
Lycanthropy: Blood-Ties

Lycanthropy: Blood-Ties is about a girl, Jennifer Warburton, who inherits her father's lycanthropy gene. She is used as a catalyst for a plot to spread the curse throughout the entire world. Blood moons, blue moons, an uncontrollable urge to sacrifice. Jennifer must endure the pain of non choice; the pain of murdering innocence and the pain of the ominous cult symbol emblazoned into her abdomen

ShannonMMetcalf · 奇幻言情
21 Chs

Chapter 2: True Love

The date was now, Monday July 3rd, 1989. Phillip Warburton was sitting under a maple tree on a picnic blanket, shrouded in the shade. He was at a park staring off at the shrouded fence at the other side of that area. The park wasn't that big, only big enough to allow four paved pathways connecting to the rounded path around the tree. Dozens of people walked by, some with dogs, others with children. All of which were giving him looks. The day was Friday, the time was mid afternoon. Phil wasn't alone under the tree; next to him sat a beautiful girl. She had long blonde hair, which ran down her back almost touching her waist. She was wearing a short sleeved blue shirt which showed off her pierced belly button. She had a blue flannel skirt on, which showed off her long sexy legs. This girl had the perfectly tanned skin, not too dark, just a little toasty.

On her feet were blue flip flops, and she had white toenail polish on. This girl felt like an angel sent from Heaven, to Phil. He loved how she laughed, and how she smiled. Every single aspect about the girl intrigued him. Her pearly white teeth and tiny ears were such a turn on to him. He loved how her deep blue eyes could make him get lost in time and space. She had a somewhat big bust which showed off greatly in her skin tight shirt. Phil was wearing a short sleeved American flag shirt. He had blue jeans on as well as white sneakers and his hair was shoulder length now.

Covering Phil's face and arms were scars, multiple scars in fact. Every time the two kids would go out the girl would question where they came from but he would say it was from work. Most of the time this girl would believe him; however the same answer was becoming tiresome. The girl's name was Liana; Liana Hark. Phil slid his right hand over to Liana's left, and stroked the skin on it. She shuddered a little and looked over towards him. Her smile made his heart beat so fast that she could see the pulse in his neck. He tried to hide it but she reached over and grabbed the side of his face, pulling it towards her. Her teeth poked out from behind her beautiful lips, making Phil smile as well.

They leaned towards each other and kissed gingerly for a few seconds. A brief wind blew over them, making their hair fly with it. Phil stroked his hands up and down Liana's back, which she did in return to his. Their hearts beat so fast and hard that the beating pounded in both of their ears. Phil turned and pushed Liana down onto the picnic blanket and kissed her even more. She pulled on his left arm to flip him over, and sat on his stomach, looking into his eyes. She stroked his left cheek. "Do you remember how we first met Phil?" He laughed, "How could I ever forget baby?" She returned his laugh with an innocent giggle. "Tell me Phil; tell me how we first met." He sighed and rolled his eyes with sarcasm. "Come on you! I love it when you tell it to me." He smiled again and nodded in return.

"Well, let me think. Hmm, I believe you were just hitting sophomore year when I was a senior. I was playing football with the guys when I saw you coming out to the bleachers, and doing…" He trailed off. Liana giggled again. "Come on Phil, I told you a dozen times the subject I was working on." Then it clicked, "Oh yeah! You were doing History homework." "That's right!" He laughed then cleared his throat to continue. "Anyway, I was throwing the football around during practice when I noticed you up in the stands. I couldn't recall if it was the way the sun shined off of your golden hair, or the way you looked in those black glasses you used to wear; but I liked you from the get go. I remember staring at you, chewing your pencil eraser when I heard 'Head's up!' and got clocked in the right eye with the ball."

"Yeah I remember seeing that. I was so into my work but the yell got my attention and I watched as the ball smacked you in the face. God it was awful!" Liana replied. "Yeah it was, made my eye turn all black and puff up, and I believe it broke my nose as well." Liana nodded. "Thankfully I was taking pre-college classes to become a nurse, so I knew a bit about fixing a broken nose." Phil winced. "Yeah I remember that definitely. You re-broke my nose to form it back. That was when I asked you out on our first date…" Phil trailed off, as the memory came back to him. "What's wrong Phil?" Liana asked him. She moved off of him, holding herself up with her arms.

The day came back to Phil so fast that his brain swam in pain. The first day that they went out was the day that he was late getting back to his house. That night was the night that changed his life forever. "Do you remember where we went Phil?" Liana asked him. She leaned down and looked up into his face. No matter how bad or pained he felt, Phil couldn't stay mad at the innocent face that stared at him. "Yeah, we went to the movies and then talked under the clear sky." "Remember the moon Phil? God it was so huge!" Liana said. He grunted in return and nodded. Just the mention of it made him feel the pain of that night all over again. "What's the matter Phil?" He turned away from her, as a tear began to fall from his right eye. He sniffed and wiped it away. "N-nothing, I just got something in my eye baby."

