead.

"Don't stray too far, guys. This forest is massive, and it's easy to get lost."

"I've never been to this part of the forest. As a kid, I only ventured a couple of kilometers with my dad," Lewa commented, admiring the scenery.

"Alright, let's hold hands so we don't lose each other," Touko suggested, taking Lyra's hand and extending her other hand to Lewa, who accepted without hesitation. "Her hands are so soft despite being so strong," Lewa thought, gently caressing Touko's hand with his thumb, noticing her comfort with the gesture.

"If we walk five kilometers northeast, we'll find a clearing where we can camp. A few kilometers beyond that, there are a couple of small rural villages," Crissalid explained, studying the map provided by the van driver. The sun filtered through the treetops, casting golden rays on the path covered with dry leaves and moss. A gentle breeze whispered through the branches, creating a natural melody that accompanied their steps on the tranquil journey through the forest.

Meanwhile, elsewhere, Ik found himself completely alone, slowly sinking underwater into a pitch-dark abyss.

"What happened to me? Where am I?... Who am I?" the lost young man wondered, watching as the light from the surface gradually faded. "I'm underwater, but I can breathe, it doesn't hurt... I feel peace."

"Enough! We'll rest here for today... though you don't need it," commented the kidnapper, without even glancing at Ik, who moved under his orders like a soulless puppet, with erratic actions and a completely vacant gaze. The place was enveloped in an unsettling atmosphere, the only sound being the subtle murmur of the water surrounding Ik as he sank deeper and deeper into the abyss.

Cuando el equipo de rescate llegó al área de descanso en el pequeño claro del bosque, el atardecer ya estaba comenzando. Lyra y Criss se quedaron levantando el campamento, mientras Touko y Lewa fueron a un río cercano para pescar algo para cenar.

"I'm not sure how to explain it. I don't even fully understand it myself yet," Criss said, pacing back and forth in front of Lyra, who sat beside the campfire they had set up. "There exists a biological super weapon known as the 'Tiger Beast'. No one knows where it came from or who created it. There are theories that it's a type of Keiyaku with some level of consciousness..."

"I don't understand what you mean. Why are you telling me this?" Lyra interrupted Crissalid, who let out a slight sigh before sitting down next to her.

"This weapon appears randomly in some newborns, and well... during the tournament, I noticed it's within you," Criss continued.

"Within me? What does that mean? Is it going to affect me?" Lyra asked, concerned.

"It's best not to tell anyone, at least until you can control it. There will be people who will try to take advantage of your ignorance about it and use you as a weapon," Criss advised solemnly.

"So... how does it work?"

"It's something like eurenia but much, much stronger. The Tiger Beast was last seen during the last war. Stories said the last carrier could take down an entire army alone. Though something that gives such power isn't without its cost... All I know is every time we saw it at the base, it was in intensive care".

"You say it was during the tournament when you noticed this thing was inside me, was it when I won the fight against Kano and some ugly scrapes appeared on my arms?" asked Lyra, after a little memory work.

"Yes, you used the Tiger Beast to win that encounter and that was the price".

"But none of those wounds left scars".

"They're probably only temporary. You were in bed for several hours, despite only using it for a moment".

Meanwhile, not far from there, Lewa was picking up the fishing rod he had just used. He leaned it against a bucket filled with fish and walked over to where Touko was sitting on a large rock nearby.

"Do you think seven fish are enough?" asked the bandaged-faced boy. Touko replied without turning to look at him, "Yes, that should be sufficient."

"You know, in the Kaji nation, it hardly ever rains," Lewa remarked as he looked up at the cloudy sky occasionally illuminated by faint lightning.

"Rain isn't so uncommon in the city, but it definitely rains much less than in Central City, where it's almost always cloudy," Touko commented, continuing the conversation. "Let's stay a bit longer."

"Alright, Touko Fujimori, isn't it?" Lewa asked as he sat down beside the blonde.

"That's my name."

"How old are you?"

"I... I'm fourteen. And you?" the blonde girl asked back.

"I'm fifteen, though I'm also a novice since I joined the guild a year late," Lewa replied, leaning back slightly.

"Can I ask you something?" Touko asked, a bit embarrassed. Lewa simply nodded, leaning closer to her.

"Your face, why do you hide it? Are you so ugly that you're ashamed of it? Or are you so handsome that you have to hide it so girls won't throw themselves at you?"

"Oh, this?" Lewa chuckled. "It's a breathing exercise. Air users need to control their breath to manipulate wind more precisely. I can take it off if you want." He started unwrapping the bandages from his face. Touko watched attentively as her new companion revealed his face, which was quite symmetrical, with a slightly pronounced jawline, fine features, and amber eyes that matched the reddish-orange streaks in his hair.

