
Momma Makes Her Move

Hearing a knock on her door, Isabella turned and opened it to find Ray standing there. The raven haired boy glanced up at her. "Are you ready? Time to switch stuff out."

Isabella smiled at him.

As they walked, Ray thought over the plan he told Penny, Emma, Norman, Gilda, and Don. "Let's review. Norman, Penny, and Emma will inspect above the wall. Don and Gilda, stand outside where you can see the second floor window to the south. Stay alert. I'll signal to you if I'm not able to distract Mom. And that's when you two tell the others to cancel the inspection."

Outside, Gilda held Carol in her arms tenderly, gazing at the second floor window worriedly. "I hope that things go smoothly..."

While they walked the stairs, Isabella finally spoke. "I got rid of her."

Ray's eyes widened, and he turned to look at Isabella.

She closed her eyes for a moment and then smiled at her son. "I removed Krona from the equation."

Ray's eyes widened. He gritted his teeth and ran to Sister Krona's room and thrust the door open, staring into faint darkness. The bed was unmade, and Sister Krona was nowhere to be found. He didn't move as he felt his mother put her hands on his shoulders. He didn't cringe as she spoke to him. "Know why she's gone? Because I didn't need her." She unlocked her hands from his shoulders and he shakily turned to her. She stared down at him. "And you're next."

"W-wha..." Ray stuttered.

"Our deal is officially over as of right now." Isabella announced, clasping her hands together.

"What?!" Ray managed to say through his shock. "You-you're joking! C'mon! How can you say you don't need me?! I was helpful to you, right?! You were using me! So you could stay in the shadows! And control them indirectly!"

Isabella smiled at him. "Precisely."

"I was doing a good job!" Ray continued, his eyes wide. "To you, I'm..."

"Yes." Isabella nodded. "You were quite the useful dog. That's why I kept you by my side." She leaned forward and whispered in his ear. "Despite that you're a liar and a traitor,"

Ray just stared at her in shock.

Isabella stood up and smiled again. Ray narrowed his eyes. "I can still be of use to you, though!!!" he yelled. He clasped his hand over his heart. "It's a non issue!" He hacked and started coughing. When he was done, he glared at her.

"Yes. It's true there's no fault with you. I know that it's unfair. It affects me as well. Initially, I had planned to keep you around 'till the very end of all this."


"But unfortunately, the situation has changed." Isabella reached into her pocket and pulled out her silver tracker. "I'll be controlling them on my own from now on." She glanced at his angry expression. "I'm sorry, Ray. I hope you'll forgive me for what I'm about to do."

Ray gasped. He ran up and caught her in a waist hug, but she easily pushed him. He yelped as he collided with the hard floor, and Isabella closed the door. locking it with a click.

Ray sat up, horrified. "Mom?!"

"Just stay in there for a while." Isabella responded from the other side of the door.

Ray gritted his teeth and stood up and started banging on the door.

Isabella smirked, holding the key in her hands. "I'll be sure to let you out when I come back." She glanced at the tracker. "Now, then, based on the speed of the three signals, it must be Penny, Emma, and Norman."

At the sound of Penny's name, Ray gritted his teeth and pounded harder.

"So, they're running through the forest heading for the fence." Isabella continued to taunt him. "I assumed to expect it. By the way, I'm not the least bit worried about the poison. I know that you'll protect me. For their sake, especially hers, you won't get me killed. Isn't that right? That's why when you tried to suppress me, I know you'll use a different method." She closed the tracker and smiled, walking off. "Goodbye, Ray. Thank you for all you've done for me."

Ray angrily clutched his hair. "DARN IT!" He yelled. "NO! I'VE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!" The boy angrily started kicking at the door, desperately trying to do anything to break out and stop Isabella before she hurt someone close to the boy. He tried kicking the door again, but it wouldn't break.


Outside, Don and Gilda anxiously continued to watch the second floor window. Nothing was happening. Don frowned. "Huh. Nothing."

"Yeah." Gilda's heart thumped rapidly against her chest as she held Carol.

"So far so good." Don breathed.

They were wrong.

