
Rhea--The Loli Seductress

I was watching this young, half-naked girl, standing in the middle of the aisle. She looked like she was going to burst. I looked at her again. What a weirdo.

"What are you even saying? It's a 1-person booth!" I had it up to here with her quirky and suspicious behavior.

If she really was a spy for the heiresses then she was likely following orders. Her goal was probably to get me kicked out of the Recreation building by being suspected of doing something lewd in the showers. Of course, this also meant she'd be kicked out, too. But I was already aware of the self-sacrificing ideology of the heiresses' followers. A little something like being banned from the Recreation building was nothing to those sycophants.

She didn't seem to let a little thing like personal space or the threat of being banned from the Recreation building stop her. She came dangerously close to the partition.

"I know. But I really want to. Can't I? Please?"

My guard was up, but there was something in those light brown eyes that made my defenses crumble just a bit.


It was all I could think of to say. Why would she want to do this?

She bit her lip as she grabbed the towel and pressed it against her chest even tighter. Her slim thighs were on display, looking as smooth as the richest jade. Her dainty feet were flexed as she stood on her toes. Her face was flushed with embarrassment. Her eye were the only thing that displayed an unfailing determination.

Her response was immediate.

"I want to wash your back."

"Huh? My back?"



"I admire you."

"You don't even know me."

"I know."

"This doesn't seem strange to you?"

"It does."

I felt like slapping my palm against my head. This girl was infuriating. "Then why?"

"I-I don't understand it myself. I saw you today, and for the first time in my life, I couldn't help but feel drawn to you."

"Drawn to me?"


"You're saying some pretty embarrassing stuff for some chick standing there in nothing but a towel."

She looked down at her body, and back at me. Her face was a deeper shade of red. "That's why I said I want to get in with you!"

Her voice was louder than necessary, but it gave me a pretty good idea of her personality.

Simply put…this girl was an idiot.

I laughed. It would be my first time showering with another person (my mom doesn't count). But I agreed. After opening the partition she leaped inside, nearly knocking me over. I had a good 4 inches and probably 20-pounds on her, but with her mad rush to get inside, her kinetic energy wasn't easy to disperse. So, when she hit me, I moved back with just as much force.

So, there we stood, me totally naked and drenched by the shower. Her, still covered in her towel as each stream of water made the towel virtually useless.

After hesitating for an additional second, she let the towel fall down, catching it before it hit the ground and placing it on the small bench beside her.

We were both women, so there was nothing to be embarrassed about.



Yeah…I totally agree.

The fact that I was standing there with a perfect stranger, totally in the buff was not something one can just shrug off by saying we're both females.

I felt self conscious and embarrassed. I didn't know where to look so I decided to look down at the floor.

That was a bad move.

My eyes slid over her body in a slow and lecherous manner. The shock that I'd allowed myself to shower with a perfect stranger in such an inclosed space was only second to the shock that ran through me when I realized I was ogling her.

Since when did I have a thing for girls?

The other day with Calypso was different. Sure, she is a female. But she is also the freaking Goddess of Love! Of course she'd attract both men and women. Love doesn't have a gender preference.

Then why is it that right at this moment, I'm looking at this girl, whose name I don't even know, and I'm fantasizing about running my fingers up and down her slim thighs? Or why am I imagining tracing her collarbone with my tongue? Why am I obsessed with the idea of holding her long wet light brown locks in my fist, tilting her head back and nibbling on her dainty earlobes? What was it about those modest breasts that looked way to large for her small frame that made me want to place my futanari-related appendage in-between them and explode all over her pouty little lips? Why was her shapely backside so tempting that I couldn't help but want to slap it and squeeze it as I buried myself inside of her? What was it about those seductive eyes and suggestive lips that made me want to watch them water as her lips were wrapped around my womanly sex and her tongue explored my walls?

Everything about this woman screamed seductress. From her pleasant face, to her shockingly shapely figure, to her innocent expression, to the heat radiated from her eyes.

If I was Superman, she'd be my Kryptonite.

I found myself wanting to touch her. I wanted to control her. I wanted to taste her. I wanted to feel her. I wanted to break her and make her mine and mine alone.

I wanted to own her.

This was the first time I'd ever felt this way about anyone. Even with Calypso, it was much more sensual. This wasn't. This was carnal. It was intense. It was…dangerous.

"Why…?" I found myself asking this question out loud. I didn't expect a response since it was just me trying to work through the confusion of these intense feelings.

"I told you. I was drawn to you." Her lips were quivering. Her hands were shaking. Her chest was heaving. But her eyes remained focused as she had her first glimpse of my naked body (sans the futanari stuff).

I felt her desire as she looked at my face, my chest, my abs, and my vagina.

"Do you do this sort of thing often?"

I had to ask. She was so absorbed in me while displaying such practical expressions that I wondered if this was her own practiced seduction method. She came across as this air-headed teen when she was likely the most dangerous predator out there.

"Hmm? Me? No! God no! I've never done anything like this in my life! I didn't even know I liked girls until I saw you! …!"

Her face turned a shocking color of red as she blurted out her feelings.

Why was she so damn adorable?

She gave off these diminutive vibes that just made you want to protect her and ruin her all at the same time.

Given her small stature but her matured sensuality, I could only assume that she was a master assassin of sorts.

"This loli is a seductress." This time, I didn't share my thoughts out loud. I don't even know where that word came from. Until that specific moment, I'd never even heard of the word. But in that moment, it was like a profound truth (okay, maybe not profound but whatever) was beamed into my brain.

