
Luck's descent(BL)

In a world where luck is everything, people were born with a certain amount of luck. The course of the world was controlled by the Infey race, whose job was protecting the luck's source. At least that is how it's written in the history of 200 years ago. One day, for unknown reasons, the source of luck was disrupted and the united nation broke into three. People with limited luck, those with almost no luck, and those with almost unlimited luck. The Infey race disappeared. Since the people without luck had to take it from someone else, an agreement was made to exchange inhabitants between the countries. The story revolves around the third prince, Nielle, a sadist without luck, who gets a new lucky servant, Shane, whose pride doesn't allow him to surrender to the prince's methods. Their paths cross with an Infey, a prisoner who has escaped from his country, and his guard, whose mission is to bring him back. **** This story contains BL, sex scenes between men, rape, violence and much more, which may not be suitable for everyone. I apologise for the mistakes as English is not my native language. I hope you enjoy the story.

Eryiyn · LGBT+
84 Chs

Luck in the harem 1

When he woke up, he was sitting in a cell, chained to the wall with iron shackles along with other boys. Some older, some younger, but all in the same dumb mood, as if they couldn't understand what just happened.

"Where are we?" Shane tried to ask, but his voice sounded weaker than usual.

"Rinsel camp..." Lynn said, his eighteen-year-old biological brother. He was the eldest of the commander's sons and always knew how to deal with any situation. However, he didn't sound like that at the moment.

"Camp? In Lacris?" Shane didn't understand.

The young man nodded, as if he couldn't explain the situation better.

"The commander is..." Shane asked, but he was interrupted by the sound of metal banging against metal.

"Our commander personally enjoyed his neck...his luck was incomparable," one of the soldiers laughed, who opened the cell and entered.

Lynn looked up at him in fury, tried to break free of the handcuffs and kicked him hard, but the soldier only laughed out of amusement.

"The information was correct...you really are great sources of luck," he stated, "I can't wait to see you tamed," the soldier was amused, making Lynn cough in shock with a simple punch to the stomach.

He bent down and roughly grabbed him by the hair, twisted his neck back and gripped it fiercely with his other hand, "You gave the guys a hard time yesterday...I want to enjoy you personally, Lacrisan," he laughed.

The moment the soldier leaned his face towards him, Lynn spat at him in anger and tried to kick him again. Disgusted, the soldier straightened up and wiped the drool on his clothes before bending down again and kicking Lynn hard in the face. The young man glared at him in anger, spat bloody saliva on the ground and growled furiously.

Shane just watched in silence as the soldier laughed and stomped hard on Lynn's thigh. His brother stifled a scream, but as the soldier repeated the stomp and a pop echoed through the room, the cell filled with the boy's screams.

"AAAAAGH-ágh!" Lynn snapped with his cuffed hands as something broke his leg and tried to pull his thigh out from under the soldier. However, the guy was having a good time and instead moved his leg up, forcing his thighs apart and getting up to his crotch, where he pushed roughly.

"Nghá!" Lynn yelled, glaring at the soldier. However, he was having fun, so the pressure on Lynn's crotch increased.

The moment the soldier laughed and raised his foot again in an attempt to stomp on Lynn's sensitive spots, Shane yelled along with his brother's screams, "Stop it! Stop it now!"

The soldier looked at him dispassionately and pulled his leg away from Lynn, "Shut up,...I wasn't planning to start with you yet...I'm not into children," he clarified.

"I'm not a child, I'm ten!" Shane growled.

The soldier laughed and slowly leaned towards him, "Since you're not a child...should I tell the guys to join you in some grown-up fun?" he cupped his cheeks and studied his expression.

"Leave him alone!" Lynn yelled, snapping his cuffed hands in anger, only to amuse the soldier and force him to grip Shane tighter. He lifted Shane's chin to his and locked his black gaze with Shane's blue.

"Don't worry...the commander will find a use for you," he laughed.

Shane took the opportunity and when the soldier run his other hand gently down his cheek, he bite him roughly.

"Agh!" the soldier withdrew his palm and stood up in shock, "Bastard." He kicked Shane in the side. When Shane didn't respond, he kicked him harder and continued his rage until Lynn next to him kicked him with his good leg.

The other childrens tried to stand up in anger for their half-brothers. The soldier only clenched his teeth in irritation as the captives angered him.

"You little...just wait," the soldier growled and disappeared from the cell.

For a moment, the boys were satisfied with the win...albeit a small one, but after the fight with the soldiers, who massacred everyone close to them, at least they tried to hold on to it in some kind of will to defiance. For now, Shane tried to talk to Lynn.