The sound of thumping caused Gilda to gasp, and she and Don turned to the back door just in time to see Isabella walk out holding the tracker in her hands, a vicious smile on her face.

Don gasped.

"Wait!" Gilda gasped, confused. "What's going on? Mom came out, even though Ray didn't signal us!" She and Don watched as Isabella slightly turned and smirked at them, and then continued to calmly walk towards the forest.

"Don, what should we do?!" Gilda shuddered.

He turned to her. "Stay here. I'll go check it out!" He took off.



Gilda turned her head towards the second floor window, her heart pounding.

Ray grunted as he smashed against the door. He panted as he leaned against it. "Just open up already..." He had to get out before Isabella did something to hurt Penny. He had to protect her. He growled as he prepared himself to punch the door again when...


The muffled voice of Don caused the young teen's head to snap up. The boy pressed both of his hands against the wooden door. "Yeah, it's me!"


Slightly confused, Ray put his ear to the door and quickly jumped back at the sound of Don running at full speed. The ten year old burst through the door, falling with it. Ray quickly ran over to the boy, shaking his shoulder. "Hey, you okay?!"

"I'm fine!" Don grunted, forcing himself up. He glanced at Ray. "But we've gotta hurry!"

"Yeah!" Ray said. "You're right!" He ran out the door, followed closely by Don. When the two got outside, Don turned to Gilda. "Gilda, let's go!"

"Does that mean the plan's cancelled?!" Gilda yelped. "What do we do now?!"

"The inspection is still on!" Don explained. "We gotta stop Mom!"


"This is our only chance! We need to make sure they get to inspect the top of the wall before Mom gets to them!"


Don sprinted off, panting as he ran, following after a frantic Ray. "Penny..." the raven haired boy murmured, narrowing his eyes.

While that was happening, Emma tossed Penny the rope from the tree's hiding spot and joined her and Norman on the ground. The three gave each other a determined nod.

The sound of rustling in the bushes was heard, and Norman muttered something. "Emma."

"Yeah." Emma tossed the bag of rope far into the bushes.

Penny turned around and her heart stopped, and she tugged on Norman's sleeve. "Guys, wasn't Ray supposed to be keeping Mom busy?"

The three kids watched as Mom walked up to them, the tracker in her hand. Emma gasped. "Why is..."

Penny quickly erased her fear with a smile. "Hey, Momma!"

"Is something wrong?" Emma asked.

Isabella snapped the tracker shut and closed her eyes. "Ten years."

"Uh huh?" Emma asked.

"That's how long we've been living together. But this is the first time we've talked without any of us acting." She smiled as she clasped her hands over her heart. The next thing that Isabella said made Penny's blood run cold. "It's nice to meet you, Penny. You too, Emma. And the same goes for you, Norman."

The brown haired girl's heart pounded as Isabella burst into chuckles. "Come now. Why do you look so worried? It's only me, so you're free to relax. There isn't anyone else around. You don't have to act like good little kids who don't know anything. Right now we're the caretaker and the children meant to be food."

Penny gasped, shaking as she grabbed Norman's arm, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. That's what Isabella thought of her the whole time?

"However, I must admit, I love every one of the children I've raised." Isabella continued. She put her hands to her heart. "I do. Truly. As if you were all my own children." She narrowed her eyes. "That's why, I came out here to ask that you just give up."

"You want us too..." Emma began slowly.

"Give up?" Norman finished.

The four stared at each other for a long uncomfortable moment, and Isabella finally spoke. "Give up resisting. I love you all and I don't want you to suffer, and I especially don't want to be the cause of your suffering. This life is happy, isn't it? You get to live in a warm house filled with delicious food and love. If you can stay oblivious to the truth, then you are able to die feeling satisfied." She smiled. "So how does that sound like anything but paradise?"

Emma gritted her teeth, lowering her head. "That's what you think this is. Are you saying that this happy life was worth what Connie went through?!"

"Death happens in an instant." Isabella pointed out. "Until the moment she died, Connie experienced a rich life full of smiles and laughter."

