

Norman sighed as he began packing for his "adoption." The boy knew he wouldn't be needing any of these things since he was headed towards his death, but he knew he had to pack something. He dug through his drawers until his fingers brushed against a familiar cup and string toy...the string phone.

The boy smiled gently as he picked it up, tenderly holding it in his hands as a memory swept through his mind.


Isabella sighed with a shake of her head as she glanced at the thermometer in her hands. "Another cold. No snowball fights for you."

The only response Norman could make was a moan. Isabella stood up and closed the door, a "DO NOT ENTER" sign hanging on the door nob. Resting on his bed, the boy could hear Penny, Emma, and the other kids asking about him.

"Norman can't play anymore?" Emma asked.

"Not until he gets better." Isabella told them. "Which means I don't want any of you in the infirmary for a while, understand?"

"Yes, mom." The kids sighed sadly.

"I hope Norman gets better..." Penny's high pitched voice moaned. "I miss him..."

Norman sighed, feeling lonely as he shifted in his covers, letting out a small moan as he glanced up at the clock. Something orange caught his gaze, and he let out a yelp as little Emma jumped up at him with a "Booo!"

"E-Emma!" Little Norman gasped, quickly trying to get away from her as she hopped happily on him. "I came to visit!"

Norman coughed. "Yeah, but, Mom said not to...."

"I know she did!" Emma grinned. "But you're all by yourself when you get sick like this! I thought you might be lonely! Even Penny thought it would be a good idea to check on you!"

Even though he was sick, Norman felt his cheeks turn bright red as he watched the ginger haired girl hop on the bench. "I'll do the talking so you don't have to! Is that okay?"

Norman winced, covering his mouth and turning away from her. "You can't stay here! You'll catch my cold!"

Emma grinned. "That isn't true!"

Norman glanced at Emma in confusion as the little girl proudly put a hand to her heart. "I was told I'll never, ever get sick!"


At the sound of Isabella's voice, Emma jumped, completely startled by the sudden entrance of their mother. "When did you sneak in here? Careful, or you'll get sick to!"

Emma turned on the stool towards Isabella with a wide grin. "Don't worry, Mom! Ray said that I'd be fine! Even Penny agrees with him!"

Isabella glanced at Emma in confusion. "What?"

"This book said that idiots don't get sick." Ray's voice pipped up. Beside him, little Penny nodded in agreement. "Yup!"

Isabella sighed and grabbed Emma's arm, dragging the ginger haired girl out. "Regardless, you can't be in here, Emma. You can play with him once he's better. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mom." Emma sighed as Isabella closed the door behind them. Norman lowered his outreached hand with a moan.

Outside, Isabella strapped police tape across the door, big words giving the instructions "KEEP OUT!" covering the door.

Norman shuffled in his bed. The sound of kids laughing and throwing snowballs at each other was heard outside, and Norman let out a lonely moan. He closed his eyes again, but the sight of a familiar orange haired girl popped out again, forcing him to open his eyes again. The boy let out a gasp of surprise as Emma jumped up happily, her little arms raised. "I'm back!"

Norman let out a yell which soon turned into fits of coughing. "Emma, you can't be..."

"Here!" Little Emma grinned, putting something on his bed. "For you!"

Norman glanced at it. From the sight of it it looked like a cup with a string inside of it. Emma held one too, in her own hand. ."A cup?"

Emma grinned happily. "Ray told me how to make it! Isn't it cool-"


Emma yelped as Isabella held the girl upside down. Isabella let out a chuckle as Emma struggled in the older woman's grasp. "You really don't know how to give up, do you?"

"He said we could talk using the string phone!" Emma cried as Isabella hauled her over her shoulders and marched out the door, shutting it behind her.

Finally understanding, Norman put the cup to his ear and waited for the string to tug into a thin line. A second later, he heard Emma's voice. "Are you there?"

Norman gasped in amazement.

"Norman, can you hear me?" Emma's anxious voice rang out in the other end. Norman smiled happily and turned to the center of the cup. "Yeah. Loud and clear."

Emma's anxious expression turned into a wild grin. "RAY!"

Ray glanced up from his book with a smile. Isabella just stared at them dumbfounded as Penny glanced up from the book they were sharing, smiling as they watched Emma throw her hands in the air happily. "Now we can talk even though I'm not here! HOORAY!"

"You know, if you keep yelling like that, he won't even need the string phone." Ray pointed out.

"Oh! You're right!"

At that, Norman, Ray, Penny, and Emma burst out laughing. The sound of Ray yelping was heard next as Penny hopped over to him, pleading Emma to have a turn on the string phone.

They spent the rest of the day talking together using the string phone.

Norman turned at the sound of the door opening to see Gilda and Don walking in. Norman smiled as he placed the string phone in his suitcase and closed the lid with a shut.

All dressed and ready to go, the white haired boy walked up to the steps and looked down to see Isabella holding his hat. He smiled in her direction. "Thanks for waiting, Mom."

Isabella turned to him with a somber smile. "Sure. Now, let's get going. Everyone's waiting." She led him into the dining hall where all the kids were there, waiting to share final farewells and good lucks with him. Sherry clung to Norman, sobbing. "I'm so glad..."

Norman gently kneeled in front of her and put her hands on her shoulders. "Sherry, please don't cry. You should say good bye with a smile, okay?"

Sherry sniffed, a small smile forming underneath her tears. "Okay."

