
Sneaking into the Enemy Stronghold

Striding through the melee, radiating an aura of malevolent power, was a figure that could only be the Mad King himself. But as the being drew closer, Madison realized with a mix of relief and dread that it wasn't Karnath-Gor, but one of his most fearsome lieutenants - a towering monster of muscle and bone, its skin a patchwork of scars and strange runes.

"Fall back!" Madison yelled, her voice cracking with the strain. "Everyone, retreat to the trees!"

The rebels scattered, helping the weakened prisoners as they fled. Madison stood her ground, the Moonstone Scepter blazing in her grip. Wald flanked her left, sword at the ready, while Astrid hefted her blood-slick axe on the right.

"Well, well," the lieutenant's voice rumbled like gravel in a steel drum. "What have we here? A little girl playing hero?"