"What's the point if it's all just fake?!" Emma lashed out. "I'm going to live freely, even if I suffer for it! Then I'll decide happiness for myself!"

"Stop." Norman said. He shook his head and nodded in Penny's direction, who looked terrified. Emma sighed. "Norman..."

"Escaping is impossible." Isabella continued. "And it's dangerous outside. You don't really wanna go out there." She reached out her hand. "Now. Why don't we all go back to living happily together? Like none of this happened? My greatest wish is for the six of you to live joyous lives until your time eventually runs out."

"Six?" Norman muttered. "Not four?"

The three looked at each other, feeling like they just lost. Norman sighed. "Fine. You win, Mom."

Isabella smiled.

"I'll stop being a good kid!" Norman smiled.

Penny gritted her teeth and ran up to Mom. "GO, EMMA, NORMAN!"

The brown haired girl bravely ran up to Mom, giving Norman the time to pull Emma to safety and towards the rope so they could expect the wall. The two were about to climb up the wall when a sickening crack was heard.

Norman and Emma both stopped.

"Penny?" Emma squeaked out, her emerald green eyes wide. She and Norman turned around and they gasped at the sight in front of them.

Penny, on the ground, her face cringed in shock and pain. Isabella sitting on top of their younger sister, clutching her leg.

Emma and Norman stared in shock.

Penny stuttered from the splitting pain she felt from her leg, and she let out a scream. The scream reached Don, Gilda, and Ray, and Ray's eyes widened. "Penny..." the raven haired boy muttered, picking up his speed.

Penny chocked on her sobs as Isabella gently picked the ten year old up. She turned around to see Don, Gilda, and Ray running up. Ray had a look of pure horror on his face at the sight of his beloved sister injured, in Isabella's arms. He felt sick to his stomach as he watched the older woman pat the girl's hair soothingly as she cried. "Shh." Isabella soothed. "Shh. You're going to be okay. It doesn't hurt. Don't cry." Isabella smiled softly. "Oh, you poor thing. My adorable Penny." Isabella turned to Emma, who looked close to crying herself. "This is why I told you to give up."

Isabella turned back to Penny, hugging the little girl. "But I'm glad you hugged me for the first time in a while." She chuckled softly and turned to Norman, who stood there, shocked. "And you realized it quickly, Norman. I'm impressed." She laid Penny down and began treating her leg. "Yes. I'll control all of you until the very end. Because you're different than most of the other children. You're special food that only a special one is able to eat. The highest quality of children I've ever raised."

Ray narrowed his eyes and ran over to the two, grabbing Penny's hand in his, hugging her tightly as she gasped in pain, burying her head in Ray's chest, her gasps continuing as Isabella carefully tied Penny's leg in a temporary hand made cast. Isabella sat up and turned to Norman. "So then, that's why I have to protect you all. No matter the cost. I was forced to do this, because it was clear you weren't going to give up." She put a hand on Penny's cheek, and the girl tried cringing away, but she was in too much pain to move. Ray gritted his teeth and smacked the woman's hand away. But of course, the girl had to be carried back to the house, so the boy gave Penny's hand one last squeeze as he slowly stood up, allowing Isabella to do the rest of the work.

Isabella picked up Penny and began walking back to the house, and the girl whimpered, glancing back at her siblings, reaching out to them. "Norman...Emma...Gilda...Don...Ray..."

Her vision went blurry as they entered the house grounds, and Penny could hear the voices of the excited children, but their excitement suddenly turned to worry at the sight of the injured girl in Isabella's arms.

"Oh, no! What happened to Penny?!"

"Did she get hurt?!"

"Look!" Thoma gasped, narrowing his eyes. The only thing she could think of was the shocking news she and the others just received.

"You won't be able to move for a while. Which means I'll have no worries for tomorrow." Isabella was saying as she caressed Penny's head.

"Tomorrow?!" Ray sputtered out.

"Yes. That's right." Isabella smiled. She turned to Emma. "You could stay and celebrate, Emma." She smirked and turned to Norman. "There was a notice from Headquarters."

"So congrats, Norman. The time for you to be shipped has come."