
Lune's Blood [BL] [On Hold - Under Major Rewrite]

Klein, an aspiring biologist, had no interest in things that science couldn’t explain—like vampires, werewolves, and all the sorcery involving them. But all his life plans went down the drain one night when he got involved in a supernatural encounter, challenging everything he believed in. As more werewolves lost their sentience and succumbed to their bestial instincts, the peace between two worlds began to crumble. To make matters worst, Alpha candidates and secret organizations started coming after him, claiming he had a special blood that can cure a mythical curse. These lunatics were too hung up with the idea that Klein was the blessed human in a goddamn prophecy. And they stopped at nothing to get their hands on him, forcing Klein to rely on a handsome beast hunter—an old friend shrouded with hidden intention. In pursuit of the rarest blood on Earth, the light of the moon led Klein and the creatures of the night to a crossroads plagued with lunacy, atrocity, and... love? No freaking way. Not when Klein was a selfish scum who wouldn’t let anyone into his heart, much less get a drop of his extraordinary blood—the Lune's Blood. ——— Warnings: Graphic depiction of violence/ Strong language/ Erotic content (maybe? Not sure yet. Will update the tag and warning notice if in case I decided to include it.) Disclaimer: I don't own the photo used on the cover art. It's only a temporary cover. If you're the artist, let me know if you wanted it removed.

K_Contiello · LGBT+
24 Chs

How Willing Are You?

"Sirs! I'm telling the truth! There's a werewolf in that school. That's why I went inside!"

"Shut it, kid! Are you high on drugs? You must be a drug addict."

"What? No, I'm not! I don't do drugs, I swear! I don't even buy drugs in pharmacies. Only herbs and medicinal plants. I'm all into natural remedies!"

"You mean dried herbs rolled in a foil?"

"Yea—! No! What the hell?" Calix tried to wriggle out of the two officers' clutch, but with his wrists cuffed behind him, his struggles were futile. He groaned as they reached the prison. "I'm just trying to save the students!"

"Who do you think you are? Some kind of superhero or something?" The middle-aged police officer rolled his eyes while the younger one removed his handcuffs.

Calix knew they were so done with his shit, but he still tried to explain his side. He even told them there were eye-witnesses. Unfortunately for him, the police officers had tuned him out already.

After removing the handcuffs, the senior officer pushed Calix inside the prison cell and walked away with a shake of his head, exasperated. "Kids these days. They think committing a crime makes them cool."

"But I'm telling the truth." Calix gripped the steel bars and sent a pleading look to the younger officer, but the guy only pretended interest in his watch.

Derisive laughter echoed inside the city jail.

Calix turned to the other prisoners and sighed through his nose. This was the last place he wanted to be. He knew he had broken a lot of laws that could land him in jail and he's okay with that, but this was the worst timing ever.


With the werewolf still on the loose, Klein will never live a normal life. He's bound to get roped up in their business, especially with that scratch in his hand.

Calix slid to the corner of the jail, his thoughts racing. Should he use the last of his savings to bail? Was his case even bailable? He didn't know. And he didn't have much.

Or should he just escape? He'll be labeled a fugitive if he did. But it's much better than to stay in prison while Klein's life was in danger.

Calix spent the whole night thinking of ways how to get out of jail as soon as possible. He didn't even realize he had dozed off until morning came and a loud clang jolted him up from his slumber.

"W-What?" Calix blinked several times.

"Get up. You have a visitor."

Rubbing the sleep in his eyes, Calix pushed himself from the cardboard he had fallen asleep into and stood as the jail's door opened.

Was Miss Victoria informed already? Or could it be one of his friends? Or maybe it's... Klein?

There's no way, right?

Calix tried not to raise his hopes, but the thought of the silver-eyed boy stirred his heart like an excited boy on Christmas Eve. He let the officer cuff his wrists and followed him into a room.

Once inside, Calix saw a face he had no recollection of meeting until today. His shoulders dropped, but he tried not to show the disappointment on his face.

'Just as I thought.'

"Have a seat, Mr. Magtanggol." The person gestured to the chair in front of the table. "Or should I address you as Calixto?"

"Calix is fine, sir."

He smiled. "Calix, then."

Calix studied the young man in front of him. He had bleached his hair several times, so he knew those sandy-blond fringes framing a youthful face were not its natural color. He frowned. "Are you a lawyer?"

"I can be. Depending on your answer."

The scowl on Calix's face deepened. "Answer to what? You haven't asked me anything yet."

Cris-crossing his long fingers together, the mysterious man leaned forward to rest his chin on top of them. "It's a simple question, really." His smile widened. "How willing are you to kill someone?"

Calix froze. "Sorry, what?"

"I'm asking how willing you are to kill someone in exchange for your freedom."

Eyes darting to the young officer guarding the door, Calix was sure they were within his hearing range, but he received nothing but a pensive glance. He returned his gaze to the person in front of him.

"I'm not sure why you would ask me that, but I'm not a criminal."

"Why are you in jail, then?"


"Because you tried to slay a werewolf but failed."

That caught Calix's attention. It wasn't a mocking statement. The way it was said sounded like an evaluation of someone who had witnessed what transpired.

"Let me ask you again. How willing are you to kill someone?" he asked, leaning away to cross both arms over his chest. He smirked. "Someone who transforms into a mindless creature that preys on humans at night."

Calix rested his cuffed hands on top of the table. "I'm from a family of warriors who slay monsters. That's what I am raised for. But—" His expression turned serious. "My main priority is helping the victims. I can fight them off, but I will not kill someone who hasn't lost their humanity yet."

"Fair enough."

"Who are you?"

A hand extended in front of him, dangling a metallic object that glinted against the light. "I'm Froilan. I'm a member of Silver Spear. Rings a bell?"

Silver Spear? Where had he heard that?

Calix studied the pendant that resembled a triangular spearhead with intricate patterns and a gem in the middle. He knew he had seen this before, but he couldn't remember when. "What does Silver Spear do?"

"We are an organization who aims to eradicate a certain breed of werebeasts—the Lycans." Froilan gestured to the young officer, who also showed the same spearhead pendant. "And we're interested to have you on board. If you join us, we will help you get out of here as soon as possible."

Calix stared at Froilan, but he didn't give an answer. They have the same goal, that's for sure. However, he's still unsure if the Silver Spear was a trustworthy organization. "Why me? Why would you help someone like me?"

Froilan shrugged. "I know a talent when I see one."

"I have gained useful skills because of training, but I wouldn't call it a talent."

"You have potential, though." Froilan stood from his chair and rounded the table. "Look, you're not obligated to join us if you prefer going solo. But give it some thought, will you? I'll come back in a week—"

"No, I'll join." Calix sighed, standing up. "I can't afford to stay here for long. There's someone I need to protect outside, so if you'll help me get out of here, then I will join Silver Spear."

Froilan threw a smile over his shoulder. "Thanks for saving me plenty of time. I'm almost about to blackmail you."


"I'll have your release process immediately." Froilan fished a box from his pocket and threw it at him. "Welcome aboard, Calix."