"Come on Phil, I know better. You've been hiding something from me ever since that night, what happened?" He turned towards her, once again losing his mind over how gorgeous she was. It was like a radiant aura emanating from her, making his heart skip a beat. He sniffed one more time, and then cleared his throat once again. "I know that I'll have to tell you about that night eventually, but I… I can't right now." She sighed and crawled over his side to his face, staring at him even deeper than before.

"You can tell me anything Phillip. I'm your girlfriend, and I love you so much. But I can't help you if you're keeping secrets from me." She reached up to touch his face. He stroked her right cheek and nodded, "Later tonight I'll show you what happened that night. But before I do, I have to warn you. Do NOT come near me when it happens." "When what happens?" she replied.

"You; you will see, I promise you baby. Trust me; but do me a favor." "Anything Phil, what is it?" Liana asked, wearing a confused expression as her head was spinning with questions and fear. "I need you to lock yourself in your house once it begins to happen." Liana shook her head, still looking confused. "Promise me baby!" he said, holding her hands in his.

She gazed at him, and saw worry in his eyes, then nodded. "I just don't want to end up hurting you or worse…" She pulled him towards her and kissed him deeply, allowing the silence between them to end abruptly. Dozens of kids passed them, some sending a short "aw" towards them, others just snorting in disgust. "Where do you want to go today Phil; it's our second year anniversary." He let his mind get lost for a bit, thinking about where to go. Reaching into his right pocket he felt a smooth leather case under his finger tips.

The cool leather made his heart flutter. It has been two of the best years that Phil had ever been a part of, and he didn't want them to end. He hoped that Liana felt the same way when he would pop the question. "Let's go baby, I want to get ready for tonight." He stood up and held his hand out to help her up. She placed her left hand in his right, which made warmth course through him. He pulled her to her feet and helped her pick up the supplies on the ground.

His watch beeped, which read: 3:30 p.m. He only had about six hours before the transformation would happen again. He needed to pop the question before he demonstrated the change to Liana. "Where are we going?" she asked him. He just pulled her towards these large gates, surrounded by bushes, the very same place that he heard the old woman. They ran down the street towards a white mustang. He opened Liana's door and let her in before he got to his side.

Sweat poured down her face, and chest, making her look even sexier than ever. She sighed, pulling her shirt out rapidly to try and air herself out. When Phil got into the car, he slammed his door shut, and set his hand on her left thigh. The moment he came in contact with her skin, her leg jumped a bit. "Are you alright, baby?" he asked. She looked at him and smiled. "Of course Phil, I'm just a bit hot." He turned he AC on and closed their windows, then started the engine. It revved, rumbling loudly into the air. The vibrations were terrible. Phil sighed with annoyance, "I gotta get this thing fixed!"

"You still haven't told me where we're going." Liana said, grabbing his thigh as well. He could feel blood rushing through him, making him feel warm. "Just trust me Liana; I'm taking us to a special place, for sure." "Okay, I'll take your word for it." Then they were off, cruising down the old street, blowing garbage around. All along the right side of this street, sat a few different buildings. The left side was mainly other buildings as well, mostly apartment buildings. There was a store here and there as well, the first sat in between two large black bricked buildings. It was half the size of these two structures, and it was nearly empty. Liana noticed it, bringing Phil's attention over to it as well, stopping at a red light.

"They're going out of business Phil. Maybe they'll have some things we could make use of. Everything's seventy five percent off, what's there to lose?" She asked him. Phil took a quick glance at the shop and then back to her. "We'll check it out after we hit up the corner shop down there, I promise." Liana grinned; he returned one. The light turned green, so he continued driving, not paying attention to the other buildings along that side. Liana however, was staring avidly at each and every shop that they passed. She was a window shopper surely, but she also had money to buy things and Phil when she really wanted something.

The first of which had been an electronics store that specialized in mobile phones. The second, was a pawn shop filled with different odd and ends. As the car slowed down, Phil pulled over nearby the corner store. Which stood at the very end of the road. It was the brightest there, with its pure white bricks glistening under the sun. It was a local shop, which sold a bunch of supplies ranging from shaving cream, to razors and soda to water.

Phil stopped near the store, so he could get some things he needed to make the night perfect. "What're we doing here?" Liana asked him. "I'll be right back." He got out and quickly jogged towards the shop. He didn't even notice the car coming down from around the corner of the street. There was a roaring horn, and screeching of tires, as Phil was hit head on and flew over the car's roof.