He found out that last night a top group of the Rinsel Army attacked the village and massacred everyone for some unknown reason. They were the only survivors of the entire village, no one escaped. For a moment, Shane couldn't believe that there was anyone in the world stronger than their kind. He knew that Rinsel had a strong army...but he had never heard of them destroying villages in Lacris.

Anyway, he tried to push the scene he saw in the village out of his mind, he tried not to think about the faces and bodies of the people he had taken as his role models all his life. He tried not to think about the fact that those beautiful moments were ruined.

He tried to focus on who he had left, he tried to focus on Lynn and the remaining siblings. He believed that this would be resolved, he believed that Luck would help them, and he believed that all of his remaining brothers would be okay...but he was wrong.

That evening they were all taken out of the cell. At night, in the middle of the camp, the soldiers organized a party where all the remaining Lacrisans were lined up next to each other.

"Each of you has the opportunity to stay alive and serve a better purpose...those who surrender and submit can join one of the soldiers as his source of luck," the commander explained.

The Lacrisans were silent.

"Don't be foolish like your commander, whose pride caused all your loved ones to fall under our swords," he clarified.

But the Lacrisans remained silent.

"Nobody wants to submit?" he asked again, "We'll have fun whether you do it willingly or not. I'm giving you the option to avoid harsh methods." he added.

"Your atrocities are nothing to break us!" Lynn screamed, "Kill us all...Lacrisians are proud on every side of the sword!" he shouted.

"Oh, really?" the soldier laughed, "Uneducated children...I see that none of you have been to Rinsel and seen the importance of obeying the masters. Your nation has been subservient to us for centuries...so proud." he laughed.

"None of us have masters...we're free!" Lynn shouted.

Shane watched the situation unfold. He had no idea what was happening, he had no idea where everything was going, but his insides were filled with anger, sadness and, for the first time in his life, fear, as he didn't know what would happen.

"Your choice t. Bring them," the soldier ordered, whereupon one of the men brought a bag to the Lacrisans and poured out iron collars, full of strange markings.

"Don't you know what submission is?" he laughed, "Never mind, disobedient Lacrisans deserve a lesson, don't they?" he picked up and waved one of the collars, "One for each!"

The moment the soldiers approached the Lacrisans, they all started to fight back. But it was of no use, and soon everyone ended up with a piece of metal around their neck. However, the humiliation they felt was nothing compared to the pain that followed shortly after.

The screams of the young Lacrisans filled the camp as traces of agony were etched into their bodies, young tears wet the dry ground and many of them were shown for the first time in their lives what pain is. Black marks burned through their necks, each of them reconsidered their behavior at that moment, and each of them remained half-stunned on the ground, as they had never experienced the touch of bad luck on their bodies.

Shane's eyes were also streaming thick tears, he was gasping for air and trying to break free from the shackles binding his hands as his neck burned. He felt like he couldn't breathe, he felt like he was going to throw up even though he hadn't eaten anything...and he felt like it would never stop. He wanted it to go away, he would have given anything to stop the feeling...but in the end he wasn't the one who screamed.

"Enough! ÁÁgh-ángááh! Enough!" one of the older boys screamed, before he was approached by one of the soldiers.

"Will you submit?" he asked.

"I-I-aagh! Ah-yes-ahh! P-please, enough…stop-aagh!" the boy on the ground trembled.

Shane glared at his sibling, who immediately broke down. The soldier laughed contentedly, removing the collar from his neck, and although the black mark didn't disappear, the boy's pain was at least momentarily relieved before the others continued on.

Shane moaned loudly on the ground, gasping for air and clutching his eyelids. It took some time for the scream to be heard again before another one of the boys submitted and was moved into the hands of their new Rinselians, with whom no better life awaited them.

Before Shane knew it there were only four left...and soon there were only two.

"The commander's sons are different, aren't they?" the commander of the soldiers laughed.

"AAAAgh!" Lynn screamed in pain as the soldier touched the black stone in his palm, causing Lacrisan to shriek in tears.

Shane couldn't see exactly what was going on, how intense his own pain was. Somewhere in the corner of his eye he saw how the soldier bent down to his brother, saw how he touched his cheek with his tongue, how he tasted his tears. And then he only heard a scream. A piercing, agonizing roar that nearly burst his eardrums as he lay close to Lynn filled him with fear.

Every cell in his body filled with terror at the thought of what the young Lacrisan must be going through. He wept loudly at the thought that he would soon experience such a thing himself. He bit his lip in shame at himself, but when Lynn collapsed after a moment and the soldier walked over to him, he sobbed loudly again.

