
Lucifer's true love

A fanfiction from Tv series Lucifer After Chloe is killed while trying to put a mafia boss in jail,Lucifer is devastated. He doesnt leave his bedroom,he doesnt eat or drink anything and he seems to have lost his will to live. But his life is about to change when he finds a letter from his father,God. "Son,while I was on Earth,me and your mother had a little 'reunion'.The result is my final gift to you.". I will also post this story on royal road

eyaggelia146 · 电视同人
21 Chs


He quickly got in his car,lay carefully the baby in the back seat and started dialling a number.

-Come on,woman,pick up.


-Hi,Johanna.Its me,Lucifer

-Lucifer! Its been awhile. How have you been?

-Not good,but thats besides the point. Listen,I need a favour. You got your medical license back?

-Yes,thankfully. What an adventure that was. The judge...

-Not now,Johanna. I have a baby here that needs treatment now. Where are you working? Im coming there.

-Im just a general surgeon.Not a pediatrician. I dont know how to treat children.

-Dont be so modest. Your passion for Medicine is unprecedented. You can do anything from brain surgery to delivery.

-...Fine. Im at the Country Medical Center. Can you describe me the symptoms?

-He has been unconscious for hours and the hear rate drops really fast. I dont know anything else.

-You are not helping me much,Lucifer. It could be anything.

-He was also injected with a sedative.

-What? How did this happen?

-A long story. I will be there in five minutes.

After that Lucifer hung up and turned around at the back seat where his brother remained unresponsive.He touched his little arm gently and said:"Hang in there,little one. If you die,my problems will only increase"

Later,at the hospital's entrance

A young blonde woman around her thirties came running out of the building frantic the moment Lucifer parked his car at the entrance.

-Lucifer. I managed to convince the Chief Pediatrician to treat this baby himself.

-I thought I was clear. I want you to be his doctor.

-And I already told you I cant. At least not formally. A general surgeon can't appear as the attending physician in the Pediatric Department. But dont worry. Doctor Jones values my input so in reality I will be treating him. Now can I see him?

Once Lucifer handed him the baby Johanna's face went pale. She run back inside with her young patient in her arms and she reached the Pediatric Department in record time. Lucifer didnt run with her but he was clever enough to realise that his brother's condition was probably worst than he had imagined. He was starting to feel a tightening feeling in his chest and it was getting more annoying by the second.It was probably due to stress.

Johanna returned after a few minutes in a state of panic

-Lucifer,I need to ask you some questions.

-Now? Werent you supposed to be treating my brother?

-He is in good hands,dont worry.Doctor Jones is the top pediatrician in America. But right now,you have some explaining to do and I must tell you that you should feel very lucky that it is me you will be giving your explainations because if it were anyone else he would have called Child Services by now.

Lucifer didn't like her tone but for some strange reason he didnt have the mental energy to answer accordingly. That must also be a result of stress.

-Fine.You better sit down.

After a 10 minutes talk,Johanna seed to calm down and laid back on her chair.

-Im sorry that I was so aggressive,Lucifer. Its that I couldn't understand how this substance was found in a newborn's body.

-And you thought it was me? Come on. I may be devilish but I wouldnt hurt children. Besides,why would I bring him to the hospital if it was me who did it?

-You wouldnt believe what my eyes have seen.

-How is my brother?

-I wont lie to you Lucifer. He is not doing good.When you brought him in his pulse was so weak that I had to run to the department to check if he was even alive. He was,but barely. I wasnt allowed to be present afterwards. They are treating him right now. But I guess they will come the same conclusion.

-Which is?

-A very rare type of allergic reaction. The body usually reacts to the foreign substance by fighting back. In your brother's case his body is simply shutting down.

-You can save him,right?

-I dont know. You brought him in a bit late,Lucifer. I can understand why but still valuable time was lost. It is going to be a long day. If is still alive by tomorrow,he may have a chance but...

At that moment a sound was heard from her phone

-Oh no. They are calling me back.Something very serious must have happened for them to put their ego aside and call me. Stay here,Lucifer. If anything happens,I promise you will be the first to know.

After that Johanna left in the direction of the Surgery Department.Lucifer decided to sit down for a while and put his thoughts in order but luck wasn't on his side today.His phone started ringing a few minutes later. He didnt bother looking at the name,he would simply hung up rudely.But he changed his mind when he heard the caller's voice.


-Amenadiel. How is your vacation coming along?

-Great. I just called to see how things are going with you and our brother. How is he by the way?

At times like this,Lucifer was thankful for his talent to lie.

-He is fine.Listen,I cant talk right now because we are out on a walk. You know how fresh air is good for the babies,right?

-Excellent initiative,Lucifer. I knew you had big brother insticts in you.You sound tired however,you didnt sleep well last night?

-You know the answer to that. I haven't slept well in months.

-Well,at least this happens for a different reason now.I must leave you now,me and Linda are on a cruise and I promised to watch her win the bingo contest. Glad to hear that things are going okay,Luci. I was concerned you would get involved with thugs and criminals and put our baby brother at risk.But you surprised me.I am very proud of you little brother. I must go now. Bye.

After Amenadiel hung up Lucifer felt the last ounce of his energy leave him and he just sat there. Unmoving.

He was a terrible big brother. But why did he care so much about that?