"OH MY GOD… PHIL!" Liana screamed. She got out of the car, sprinting down to him. He was on the ground, grimacing, clasping his right leg. It was broken; formed into a ninety degree angle. The bone was sticking out, sending pain up and down. "Phil… Oh my God, Phil; what the hell were you thinking?" Liana yelled at the other driver. She reached to help him up but he shrugged her off. Phil could feel his leg beginning to heal itself; one of the perks from his curse. He urgently ushered Liana away, so she wouldn't see his leg just miraculously reform itself. It was too late, she gasped as his bone snapped back inwards, and the skin closed over the wound.

She looked scared; her eyes were open in fear, and lips trembled. Her breaths shook so bad that Phil could hear it. He got up and looked at her, "I-I can explain…" "THEN START EXPLAINING!" Liana interrupted him. "WHAT IS GOING ON?!" He limped towards her, away from the old man who was still in shock of what he just saw. His windshield was shattered, but Phil was able to walk away from the accident. "Y-young man, do; do you need a hospital?" The man hoped beyond Hell that Phil didn't say he did. "N-no sir, I'm fine." "B-but your bone; it was sticking out, how… how are you able to walk?" Phil ignored him and continued towards Liana, who was backing up slowly. He still felt the bones healing up in his leg, even though the injury was already sealed.

Liana turned and walked towards the car, crying in her right hand. Phil ran up to her, grabbing onto her shoulders. She shook him off, sniffing. "You better start explaining Phil." She said with anger in her voice. He stepped in front of her, watching tears pour down her face. She cried so bad, that her face shook, and body lurched with sobs. He lifted her face up by her chin, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Don't cry baby, can't you see that I'm fine?" he asked her. Liana nodded, even though she still felt shaky.

"Yes, b-but please explain to me; how is it that you are able to stand, let alone walk? It makes no sense at all!" she replied. "Baby, I will explain everything later…" "SCREW LATER PHIL. YOU WERE JUST HIT BY A CAR! YOU SHOULD BE DEAD, NOT UP AND WALKING! YOU EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT IS GOING ON NOW OR ELSE!"

Phil could sense the fury in her voice and eyes then sighed. He jerked his head towards the mustang and let her in, and entered his side. Once inside she grabbed his arm, making him look at her angry face. "Well; explain yourself Phil. How is it you're able to just up and walk? I need to know and I need to know NOW!" Liana's eyes were piercing Phil's soul, making him feel more and more bad. He sighed, "You'll never believe me Liana."

He started to cry as well, ashamed of what he had become. "Try me Phil, I'm listening." Phil just shook his head in pain and then drew in a deep breath. "Baby… I'm a werewolf." As soon as these words escaped his lips, he could hear how ridiculous he sounded. "You're a-a what?" she gasped. Her eyelids started fluttering around, and her head shook slightly. "I'm a werewolf Liana. That night that we went out the first time; I was attacked by this old woman."

He stopped short; his heart hurting badly. "Continue Phil… please?" Liana begged him. "The old woman held me rooted to the spot, just outside the park we left earlier today. I couldn't move, and in front of me stood this, t-this enormous m-monster! He was at least ten feet tall and his arms and legs were as big trees." "So what happened next?" Phil didn't want to continue because it pained him so much. He knew how bad this story sounded. "I bit the woman's hand and ran like hell. I was so close; SO close to reaching my house, clearly I wasn't fast enough. The werewolf caught up to me, as did the old woman. I heard her say something, I think it was a name; something that started with an h. Anyway, after the order, the werewolf found me not moving and sank his long fangs into the right side of my collar bone."

Liana winced at the sound of it, and gasped. "As time went on, I could feel something warm rushing into my body just as my blood poured out of it. It felt like some hot, boiling liquid that ate away at my muscles as it coursed my veins. The old woman ordered him to let go, then walked over to me, and placed this weird pendant around my neck. It's so blurry to me." Phil paused to breath. "What happened to you next?" He looked over at her, his face filled with grief and sadness. "Well I heard the woman barking on and on about some type of army that she was creating, a l-lycanth… I can't pronounce that word." "Lycanthropy?" Liana replied. "Yeah, how'd you know?" "I used to be a nerd Phil, I read all up on the mythical creatures. Anyways, please continue." Liana replied. She folded her arms, and continued to watch him.