"What do you think?"

"You look... fine," the girl said before turning away to hide her flushed face, though her naturally pale skin made it difficult to conceal her blush.

"Do you want to ask me something else?" Lewa asked, laying the bandages beside him.

"Well, now that we're starting to be friends, I want to ask you a question I've asked my teammates in the guild: if you hadn't joined the guild, what would you have liked to do?"

"I think I would have joined the navy. I'd like to see for myself if the Great Mist really is the end of the world," Lewa replied, feeling a bit nervous as Touko leaned against his shoulder.

"I would have liked to have a flower shop," Touko added.

In the remote corners of the megacontinent Aari, the vast ocean is framed by an imposing curtain of mist, a natural barrier that encircles the known land. For many, this mist represents the edge of the world, an unfathomable mystery that has challenged exploration for generations. Legends among Aari's inhabitants depict this place as the end of all things, an abyss of darkness and mystery. Expeditions sent by world governments to uncover the secrets of this mist have met uncertain fates; the last fleets never returned. Marines stationed at the mist's boundaries have reported strange sounds and bewildering sightings, further fueling the legend of this place as a realm of monstrous beasts and catastrophic events.

The tender morning light filtering through the leaves woke Touko from her sleep, but when she reached out for the comforting warmth of Lyra beside her, all she found was the emptiness of the tent. With a gesture of concern, she quickly sat up, wondering where her friend could be.

Following the sound of Crissalid's voice, Touko exited the tent and came upon an intriguing scene. In the distance, Lyra was attempting to stay afloat in the river under Crissalid's guidance, who was offering reassuring advice while carefully watching her every move. Lewa stood nearby, silently observing with a serious expression that mingled curiosity and concern.

"What are they doing?" Touko asked, her voice slightly hoarse from sleep and worry.

Lewa turned towards her, his eyes shadowed with a hint of bewilderment as he gestured towards the river.

"They've been at it since dawn," he replied succinctly.

Upon arriving at the scene, Touko witnessed Lyra splashing in the water while Crissalid guided her with reassuring advice.

"To harness this power, you must be in complete peace. Try to recall a memory that brings you joy," the trainer advised, attentive to every move the young woman made.

Lyra, however, appeared frustrated, easily thrown off by any minor setback.

"I'm sorry... Sorry, it was a fish, it brushed against my leg," she apologized, struggling to maintain her composure.

Meanwhile, Touko and Lewa watched from the shore, anxious to understand the purpose of this training.

As time passed, Lyra continued to struggle without achieving her goal. Hours slipped away in vain as she battled against the current and herself. Every interruption, every distraction, was a setback in her quest to unlock her hidden potential, and with each failure, the time to rescue Ik slipped inexorably through her fingers.

"Stay here, I'm going to ask in the nearby villages if anyone has seen Ik or the guy who took him," Criss declared with determination, adjusting his backpack over his shoulder, ready to set off in search of clues, leaving the others behind.

Time passed slowly for Touko, Lyra, and Lewa, who had regained their strength with some food after the exhausting morning training. Sitting under the shade of a leafy tree, silence had settled around them until a whisper broke the stillness.

"Don't say anything, but there's someone behind us. Their footsteps are too stealthy to be a civilian," Touko whispered, her tone sharp with alertness cutting through the air.

"Yeah, I just felt it too," added Lewa, his voice reflecting the seriousness of the moment.

"Isn't it Crissalid?" Lyra asked, a hint of innocence in her voice as she tried to find a logical explanation.

"No, this presence is weaker," Touko responded, senses still on high alert as the three youths prepared to take action.

"Focus, this presence is different," Lewa and Touko said in unison, urging Lyra to concentrate on the situation before the three began using their Stealth abilities to hide their presence and prepare for any eventuality.

"What do you see?" Touko asked, watching Lewa as he peeked through the bushes to observe the stranger.

"It's a strange man. He can't be more than twenty years old, but he's dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and shorts. He's wearing glasses, a large backpack, and beach sandals. He gives me a bad feeling," Lewa replied, intrigued by the man's peculiar appearance.

"We better make sure he doesn't know we're here," Touko said, analyzing the situation and making a quick decision.

"But I already found out!" shouted the stranger, breaking the silence and surprising the three youths, who instinctively took a defensive stance. Before they could react, the man grabbed Lewa by the arm and pulled him out of his hiding spot. The girls, momentarily stunned, quickly reacted and emerged from their hiding place to follow Lewa, ready for whatever might come next.

"Let him go now!" Lyra exclaimed, her determination shining in her eyes as she confronted the stranger. Meanwhile, Touko covered her fists with hardened dry bark, ready for combat, adopting a defensive stance to support her friend.

