

"I've set aside this room for you." Isabella told Krona, motioning her hand to a room.

Krona nodded. "Thank you. It's perfect."

From the bottom of the stair steps, Penny, Norman, Emma, and Ray watched carefully as their mom negotiated with Sister Krone.

"That's sure going to be inconvenient..." Ray mumbled.

"She's between the three children's rooms...." Emma sweat dropped.

"It'll be easier for her to watch us." Norman whispered.

"We have to be extra careful now." Penny added softly.

Sister Krone and Isabella both turned to the four eldest kids, and they quickly wiped away their worried frowns and replaced them with a smile.


"I was so focused on the trackers." Norman muttered, clenching his fists angrily. "But another adult never crossed my mind."

"We should be happy about this," Ray spoke up suddenly.

"Huh?" Emma asked from one corner of the library.

"What do you mean, Ray?" Penny asked.

"With Carol and Sister Krona here, we have two new sources of info."

Norman turned to Ray. "You're right..."

"First off, where did they both come from?" Ray pondered.

"I suppose Carol's here to replace Connie." Norman said, resting his hands on the table chairs. "They must be replenished merchandise."

"Yeah." Ray said in agreement. "If this place is a farm, then they must have a base where they prepare all the one year olds to resupply the house."

"That's...unsettling." Penny said. "So you're saying, Ray, is that we all came from that one place at some point?"

"Probably." Ray nodded in her direction. "And I bet Sister Krona did, too."

"It's significant that there are other adults other than Mom, it means there might be other farms similar to this one. Are the adults who work for the demons under their control from the time they were born? Or after they're captured? Knowing can change how we survive out there after escaping." Norman said.

"Correct." Penny said.

"But first we need to find out how to escape with everyone." Ray whispered. "Plus, find the tracking devices."

Emma started feeling around her body. "I searched all over my body, but there are no scars to show something was implanted."

"I did the same." Penny said, sighing in defeat. "No strange markings, nothing."

"Nothing in our clothes, either." Norman said.

"Just based on mankind's existing technology, they probably use radio waves. They'd need batteries. Something battery powered that small doesn't leave a scar and lasts over ten years." Ray said. "That kind of technology wouldn't exist in 2015."

"Meaning..." Emma frowned.

"It's going to be difficult to find the location and figure out how to break it." Ray said. "And if it's demon technology, we may as well give up."

Penny sighed, glancing down at the book she just picked up from the shelf.

"You're right." Norman said.

"Huh?!" Emma gasped. She turned to Ray, narrowing her eyes. "That's it?!"

"Pretty much." Ray told her.

Emma clutched her hair, shrieking. "THAT's AWFUL!"

"Well," Norman sighed. "If we can't solve it, we can guess."

"Right." Ray said in agreement. "Let's think like them. It might help. What would be the most convenient place to put it in?" He turned to Emma, expecting an answer from her.

Emma frowned thoughtfully.

For a few moments, the room was silent except for the sound of the clock ticking. A second later, Norman suddenly gasped, drawing the others attention. "Carol."

"Carol?" Penny repeated. "What about her?"

"Weren't you listening?" Ray asked, frowning at Penny. "Carol might still have a mark since she just arrived."

Emma gasped. "From where they put the device!"

"I'd like to thank you personally for giving me the opportunity to come back to this site." Sister Krona told Isabella. Isabella turned to Sister Krona. "I simply made a request to have an assistant provided. It's not like I called for you specifically."

Sister Krona continued. "I heard a number of good things about you. Like you're the youngest ever to be selected as a mom and caretaker. And producing the highest merchandise among any of the plantations ever." Sister Krona smiled. "For me to get to work under someone I admire, I am truly honored."

Isabella didn't look up from the papers she was organizing. "I have no need for lip service. And I have no time for small talk." She handed Sister Krona a stack of files. "Now, then, let's get to work. These files contain info of my precious children. Memorize all of them right now. It should be easier than getting scores off your daily test."

Sister Krone chuckled a little and picked up the files, rustling through them. "Out of curiosity, why did you decide to call for an assistant?"

"They discovered the secret."

At that, Sister Krone gasped and turned to Isabella as she continued. "And they saw the truck as well."

Sister Krone gasped again and placed the files down, turning towards the door. "Well, according to the rules, we must find them and ship them out now-"

"Now hold it right there."

Sister Krone stopped.

Isabella walked up to the woman and cupped her face. "It's all right, I already have a good idea of who the targets are."

"You do?"

"Likely three of the older children. We just have to ensure they don't escape before shipment. Special doesn't begin to describe my children. And this is all beneficial of the plant."

"So you're not reporting it?"

"Not yet. I have procedures in place to deal with this. And you are my guard. Don't think, just watch the children." Isabella turned to Sister Krona with a stare. "I am the mom of this house, and you are nothing more than an assistant." She smiled at the woman in front of her. "Do you understand, Sister Krona?"

Sister Krona put a hand over her heart and bowed. "Of course, Miss Isabella."

"So, that's how it is. It's so surprising, to think that the amazing Isabella would make such a huge mistake." Sister Krona ranted to herself in her bedroom later that night. "And she's not reporting any of it, instead trying to cover up her favor!" She placed her hands on the wall. "If I help her, she'll own me big time! And I'll be rewarded for my hard work with a mom position to call my own!"

