

"What do you mean by that? Where did you meet him?"

"I want you to listen to me properly before blaming me or calling me immature." Noah warned and Niall just nodded as he was very desperate to know about it.

"Actually, don't try to sound immature." Lia huffed as she sat at the other couch, opposite to Noah who just growled at her.

"I was with Lia when I noticed it was the blood moon night and tried to wake you up, but you were so against the idea. So I decided to go to the northern mountains by myself as I knew, Yuta would go to the realm to bring back the rest of his troops. I just wanted to lock him in the realm and seal the portal." 

"And what happened? Where did you disappear for that to meet father?" Niall asked again as he didn't get the proper answer to his question.

"Let me speak, geez!"

"Let him speak." Jeff pouted as he looked at Noah to continue.