
Chapter Fifteen- Underwater Hill Tops

The restaurant is far nicer than any place I have ever stepped into. My sushi usually comes in a plastic container from the local grocery store after forcing myself to buy overpriced produce. We walk up to the host, his eyes scrunching together with his large smile. My brain tells me to lie about needing the bathroom, then book it as far as I can, but looking at the soft smile of Levi and his comforting eyes… I can't leave just yet.

"Scarlet." Levi informs the host, he nods leading us to a back room with a private set up.

"Enjoy, Mr. and Mrs. Scarlet. Thank you for choosing us tonight." He sets the black menus on the table running off. I laugh to myself letting Levi pull the chair out for me.

"Do you have a favorite roll?" He starts off the interview, I peer over the menu trying to decide between a couple.

"Philadelphia has always been my favorite, but a rainbow roll comes in close second." I mumble in return looking for something new to try. Levi uses a chop stick to lower the menu stopping me from using as a physical barricade between us.

"You seem a little different, everything okay?"

"How so?"

"You haven't told me you hate me yet, or to die, or burn, or…" He starts ticking them off on his fingers, I laugh at him.

"Alright, alright. I get it." I pick a random dinner sushi entrée, four rolls I've never heard of, "I might hate you a little less."

"You might?" He smirks, those gorgeous blue eyes showing mischief.

"Okay, I do."

He smiles to himself leaning back in his chair. I take in his built figure, the way his tattoos come over his collar, and his strong jaw that looks as though it could cut paper. I'm way to ordinary to be next to him, my belly not perfectly toned, cellulite covering my back end, even my hair frizzes to much from over brushing and stress.

"Welcome Scarlets, my name is Heidi, and I will be your server this evening. Can I start you off with anything to drink?"

"A water, please."

Levi's face is stoic looking at the waitress, "Make that two and an order of gyoza."

"Of course, sir, madam. I'll return momentarily."

Heidi runs off much like the host did, an eager pep in their step. I try to shrug it off, but minor spouts of anger from earlier still linger in my system.

"Do you think you could ever love me?" Levi drops the bomb like it's nothing, a simple conversation two people have over coffee on a Sunday brunch. However, this is neither Sunday, nor brunch.

"I… uh?"

Heidi, oh thank the stars, "Here are those waters, ready to order?"

"Entrée three please, extra ginger." I rattle off, Levi following with his. The server gives us another stunning smile leaving us to our own devices. Levi keeps his focus on me waiting for my response.

The bond cracks between us, this complicated tether that I can't seem to break that tightens its hold around my heart day-by-day. Sooner or later, I know I'll give in, just being on my best behavior today shows that, but love?

"If I'm honest, I don't know. I gave my heart away to the wrong man, now I am a shrivel woman compared to who I used to be. Now all I desire is freedom and a good martini." He doesn't seem phased with my response, but something in my heart tells me internally that I have hurt him.

"I have somewhere to take you after this."

"I thought it was just shoes and sushi…" The gyoza is set in front of us, I attack the first crispy dumpling.

"It's a surprise, one I think you'll enjoy."

"Okay." The tether answers, not me, but I roll with it.



"Ready?" He shoves out his elbow and I slide my hand between the bend. My bug sits on the side of the road, the estate line now behind us. He demanded we stop before sunset and with him having the keys I didn't have much of choice.

"I suppose. Is this where you kill me?"

"I couldn't harm you even if I wanted to." He retorts guiding me through the forest. Fear starts to take over, my heart hammering deep in my chest. Most nights I avoid this darkness severely terrified by what could be lurking, "Don't worry love, night vision remember."

He taps the side of his temple in a mocking tone, but it doesn't settle me, "Can we try to be back before sunset?"

"Then we better hurry."

Our footsteps pick up pace each one cracking the fallen sticks beneath. Levi seems very at peace with the forest, the dwellers spending more time in the green than most. Now it all makes sense and why that might be the case.

We stop at a cliff overlooking a beautiful crystal lake. It's a straight stretch down, nothing blocking the path and small fish can be seen swimming through the reflective water. The greenery of the tree's hands over the edge, a wall of vinery closing it off from the rest of the work. I hold in my breath afraid to disturb the true peace that sits in the place, only a boulder dead in the middle of the water to break the tranquility of the surface.

"What do you think?"

Pink and white flowers line the edges as well, signs of spring sprouting up wherever it can, "It's beautiful Levi."

"Yeah, it is." I turn to look at him, but he's staring at me already.

"Thanks for showing me this."

"This isn't the only reason I brought you here." He lets me go stepping back into the flat land of the forest. I stay near the edge looking over the lake, "It's time I showed you the wolf."

My body stills, thoughts smashing the front of my head like a car hitting a tree, "Levi…"

"He won't hurt you, Cherry. I swear on my life." And for some reason, that means something to me.


He rolls his shoulders, bones cracking as he get comfortable, "And whatever you do, don't run. Wolves love the chase."

I stay quiet watching him, he meets my eyes one more time before his body starts to snap. My hands fly to mouth, arms cracking in half, legs shooting backwards. I watch the hair sprout over his body, muscles swelling over his shoulders and down his back. He smiles viciously, teeth elongating from his gums, jaw snapping away from his skill to grow. I'm going to puke.

He keep cracking, breaking, moving. Every part of his body changes in a way I hadn't expected, the only thing staying the same being his beautiful eyes. The hair has come in fully now, less than a minute has passed. His body size is now double mine and on all fours. The wolf steps forward, the human eyes trailing over my shaking figure. I take a step back momentarily forgetting where I chose to stand.

The air surrounds me as I fall, only the calloused hands of another wrapping around the back of my hips and neck there to stop me from the blistering pain of hitting the water head on. I scream, the body above me dropping further under the water, its weight helping it get closer to me. My head falls back, my mouth moving up only to meet another's.

Whether it's the water or the world, everything around me slows, only the lips of my captor bringing me back to reality as we sink into the lake's abyss.