She turned towards her bed, where a creepy looking baby doll rested on it. Sister Krona cooed. "Oh, my, what's wrong, sweetie? Why are you crying so much, my precious one?" She took the doll and rocked it as if it were a real baby. "Now, now, don't cry, you'd be happy too, wouldn't you? If I was promoted to a mom, if that happens, I will be much busier, but you'll always be here to support me, won't you, my dear? Just try not to get jealous and act selfishly because I'm paying attention to the other children!"

She paused, and grinned. "Wait a minute. Could this be my chance to move up? Then I can finally become a mom! And I won't have to wait because my time is now! If I were to be able to capture the children who know the secret and report her violation to the higher ups, then Isabella will be fired! I think it's best to pretend to obey her, and when she least expects it, TAKE HER POSITION AWAY!"

She tossed the doll up in the air, and it hit the ceiling. "I'll capture the targets! Snitch on her, then immediately ship the kids up for processing!" She sang happily. "That's it! I'm going to be the mom of this house! I need to find those brats, fast!"

That night, after dinner, Ray and Norman stood at the sink, washing dishes. Penny stood near the tables, helping fold the tablecloths into neat stacks. Norman glanced slightly at Sister Krona, who was playing with the kids. Penny walked up to them, worry in her eyes. "The kids all adore her." the girl whispered, watching the older woman.

"Yeah," Ray whispered. "How do we make someone out to be the bad guy if everyone loves them?"

"Exactly." Norman said. "And we're more worried about the demons being notified. As soon as they know we escape, they're going to come after us. There's only one way to prevent that. The grown ups will have to be."

"The grown ups?" Penny murmured curiously. She turned around, and her eyes widened.

The two boys looked at each other, until Norman turned to look at Sister Krona, who was smiling eerily at them. Ray frowned and gently pulled Penny behind him, noticing her discomfort around the new sister.

Sister Krona smiled. "You're Norman, You're Penny, and you're Ray, correct?"

"Yeah?" Ray asked suspiciously.

"What do you want?" Penny asked, peering over Ray's shoulder.

Sister Krona smiled at them. "I heard, you get perfect test scores!"

"Yes...." Penny mumbled, averting her gaze and trying to hide herself from Sister the best she could.

"That's amazing. Nice to meet you. I know we'll get along." She raised her hands out, and Norman and Ray both took them. Sister Krone then let go of Norman's hand and took Penny's in her own, smiling at the girl in a way Ray didn't like.

After a few exchanged handshakes and nods, Sister Krona walked off, leaving Penny, Norman, and Ray alone, returning to their jobs.

"Did she hear us?" Ray whispered.

Norman shook his head. "No. We're okay. That woman...I don't think she came here simply to watch children."

"From the looks of it, I would say I agree with you, Norman." Penny mumbled, hoisting the sheets in her arms.

"What are you two saying?" Ray asked.

"The way she looked at us...she suspects us. Since we're the oldest." Norman responded.

Ray narrowed his eyes. "Wait a sec. How'd she find out?"

"Isn't it obvious? Mom told her. Mom is on our trail, and she's closing in on us. Let's hurry." Norman mumbled.

"Hey, guys, if you don't mind, I have to help Emma and Gilda with the babies now." Penny said, checking her watch. "I'll see you later."

"Later." Ray and Norman said, waving a little. Penny giggled and waved back, and disappeared towards the baby's room.

Penny stood with Emma and Gilda in the baby's room, taking care of the little ones. Penny and Emma both took turns scanning Carol's body for any strange markings. So far, nothing.

Emma scooped Carol in her arms, the baby cooing with little giggles. Emma frowned, glancing at Penny. "Ship prospective. Try to think like them. Demons won't eat the tracking device. Which means...."

Penny gasped slightly, forgetting that Gilda was there. "It's somewhere easy to remember!"

"Emma? Penny?" Gilda whispered hesitantly. "I, uh...wanted to ask....the other night..."

"But where?" Emma asked Penny.

"I think I know a body part we haven't checked." Penny said in a low whisper. "The ear."

Emma's eyes narrowed and she turned Carol's head towards the right, and gently flattened her ear.

Just as suspected, a mark was rested on the corner of her ear.

"What's that?" Gilda asked curiously. "Is it a bug bite?"

"No, it's..." Emma frowned, trying to find a way to explain this to her other little sister. "It's a mark from where they took our blood for testing!"

"At least, that's what Mom told us." Penny added.

Emma gasped excitedly, turning to Penny. "Nyla had it when she came, so did Mark, Phil, and Connie! On everybody's ear..."

Gilda lifted her hair and turned to the girls. "Mine to?"

Emma checked Gilda's ear and shook her head. "No, it's already gone."

Gilda turned to Emma and Penny. "That makes sense, though, right? Penny and I are both ten, and you're eleven, so it's been years now."

Emma touched her ear gently. "Yeah, it was way smaller than Penny and I expected it to be..."

"What was?"

"Oh, I was talking about the scar and how tiny it was!" Emma said quickly. "It disappeared all ready!"

"Yeah...." Gilda whispered.

Hearing Carol giggle, the girls walked up towards Carol. Penny caressed Carol's head and Emma moved her finger towards the little one, and Carol squeezed Emma's finger.

Emma narrowed her eyes, glancing from Carol and then up to Penny. "Penny, we've got to protect them. Every last one."

"Yes." Penny nodded, sharing the same look of determination in her brown eyes.