Phil shook his head now, covering his eyes for a few seconds as he recollected his thoughts. When the words came to him he looked back up at Liana. "After the woman talked for a while, I felt this intense burning in my stomach, like lava was ripping at my insides, scorching through all of my intestines. Then before I knew it I was growing bigger and stronger, tearing through my clothes like they were made of paper." He stopped again, to breathe a bit before continuing. Liana let her head droop a bit, trying to process this information. "So; so what you're saying is that you… YOU are a werewolf! And that thing you had to show me tonight, was that the transformation?" she asked.

Phil nodded, unable to talk at the moment. "Alright then, that'll be something to see I guess. Please continue." Phil sniffed hard, and took a deep breath before continuing. "I grew so big that to the point where I was almost as tall as my house. All I remember from then on was feeling affectionate towards the woman, even though before I hated her guts. It was like she warped my mind and every full moon I'm forced to transform and my job in this, army, is to infect as many people as I can with the disease." "Just as it is for anyone who's infected with lycanthropy. Hmm, this is weird Phil, I-I don't know if I can honestly believe this." Liana told him. He sensed the shakiness in her voice. "Nor do I expect you to baby, but you saw the proof." Phil replied.

After he finished he allowed time to pass where they both sat in silence. Almost ten minutes later, Liana finally broke the silence. She was still stuck on the part where Phil confessed and said he was a werewolf. Shaking her head again she spoke. "So you're a werewolf? I… I don't know what to say Phil; like I said before… This is all so bizarre that it's unbelievable." She said. "I know Liana; trust me, I do." He rubbed his eyes, resting his forehead on his steering wheel. Liana reached over and grabbed his right arm, pulling it away from his face. She kissed him on the cheek, making him blush a bit. "What's up baby?" he asked her. "I'm just glad you told me what has been bothering you so much. I just don't know what to make of it. I thought werewolves were old folk's tales. So, I don't know what to tell you."

Her face appeared so innocent to Phil, that he couldn't hate her. He didn't believe in them before either. He knew deep down that night, he was going to show her once and for all that it was true. He hoped, beyond hope, that she would heed his warning and lock her door so she won't get hurt. "Let's go…" "Wait Phil; I need to say one last thing." He started the engine and then waited. Liana locked her eyes on her legs. "There has to be an explanation for you being able to get up from that accident; you should have been dead or sustained serious injuries like you did have. Not just up and walk away like you did. The only explanation I have is that perhaps you are a werewolf, but I still can't… I don't know. It's mind boggling Phil! I'm literally racking my brains as to HOW this is possible!"

"I know what you're thinking baby, but I promise you after tonight it will all make sense. I guarantee it." "I believe you Phil, but until that moment… I'm dumb founded." Phil nodded then threw his car into drive and sped down the road, taking a U-turn and running the opposite direction of the old man. When Liana turned towards Phil, he reached over to grab her leg again. Taking a spare second to glance at her he said, "It will make sense soon baby."

With that he took off towards the beach where they sat, gazing at the stars. It was there that he was going to ask the question, and hope she would say yes; even after this whole fiasco. Deep in his mind he knew what had to be done but it didn't stop the fear from spreading to the very depths of his body and soul. They were at a four way stop, near a bunch of bars, which were filling up fast with college students and local workers.

To the right there was a dead end which leads to more apartments. It consisted of multiple cracked wall structures, rats, bugs and above all that, drug addicts. Ahead there was the entrance to the beach, and to the left was where most of the bars resided. Along the sides of the roads, cars were parked, with a bunch of people exiting them to enter the different buildings. A bunch of girls were following jocks around, with their skirts barely covering their privates and shirts so skimpy that they made their breasts pop out. It disgusted Phil with a fiery passion; he couldn't stand prissy girls who always flaunted their bodies. He was into girls like Liana, who never showed off any part of her until now; which wasn't much.

"What are you looking at?" She asked him. "Just seeing how disgusting those girls look; it's absolutely repulsive. I can't stand it when women show off their bodies like that." "But look at me Phil! I'm showing off my body." She replied, laughing. "Ah yes, but you're different, and do you know why?" he asked her. She shook her head, still holding a huge smile. "You don't show off all that cleavage, and you barely show off as much skin as they do. You're innocent compared to them, and in my eyes that's better." "Aw, you're so sweet; come here." She said, beckoning him towards her.

He leaned in to kiss her when an ear shattering horn rang out behind them. It was a tractor trailer; inside the driver was yelling at his windshield and flipping them off. "Stupid, impatient… GAH I hate people sometimes!" Phil whispered under his breath. They crossed the street and began to enter the beach parking lot. Deep down in his mind, Phil still worried about the night coming up, but pushed it away because he wasn't going to let worry consume his anniversary with Liana. With that he stopped the car and exited, opening the door for Liana and carrying her towards the lake; leaving his pain behind at the car.