
Paying a visit to priest I

Waking up with a throbbing headache, white walls stared back at me and I almost asked myself if I was in heaven, but then the place I was reeked of disinfectant, sanitizers and stuff I couldn't name. Confirming my fears, the door opened and a tall man walked it.

"Dr freeman" I said as I sighed. The hospital was the last place I needed to be at that point.

"it's good to see that you are awake" you looked almost dead when you were brought in yesterday" he said with a smile.

I became acquainted with the doctor two years ago when my grandmother got admitted in the local town hospital. A valuable asset to the hospital and the town as well, he had gained respect and love over the years even though he was not a native of the town. During my grandmother's illness, he was extremely nice and I suspected he had a thing for my mother, with the way he stared at her and grinned like a love sick puppy whenever she was nearby. But reader you see, earlier I mentioned priest been in love with my mom, so at that time his visits were quite regular at the hospital in a bid to protect his love. It was amusing watching them glare at each other. sorry for the little diversion.

"well thank God I still live" I said weakly.

"all praise to the bodies" he said as he rubbed his hair and crossed his chest. Truthfully reader, I used to wonder what was so important about the reverence sign, 'what if the celestial bodies don't see it as relevant?' I mentally use to ask.

"do you feel better?" he asked. I nodded in affirmation.

"so tell me, did you see anything, were you ill, did you feel anything that caused the fall? He further asked.

At that point, I did not want think about it, but when I pondered on how to give him answers, the images came. Eyes plucked out of their sockets, butchered limbs, punctured skull and red liquid dripping from the hanging parts on the window. I wished it was merely another dream, but my mother's short dark bob that held on to the skull took away my consciousness.

"Luna" he called, pulling me from my thoughts.

"you know you can always trust me to tell me anything" he entreated.

"are you not stressing her too much Freeman". Someone said from the door.

I quickly turned to see my mother in full form, no butchered limbs nor death's glare.

"mom" I said in excitement as well as shock, because I knew what I saw in her room was not a nightmare. Attempting to sit up, I winced. Feeling a sharp pain at the back of my head, quickly I rubbed it lightly only to find my head bare, my hair gone. My wide eye needed answers.

"calm down Luna, I never wanted it to be so, you hit your head on the table when you fell and Dr. Freeman needed to shave your head to clean the cut properly, you will be fine baby" my mother said as she sat beside me and held my cheek.

With my side eye, I noticed Dr freeman looking at her with so much passion.

"would you mind if I take her home today?" she asked with optimism.

"anything you want Yvonne, since she says she feels better, then she definitely feels better. Just make sure she is well taken care of" he advised.

Few minutes after my mom went out to get a taxi, she came back, packed up and was about to help me up when she stopped in her tracks

"the hair he cut off, where is it?" she asked herself audibly.

"leaving?" the doctor came in yet again, he couldn't get enough of my mother's presence I was sure.

"yes, I was about to come ask of the whereabouts of the hair you shaved off"

"thrashed, was there need keeping it?"

"no there isn't, never mind I asked"

"so what happens to my hair now and the healing glow?" I asked when we arrived home.

"we are paying a visit to priest" she replied, looking into my wardrobe to find an outfit for me.

"and about you not truly dead like I saw yesterday. The gruesome sight and all?" I continued.

"priest explains best Luna. Be calm, I am not dead, I am here"

"so I could hear scarier stuff?" I said with a raised eyebrow. "or have you not had enough of the stare of one man in love already?" I chuckled.

"don't" she warned.

"just kidding, just kidding" chuckling yet again.

"…and a beanie to keep this shaved head covered" she said, laying what she picked out on my bed.

Priest had a beautiful home, what funded the flamboyance, I couldn't tell since he was not much of a worker.

"the bodies be praised" he rubbed his hair and crossed his chest before holding my hand, leading me to the couch.

"so your mother finally found a way to bring you here huh?" he smiled.

"I had no choice, she says you know almost everything" I said.

"someone thinks highly of me then" he smirked taking a quick glance at my mom.

"well the books tell me all I need to know. Trust me, your mother was hard to convince as well. I believe you just need time to digest all of it, although not too much time that will turn you too vengeful. He exhaled

"Dr. Freeman shaved her head" my mom chipped in.

"mmm freeman, always doing too much. let's ask the books" he said and snapped twice.