
Finding An Emperor

Walking the long halls that could fit giants, Cain was lost. He had seen no other servant other than himself, and he had been walking these halls for almost 20 minutes!

The Palace seemed to be made of two parts: outer halls and inner rooms. The outer halls had things like gardens and courtyards that were connected by the long pillared halls.

The inner rooms were part of the middle giant structure, but Cain didn't know how this was formatted as he still hadn't found a door.

When almost all hope was lost, Cain finally saw another person. It was an old maid who was cleaning the floors. Cain almost cried with joy and walked over.

"Hello, do you know where the Emperor is right now?"

Looking up from her work, the maid looked at Cain with pity.

"Oh dearie, you were chosen? I am sorry to hear that. The Emperor is in the Palace, probably in his room like always."

"Thank you! Also, how do I reach the Emperor's room?"

"Did no one inform you? The only entrance inside is going from the front, where the gate is located. I wish you the best of luck. Not many of you come back."

Cain thanked the lady again and started walking back to the pond to head to the front entrance. He was curious about all the ominous things the maid said but would find it all out once he entered the Palace anyway.

Heading to the front, he was annoyed that he didn't come here first. There were people all over the place: guards, servants, royal family members. They were all running about outside the Palace entrance.

He made his way into the Palace. He was asked by a few guards why he was entering, but once Cain blushed, they understood, and their faces turned to pity.

'So it is what I thought. Why would the Emperor's state degrade to this point?'

As Cain stepped into the Palace, he was immediately enveloped in a realm of awe-inspiring splendor. The sheer magnitude of the Palace took his breath away, its expansive halls stretching out like a labyrinth of opulence. Towering staircases, grandiose and majestic, seemed to reach for the sky.

Doors, colossal in size, stood as towering guardians, their intricately carved frames evoking a sense of antiquity and power.

Every corner of the Palace held a new marvel to behold, from the vibrant halls teeming with exotic plants lined on tables to the serene courtyards adorned with elegant fountains.

The air was alive with a symphony of activity as countless maids and butlers, like minuscule figures in a grand tapestry, moved with purpose and grace, ensuring the Palace operated with seamless efficiency. 

Funnily enough, everyone looked healthy and lively. If any one of them saw the states of their cities then they would turn aghast. At this very moment, people worked, malnourished and hungry, others couldn't even work, dying in their homes or worse, in the streets. The populous has been declining at a rapid rate, soon, perhaps even the palace won't have as many people. 

Cain took a moment to take in such a wonderful scene before looking for someone in charge. His luck was on point today as he quickly saw a butler giving orders to some other servants. He headed over and put on his best impression. He was still a servant after all.

"Excuse me, sir. Where can I find the Emperor's chambers?"

The butler looked at Cain for a moment before nodding. "It is on the second floor. I wish you luck."

"May I ask why? I still do not know why the Emperor wishes to see me."

Before the Butler could speak, a servant girl in the group quickly spilled everything to Cain.

"Ever since Lord Augustus's death, the Emperor has been drowning his sorrows in liquor and women. But in his sorrow, he has become... violent. Every girl who goes to serve him usually doesn't come back."

The Butler looked astonished at the servant and promptly smacked her.

"You dare!"

"I-I'm sorry, sir!"

Cain wasn't finished with his questions as he still had one more left. "Why is the Emperor upset at Lord Augustus's death?"

"Ah, it was found that Lord Augustus was actually the Lord's nephew, the offspring of his sister. Augustus was like a son to him." With the secret already out, the Butler didn't even try to hide it anymore and told Cain the whole story.

After he finished, Cain was almost done connecting the dots. 'So with me killing Augustus, the Emperor's mood has become self-destructive. Well, I might not get him to spill his secrets, but he will at least be easier to kill. His blood should be the secret to opening the box, so I should still learn everything I wanted from this trip.'

Cain ascended to the second floor, his footsteps echoing through the opulent halls. He spotted a passing servant and decided to seize the opportunity for information.

"Excuse me," Cain called out, "could you tell me the layout of the Palace? I'd like to familiarize myself before meeting the Emperor."

The servant turned to face him, eyes wide with surprise. "You don't know? Well, let me guide you then. Follow me."

Cain didn't know how strong the Emperor was, but it was obvious he was at least Grade 4; otherwise, he would have probably been killed from plots and assassinations by now.

Even though the Palace was huge, it was all the same: halls decorated luxuriously and rooms usually being quarters for family members or high-level guards and servants. It was the same thing throughout the entire second floor. There wasn't anything of interest.

Disappointed, Cain then headed to meet the Emperor. He came before a large door guarded on either side by a Royal Guard donned in runic armor.

All Cain knew about such armor was that they were expensive because of the materials required and the size of the armor compared to weapons. The full set these guards were wearing could buy half a city.

"Are you here for the Emperor?" One of the guards spoke, exhausted and disinterested.



The other guard swung open the door and gestured for Cain to enter. Stepping inside, he was greeted by a sight that imbodied the personification of despair.

A group of servant girls stood huddled outside a door, their expressions etched with fear. And then, a sudden shift occurred—the once-pleasured moans that had leaked through the door transformed into cries of distress.

Screams of help broke through the air as terrorized pleas entered the ears of everyone present. Large bashing noises would echo, and then the Emperor's voice sounded, clear and cold.


The next girl entered. She was crying, and her eyes were red and puffy. It wasn't even a second upon entry that a punch could be heard, and blood spilled through the bottom of the door.

"Why are you crying? You dare cry in front of me! Next one!"

Terrified couldn't even be used to explain the atmosphere. The next girl shuffled forward, her vacant eyes mirroring a soul drained of all hope. Thoughts no longer occupied her mind; she had surrendered to the grim reality long ago, accepting her fate as an inevitable sacrifice.

Cain could care less about all this and gracefully sat down, waiting his turn amidst the stifling atmosphere. Every creak of the floorboards and distant echoes of violence seeped into his senses, amplifying the fear in those around him.

He was hoping the Emperor would get tired by the time he entered his chambers. It would make this far easier, and Cain could finish the imminent fight easily.