
The Fury of the Mad King

"I know where Wald is. And we're going to get him back."

Madison's words echoed through the great hall, silencing the chatter among the rebel leaders. All eyes turned to her, a mix of hope and skepticism on their faces.

Garrett stepped forward, his weathered face creased with concern. "You're sure about this, Madison? We can't afford another wild goose chase."

Madison nodded firmly. "I'm sure. The Moonstone Scepter showed me. He's being held in an underground dungeon beneath Shadowfang Fortress."

A collective gasp went through the room. Shadowfang Fortress was notorious - a massive stone stronghold perched atop a cliff said to be impenetrable. It had stood for centuries, weathering countless sieges without ever falling.

"That's suicide," Roran muttered, shaking his head. "We'd never make it past the outer walls, let alone to some secret dungeon."

"We have to try," Madison insisted. "Wald risked everything for us. We owe him the same."