"And you, boy?" the commander asked.

Shane was shaking in terror, he couldn't breathe, tears were flowing from his eyes, and he tried in vain to get out of his chain when the guy touched his cheek.

Shane had experienced a lot of pain in his young life as he was trained for interrogations...but no one had ever prepared him for the pain of having his luck stolen, not with tears. That's why when he experienced it for the first time, when it combined with the pain from the black collar and all the sensations, he couldn't think anymore. His consciousness was gone and he was no longer aware.

Everyone but the two of them submitted that night, and for a long time Shane didn't know what happened to them.

Lynn and he sat in the same cell where all the Rinselans from the camp came to visit them. Every day they took their luck, every day for fun they tortured them to their heart's content. Shane didn't know when it was night, when it was day, he had the impression, that he was going mad with fear and pain, even though he didn't get as much attention as Lynn.

Until then, Shane thought he knew all the torture practices...but he didn't...he didn't know all of them at all. However, during the long months in the camp, he had the opportunity to watch them every single day...some with his own skin, some not. Some he could never forget, some he luckily did.

However, the day his brother was raped for the first time in front of his eyes, he remembered clearly. It was the day he lost faith that he would get out of the camp.

Shane was gagged, one of the soldiers kept him facing his brother and whispered in his ear to watch if he didn't want to be toyed with too. Shane didn't want to...but after he realized what rape even meant, after he realized what the soldiers were doing between with Lynn and why his brother was fighting back more than usual, Shane, afraid that it would happen to him as well, he watched everything.

Shane watched as the soldier penetrated Lynn for the first time, watched his brother's suffering, his fear and disgust...watched the force of the whole process...watched their stout bodies fucking his brother's soul, Lynn's screams and after a few rounds weak pleas for mercy. He watched it all and hated himself for it every single day.

Lynn didn't speak to him again after the event. Shane tried to calm him down but it was no use and the brother looked like he had completely broken down.

As much as Shane tried to tell himself it wouldn't happen again, he was wrong. The soldiers visited them again...and again...Lynn's body repeatedly went through hell and reached a level when it was enough that someone walked by their cell for him to cry in terror and hide in the corner of the cell.

Shane wasn't a victim of sexual violence at the time, but he always had to watch the soldiers having fun with Lynn. Shane never wanted to, he couldn't bear to see his dearest brother in similar humiliation, in similar pain...but he had no choice.

Whenever he wanted to refuse and not look, one touch on the black stone that filled his neck and body with agony was enough to make him submit and beg in tears to watch as they wanted him to. Shane hated how weak he was, hated that he couldn't do anything, hated that he always broke.

Lynn was humiliated every day , his mind was more fragile than anyone thought...and when the soldiers visited them one day after a few months, out of his mouth came words that Shane didn't expect.

"Please...no today," he lay and gave Shane a blank look with which he muttered, "I-I...I'm not the only one here...p-please..."

Shane blinked in horror as Lynn just offered him to the soldiers. He looked up at the guy who had to laugh at the offer. His attention shifted to Shane but they didn't touch him.

Once again he was just forced to watch.

Some time passed before everyone was pulled out of cells again. Shane hadn't seen the sun in months, hadn't smelled fresh air, and hadn't walked long distances in so long that his legs would fail him every time he took a few steps. However, he didn't have to stand through the entire theater.

In the first hour, it was a public performance, for the entertainment of the soldiers. Shane watched as all of his brothers turned into the toys of the Rinsel soldiers, as if they had never even possessed pride. The older ones became their sex-toys, while the younger became their source of luck.

"Months of fun ended in failure...as I heard...there is still a kid who didn't submit," the commander clarified, clutching a black stone in his hand.

Shane, who knew the stone very well, straightened up in fear and backed away on the ground...however, a pair of strong hands grabbed him and held him.

"Who wants to be the first to tame the commander's son?" he laughed.

"Me!" one of the soldiers shouted, climbing towards them with his Lacrisan.

Shane stared at one of his half-brothers, his eyes no longer focused in his direction, his expression blank, his bare body visibly destroyed, as new pain filled Shane's insides.

"I heard that you didn't even help your brother with the guys," the commander laughed, "You think you don't have to? Do you think he will forget you? Don't you feel sorry for your brother? He thinks it's your fault." He laughed.

"My fault?" Shane muttered and looked at the ground, "No, it's not...it's not..."