As the water continued to beat down on my exposed body, the loli approached me. She slowly wrapped her arms around my body. I felt her breasts press against my stomach, as the short and damp hair covering her vagina tickled my thigh. Her breath was on my face as she slowly squeezed me tighter, pressing her lips against my neck.

"You smell so good." Her voice gently stroked my ears as her lips were pressed against my neck. Her voice was sweet and mesmerizing. I was being seduced by her and I didn't even care.

Her hands moved down my back, until they found what she was searching for. She squeezed both of my cheeks as she nuzzled against me even stronger.

"I-I-I think I want you." She sounded surprised by her own realization. As if what she was doing wasn't obvious to her.

I grabbed her long hair and pulled her head back. "So it would seem." She was shaking all over. I assumed she was cold so I switched places with her, letting the hot water slam against her body. She continued holding me as her eyes burned holes into my body.

Soon, the heat penetrated her body and her shivering eased. Now I had an entirely new problem. Watching her standing under the waves of water looking so vulnerable was arousing. I wanted her more by the second.

I had to get myself under control. There was still one elephant in the shower stall that needed to be address.

She was underage.

When I first saw her in the quad, she looked like a kid who'd just got caught with her hand in the cookie jar. She looked like a sophomore. Even now, while she looked like sex on a stick, she was still too young. If things went wrong then I'd be marked as a predator—futanari vessel or not!

"Hey. What's your name?" We'd skipped about a dozen steps. You'd think we'd start with the normal niceties.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I totally forgot. What's wrong with me? Anyway, my name is Rhea. Rhea Merril."

"It's nice to meet you Rhea. I'm Kyah Open-Cloud."

"Kyah…wow, that's such a beautiful name."

"I kind of think Rhea is a beautiful name, too."

"Thanks." Her smile was brighter than the sun. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Yep! This loli seductress was definitely dangerous.

It's better to stop things here before they get too out of hand…as if they weren't already.

"Hey? Listen, Rhea. You're pretty and everything. You're totally sexy, and surprisingly you're my type. But you're a little too young for me. You're just a sophomore. I'm sorry. I'm not going to jail just for a little nookie."

She looked confused by what I said.

"Jail? Why would you go to jail? It's not like I'm younger than you or anything."

"Huh? You think we're the same age? Well, I'm not. I'm 18."

"18?" She tilted her head in a cute way. "That's not a problem then."

I knew the laws. She was underage and I was chronologically an adult. She could make my life a living hell if I touched her and she reported me to the police. I'm talking possible jail time and worse. Even if I don't go to jail, I'd still have to register on the Sex Offender Registry. That would derail my entire life.

I couldn't take that chance. I had to end things here, and draw a clear and defined line.

I was ready for the water works. I was ready for her to throw a fit or have a tantrum of some sort, yelling that age was just a number, or some other cliché. But what she did was stranger still.

She laughed.

Her shoulder shook with her laughter. She glanced up at me after wiping a tear from her eye.

"That's cute. I guess, I can't blame you for thinking that. But don't worry."

"Don't worry? What are you talking about?"

"I'm not a sophomore."

"You're not? So, what? Are you a junior? You're not a senior, right?"

She shook her head. "No. No. Nothing like that."

"Oh? Then how old are you?" If she said she was a freshman I was going to toss her pretty little ass right out of this shower.

She smiled brightly, "I'm not officially related to this school, yet. Well, I will be in the fall. But not right now."

Despite the steam created by the shower, I felt a cold sweat coming down my back. Sweet baby Jesus! Is she…?! Did I…?!


I could hear the sounds of the iron bars slamming shut. I felt like I was already in prison. She said she wasn't affiliated with my school, but she would be in the fall. That means she is a middle schooler who was here on a tour or something. Those girls that I saw her with must be her guides.

Oh my God!

Oh my God!

Oh my fucking God!

I looked at her and had to revise my earlier interpretation. For a high schooler, her body was petite in a soft and sensual way. As a middle schooler, her body went well beyond being surprisingly developed. With that taken into consideration, she was 200% more dangerous. This little loli seductress is going to be the death of me.

My brain was trying to find a way out of this mess as my body tried to distance itself away from her. In such cramped confines, it was nearly impossible, but that didn't stop me from trying.

I was screwed. Based on the situation we found ourselves in, there was no reasonable justification for what was happening.

She either didn't notice or didn't care about the predicament she'd put me through as she stood there looking at me with those innocently devious light brown eyes.

"Yeah. See, I'm just here for a couple of weeks with a few student teachers. We're going to be on staff come the fall. I'm going to be in the Literature Department."

"Huh? Wait…what did you say?"

She laughed. "Did I surprise you? I'm not a student. Well not anymore. I got my teaching certification last year."

It was like the world that had just been turned upside down was now turned upside down AND on its side. What the hell was she saying?

"Yeah. I graduated university in the winter and passed my teacher certification last month. I'm going to be a professor at this high school in the fall."





"How old are you?"

"I'm 23-years old this past February."

The tension that had built up in my body drained away, and with it, part of my soul. I felt drained, like I'd suddenly aged about 50-years. This was just impossible. She looked younger than me, but was really older.

She really was a loli in the most amazing way.

As the water continued to stream over her body, I found myself unable to voice my astonishment. I stood there with her arms wrapped around me and all I could think was that this little loli seductress really was going to be the death of me.