"Greetings... my name is 'Momo Strange'. I'm a traveling merchant, comedian, and street magician," the man said, bowing after giving a couple of tugs to Lewa, whom he promptly shoved into Touko's arms. Touko held onto Lewa firmly, her gaze fixed on the stranger. "His presence may be weaker than Crissalid's, but even with all three of us, we couldn't do a thing to him," she thought, staying vigilant.

"And what do you want from us?" Lyra asked, her voice resonating with a challenging tone.

"Just a moment ago... nothing really, but now I feel like playing a bit with you all," responded Strange, as he placed his backpack on the ground and pulled out a collapsible staff and a glass jug with a cork stopper, filled with about five liters of blood. The kids prepared to fight, though none had the courage to attack the stranger. Lewa, feeling nauseous at the grotesque scene, couldn't help but mentally express his disgust.

"'Bloody Mary' is my Keiyaku. It allows me to control the blood of lifeless beings in exchange for the life of a living being dependent on me," explained Momo, as the novices watched him in astonishment. They saw how the stranger's left hand commanded the liquid to rise slowly towards the sky, while his right elegantly supported himself on the staff.

Momo Strange recounted that he spent his time rescuing stray animals, such as dogs, cats and mice, until they would no longer fit in his trailer. This he did simply to use them as the sacrifice for his contract. When Strange wanted to use the blood he carried, no matter where he was, one of his pets would die of cardiac arrest to allow its owner to use his Keiyaku. The rookies listened in horror, unable to look away from the scene before them.

Finally, Lyra gathered her courage and charged straight at Strange, who took a couple of hops backward before landing three blows to her head with the staff. The sound of the impacts echoed through the forest clearing, accompanied by Lyra's cries as she took the hits. Despite the pain, she refused to give up and rose with determination, ready to continue the fight.

However, her bravery was cut short when Strange pressed a small button on the staff, transforming it into an umbrella. Lyra was bewildered by the sudden change, but before she could react, a sharp burning sensation erupted in her arm. A burn appeared suddenly, as if a drop of boiling oil had landed on her skin. It was the boiling blood that Strange had started to rain down on the novices.

"Lyra, the blood!" Touko shouted, her voice filled with concern and desperation as she threw herself over her friend to shield her with her own body. The hot blood fell heavily upon them, causing intense pain on their skin and a choking sensation in the air.

Fortunately for both, Lewa reacted swiftly, channeling his ability to create a raging whirlwind that dispersed the rain of boiling blood. The furious wind spun around them, deflecting the drops and forming a protective shield for the young women, leaving Momo astonished by the display of power.

"No doubt as time goes on, generations become more talented... This is the true strength of youth," Momo remarked amidst applause, his voice resonating in the forest clearing like an eerie melody. Lyra sought to take advantage of the distraction to continue her attack on the man, but as she approached Strange, he swiftly struck her cheek with the umbrella in a quick motion, leaving Lyra stunned and bewildered by the speed and precision of his move.

"Don't you dare touch her!" Touko exclaimed, her voice full of fury as she ran towards Momo with determination, ready to confront him. Her fists clenched tightly, prepared to unleash all her power on the strange merchant. Momo skillfully blocked Touko's strike, but the wooden gauntlets protecting his hands caused Strange's bare skin to tear slightly, revealing small wounds that began to bleed.

Witnessing the battle between Touko and Momo, Lewa seized the moment to channel his energy and unleash a second Infernal Whirlwind. The powerful technique hit Momo head-on, dragging him forcefully and causing multiple cuts on his skin. "I can't believe this isn't a Jibun, it's too strong," Momo thought as he struggled to stay upright against the impact of the whirlwind.

The Infernal Whirlwind, Lewa's Keiyaku, revealed its true nature as it unleashed its power. Although it inflicted damage on his opponent, it wasn't as effective as it should have been, as its strength was halved due to its prior use in dispersing the blood rain. Lewa had chosen this Keiyaku to deceive his opponents into believing he was a Jibun, leveraging the endless possibilities offered by a contract of power.

"I underestimated and now I don't have the blood to continue fighting. There's no way to defeat these kids without killing one of them," Strange reflected as he examined the wounds inflicted by Lewa. With a resigned sigh, he admitted defeat:

"You win, the game is over for today."

"Is this just a game to you?" Touko demanded, her frustration palpable in every word.

"Miss, think carefully about what you just asked me... Life is a game!" exclaimed Momo, his tone mixing seriousness with a hint of irony. He opened his umbrella once more, spinning it before the youths before dropping it to the ground, then he vanished from the scene without a trace.