"Norman?" Phil squeaked, walking up to him. Norman smiled at Phil. "Phil. Do me a big favor and take care of Penny and Emma."


Penny stood beside Emma, Gilda, and Don, tears threatening to fall. She glanced up at Emma, who just looked dull and empty.

"Emma, where's Ray?"

Penny glanced slightly up at Isabella, and towards Emma, who muttered. "The infirmary. He said he didn't want to say goodbye..."

"I see."

Norman stood up and turned to Don and Gilda. "Don. Gilda. Take care of Penny, Emma, and Ray, okay?"

Don nodded. "You got it! Leave it to us!"

Norman walked up to Penny, gently hugging her, muttering soothing words to her. The girl whimpered, doing her best not to cry.

Norman parted gently and turned to Emma. "Emma. All the rest...is up to you."

When Emma didn't look up, Norman reached down and picked up his suitcase. He turned to the gang with a smile. "It's been fun, everyone! I'll miss you!"

Emma shifted next to Penny, and the next thing the brunette girl knew, Emma lunged forward, screaming, "NORMAN, WAIT!!!"

Penny, Don, and Gilda gasped as Emma caught Norman in a hug.

"Emma..." Norman breathed out.

"I'll distract Mom." Emma whispered. She held the device up to his left ear, causing him to widen his eyes. "So please...run away!"

Norman's eyes shrunk and he pushed her away, causing everyone to gasp. To Don, Penny, and Gilda, it was gasps of horror. To the kids, it was gasps of confusion. Norman hastily grabbed the device, stuffed it quickly in his pocket, and glared at Emma. "Look, I know you're reckless, but this is crossing the line!" Norman yelled at her as the ginger shakily got to her legs. "This isn't what you should be doing right now..."

"SHUT UP!" Emma screamed in return. "YOU CAN'T GO!"

Norman gritted his teeth.

"What's wrong?" One of the kids asked in confusion.

Penny shuddered. She felt Don put a protective arm around her shoulders as they watched Isabella pick up Norman's fallen suitcase.

"Why can't you understand, Emma?" Norman asked a bit more gently, though his voice had a mix of irritation. "I didn't ask you to help keep me from leaving this place. All I want is a nice goodbye." Norman lowered his head. "So please respect that..."

Emma shook her head fiercely and placed her hand on his own. "NO! THAT'S THE ONE THING I WON'T DO FOR YOU! ESPECIALLY IF YOU DON'T REALLY WANT THIS!"

Norman's eyes widened as he felt tears beginning to form at the corners of his eyes, but he forced his sorrowful expression into a smile. "You're crazy, you know that?" he choked out. "You're so reckless...naïve and immature... but you're true to yourself. Honestly, that's why I..."

He reached out his hand towards her, but was stopped as Isabella gently placed his hat on his head, giving him a knowing look. "It's time, Norman."

Norman turned to Isabella with a smile. "Okay." He stood up and walked towards his suitcase. Terrified, Emma reached out to him, shrieking. "No, WAIT!"

"Emma." Isabella said sternly, glaring at the ginger. "There's no need to yell. I get that you'll miss him, but you're being stubborn." She kneeled in front of her charge and whispered in her ear only the ginger could hear. "keep causing trouble and I'll kill you, along with Penny."

Emma gasped. She could only stare at the woman as Isabella tucked some of the bangs behind Emma's left ear. "Just give up."

Emma lowered her arm. For her sake and Penny's, she'll give up. For now.

"Before we go, Mom."

Isabella turned to Norman.

"Can I say my last goodbye to her? I already did it for Penny, it's fair I do it to Emma."

Isabella smiled sweetly at Norman. "Oh, yes, of course. Hear that, Emma?"

Isabella stood up.

Norman reached out his hand and pulled Emma up. "Emma."


"Thanks a lot."


"Sorry I tricked you."


"Make sure Penny heals up quickly."


"And don't be reckless."


"Stay healthy."


"It's up to you."

Norman placed the device in Emma's hands.

"Right..." Emma sniffed as Norman pulled her into a hug. "It'll be okay. Don't ever give up."

As he and Isabella walked towards the door, Norman looked up the stairway for the last time to see Ray standing there, his back turned to him. Ray glanced at Norman, and Norman gave him a soft smile.

The door closed, and Emma collapsed to her knees. Forgetting about her leg, Penny fell to her knees and grabbed Emma in her arms, alongside with Don and Gilda, gasping her name.


"Your suitcase is empty." Isabella noted as she led Norman towards the gate. "Isn't it?"

Norman nodded slightly, eyes never leaving the ground. "Well, for the most part, no matter what's in there, it's not like I can take it."

Isabella nodded, and smiled. "You would never run from here. I knew that...from the very beginning. Rest assured you're doing the right thing. Penny, Ray, and Emma can be shipped maturely now."

"They'll live happily inside this house until the very end, huh?"

"Yes. Just as intended."

A thought traced Norman's mind, and he glanced at her. "Hey, Mom, are you happy?"

Startled, Isabella's head shot up, jerking the light she was holding. The woman closed her eyes and nodded. "Yes." She turned to him. "Yes, I am. After all, I was able to meet you."

The two said nothing as they walked up to the gate. The minute they were there, the gate opened, and Norman shakily but bravely walked up towards the truck that awaited him. He was about to climb in when Isabella called out to him.

"Over here."


Isabella glanced at him, standing near a door. "Please wait in this room for a little while." She opened the door and walked in.

Norman walked in and glanced up, and he let out a gasp.

The door closed behind him.