He wanted to help his brother, he tried...but he didn't know how...however, even if Shane try to convince himself, somewhere in his soul he knew that if it wasn't for him, the soldiers wouldn't have tried so hard...if he hadn't been watching, the soldiers wouldn't have hurt Lynn so much...if he wasn't so weak. But Shane couldn't resist it...facing the black collar, facing the fear...Shane couldn't stop the soldiers...or even swap with his brother.

"Isn't it?" the commander laughed.

"I-it's not..." Shane muttered.

The soldier laughed, "Okay, let's play then...Lacrisians love games, don't they?" he was having fun.

"Games?" Shane didn't understand.

"You can choose," the soldier began with the words which became one the Shane's worst nightmares, "brother or the boy." he nodded to the other Lacrisan and drew his sword.

"Choose? What do you mean?" Shane didn't understand.

"Whose life will we play for, boy," he explained.

"What?" Shane blinked.

"If you don't choose, I'll kill them together," he had swords put to their necks.

Shane clearly looked at the pair of people he had seen in completely different situations not long ago and gasped in disbelief. He didn't know if the soldier was joking and hesitated. However, he hesitated for too long... one of the blades dug into Lynn's neck, after which Shane inexplicably screamed the name of the boy who in his soul was a bit below his brother.

Angry at himself as he chose, he stared at the soldier who looked like he was enjoying himself.

"Nice choice," he laughed, "and now for the game...you know your collar very well, kid." he nodded to his neck where the invisible marks were.

Terrified, Shane grabbed them and looked at the black stone in the man's palm, "I don't want to...play," he muttered childishly, but at that moment he couldn't help but pull back in terror in the memory of the pain that always filled him when using the disgusting thing .

"It doesn't matter...the game is simple...if you keep quiet, he will survive...if not, his blood will be on your hands," he joked.

"Wh-what?" he didn't understand, but the guy didn't give him a chance to think.

"Here we go," he declared and simply grabbed the black stone connected to Shane's black collar.

A wave of agony washed over his body, how he couldn't breathe, how the thing was strangling and torturing him at the same time. Excruciating pain filled his insides and he gritted his teeth as he realized he couldn't scream. But it wasn't possible, he couldn't do it, it was too much and no matter how hard he tried, no matter how he turned his suffering into tears and whimpers, he couldn't take...and the agony scream left his mouth.

,,ААААGH!" he screamed in revelation as the grip of the collar suddenly loosened and he was finally allowed to take a breath. His heart was beating frantically, his neck was on fire and his muscles were shaking convulsively, the unbearable sensations the collar was causing him.

"Unpleasant," the soldier said, nodding to the guy next to him.

"N-no...n-no..." Shane recovered, "wait...p-please-ah! AAAGH!" he yelled in shock as the guy simply slashed the boy's neck.

The blood splashed up to him, the boy fell to the ground and Shane watched in horror as the pool of blood came his way.

He couldn't believe that the soldier had done it, he couldn't believe that one of his screams had actually taken the life of his half-brother, but he didn't have a chance to think for a long time. As the soldier spoke to him again.

"Never mind, round two...again you can choose...brother or the other boy." he nodded to the soldier who drew his Lacrisan and tossed him to Lynn's side.

Shane glared at the soldier. Tears streamed down his cheeks, his eyes filled with rage, anger and fear that he couldn't stay quiet under the pain from the collar. But the soldier was having a great time, and whatever Shane did, he got his way.

Fearing for his brother's life, Shane involuntarily chose the other Lacrisan again and only closed his eyelids in terror when he saw the man move his palm to the black stone. A convulsive grip, agony flooded his body, forcing him to pound the ground madly. His mind forgot what was going on, his muscles tightened in agony and try as he might, Shane couldn't hold back a cry of despair.

It was too intense...unbearable and Shane began to beg almost as soon as the stone's effect wore off, with how little he could breathe, with how little his hoarse voice could produce anything.

"Please don't...I'm sorry... please... please... don't-hurt him, no-aaaagh! AAAÁgh-no!" he screamed as the soldier slashed the other Lacrisan's neck. Shane watched as his second half-brother fell to the ground, his blood joining the first pool and soaking into the ground.

Tears streamed down his cheeks, hoarse gasps for air came out of his mouth, he was shaking and unable to get intelligible words out.

"Never mind," the soldier laughed and lightly grabbed his black ring, "we're moving on...you can choose."

Hi, since I didn't publish often these days, I added a longer chapter today, I hope you liked the part of Shane's past, in the next chapter we will return to the present again, have a nice upcoming weekend.

Eryiyncreators' thoughts